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WasteWise Program

Corporations, businesses, and organizations are continually increasing their efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials, benefiting both the environment and their bottom line. Businesses are also a cornerstone of the community, and corporate citizenship is an important factor in today's business world.

EPA offers resources to help organizations and decision makers manage materials effectively, communicate the benefits of waste management, and educate and motivate employees. Employee involvement is critical to the success of an organization's waste reduction program. This page contains resources for:

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Businesses and Organizations

How to Start or Expand a Recycling Collection Program (PDF) (4 pp, 60K)
Provides basic information on establishing recycling collection programs in any setting, with a focus on collection in offices. Discusses identifying, collecting and storing recyclable materials, as well as starting a collection program", finding a market, selling collected materials, and monitoring and evaluating success.

Business Guide for Reducing Solid Waste (PDF) (82 pp, 50MB)
Provides information for business on how they can reduce solid waste.

You Dump It, You Drink It Campaign
Focuses on the proper management of used motor oil and includes a variety of free, printed information materials that are available in both Spanish and English. The materials were developed over a 12-month period, using information collected during a series of focus groups, one-on-one telephone interviews, and on-the-job observations of employees in major Hispanic population centers.

Spotlight on Waste Prevention: EPA's Program to Reduce Solid Waste at the Source (PDF) (20 pp, 395K)
Describes EPA's initiative to reduce municipal solid waste. Focuses on examples of how source reduction efforts benefit business and industry, governments, and consumers. Also details EPA's efforts in helping prevent waste.

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Small Business

Managing Your Hazardous Waste: A Guide for Small Businesses (PDF) (4 pp, 1.2MB)
Provides an overview to help small business owners and operators understand how best to comply with federal hazardous waste management regulations. Defines the three categories of hazardous waste generators: small, large, and conditionally exempt. Assists small quantity generators in determining if federal regulations apply. For additional information, see the Hazardous Waste Code Table (PDF) (1 pg, 68K). Also available en EspaƱol (PDF). (1 pg, 69K)

Recycling Means Business (PDF) (20 pp, 1.7MB)
Discusses barriers that must be addressed in shifting to an environmentally responsible manufacturing economy that conserves natural resources, energy, and disposal capacity.

Managing Used Oil: Advice for Small Businesses
Summarizes EPA's used oil management standards for businesses such as service stations, fleet maintenance facilities, and "quick lube" shops that generate and handle used oil. Explains standards businesses should observe when handling used oil and oil filters. Recommends cleanup practices.

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Food Service Organizations

Putting Surplus Food to Good Use: A How-To Guide for Food Service Providers (PDF) (2 pp, 1.1MB)
Provides guidance for food service providers-supermarkets, hospitals, universities, restaurants, and food preparation companies-about what to do with leftover food.

Waste Not/Want Not: A Guide for Feeding the Hungry Through Food Recovery (PDF) (59 pp, 1.5MB)
Explains how any state, municipality, or private business that deals with food, can reduce its solid waste by facilitating the donation of wholesome surplus food according to the food hierarchy. Also lists ways you can join the growing food recovery movement, and provides a framework to help you protect the environment while making a difference in the daily lives and futures of hungry families across our nation.

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Specialized Organizations and Services

RCRA in Focus: Photo Processing (PDF) (20 pp, 679K)
Provides an overview of the federal regulations that members of the photo processing industry are required to follow. Also lists the photo processing industry wastes that are likely to be hazardous.

RCRA in Focus: Dry Cleaning (PDF) (20 pp, 548K)
Provides an overview of the federal regulations that members of the dry cleaning industry are required to follow. Also lists the dry cleaning process wastes that are likely to be hazardous.

RCRA in Focus: Printing (PDF) (15 pp, 245K)
Provides an overview of the federal regulations that members of the printing industry (including printers, lithographers, and flexographers) are required to follow. Also lists the printing process wastes that are likely to be hazardous.

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