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Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2005

Financial Section

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Note 15. Liabilities Not Covered by Budgetary Resources


Liabilities not Covered by Budgetary Resources
(In Thousands)
  FY 2005 FY 2004
Accrued FECA Liability $   28,485 $   28,272
Other      4,110
single underline
single underline
Total Intragovernmental     32,595     28,866

Accrued Payroll
    21,359     20,361
Accrued Annual Leave    194,771    186,406
Federal Employee Benefits    569,114    557,679
Environmental and Disposal Liabilities     73,311     78,687
Contingent Liabilities      3,383     22,786
Capital Lease Liabilities        694     13,398
Unearned Revenue    690,488    570,817
ITA Foreign Service Nationals' Voluntary Separation Pay      9,453      9,344
Other      3,725
single underline
single underline
Total $1,598,893
double underline
double underline

Due to USPTO’s funding structure, budgetary resources do not cover a portion of its Unearned Revenue. The Unearned Revenue as of September 30 reported above is the portion of USPTO’s Unearned Revenue that is considered not covered by budgetary resources. USPTO’s Unearned Revenue is a liability for revenue received before the patent or trademark work has been completed. Budgetary resources derived from the current reporting period’s revenue have been partially used to cover the current reporting period’s costs associated with unearned revenue from a prior reporting period. In addition, the current patent fee structure sets low initial application fees that are followed by income from maintenance fees as a supplement in later years to cover the full cost of the patent examination and issuance processes. The combination of these funding circumstances requires USPTO to obtain additional budgetary resources to cover its liability for unearned revenue.


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