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October 2008-January 2009
Follow the story of 14 endangered Whooping Crane chicks making their first journey south as ultralight airplane "parents" teach them the way.
Welcome to New Participants! >>


Winter & Spring

News >>

January 15: Down to get ready for St. Marks arrival! >>

Stories, activities, videos, pictures, and slideshows for kids >>

Fourteen chicks began migration October 17!

You met the "Class of 2008" from egg to first flight in weekly "countdown" reports. Now join their first migration with travel reports from October to early December. >>

Lessons, Activities and Information for the Classroom >>

Asked by students and answered by the expert

Other News

  • Classrooms in Action: Students Helping Cranes >>
  • How You Can Help Whooping Cranes >>



In Collaboration with Operation Migration and the entire Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership

"The wildlife equivalent to putting a man on the moon!"
--Marshall Jones, USFWS, on the human-assisted migrations to reintroduce whooping cranes to Eastern North America



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