U.S. Geological Survey - Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

How Hawaiian Volcanoes Work


Much of the present research on Hawaiian volcanoes is directed toward understanding how they work. Through interdisciplinary study of their geologic histories and structure, the geochemistry of their gases and erupted lavas, their historical eruptions, and their seismicity, HVO scientists and colleagues try to answer questions about the physical and chemical dynamics of magma formation, accumulation, ascent, storage, intrusion, eruption, structural evolution, and volcanic hazards.

Below we describe a few results of work on Hawai`i's volcanoes.

Deformation of summit calderas

Creation of new land and associated hazards

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The URL of this page is http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/howwork/intro_txt.html
Contact: hvowebmaster@usgs.gov
Updated : 13 June 2002 (pnf)