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Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2005

Financial Section

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Note 2. Fund Balance with Treasury


Fund Balance with Treasury, by type, is as follows:

Fund Balance with Treasury by Type
(In Thousands)
  FY 2005 FY 2004
General Funds $5,926,327 $5,696,123
Revolving Funds    735,344    582,275
Special Fund (Patent and Trademark Surcharge Fund)    233,529    233,529
Other Special Funds     43,223     45,443
Deposit Funds     88,856     87,589
Trust Funds      1,303      1,267
Other Fund Types     12,687
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Total $7,041,269
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Status of Fund Balance with Treasury is as follows: 

Status of Fund Balance with Treasury
(In Thousands)
  FY 2005 FY 2004
Temporarily Not Available Pursuant to Public Law $  547,232 $  516,499
Unobligated Balance    
Available    674,954    635,948
Unavailable    216,611    182,935
Obligated Balance Not Yet Disbursed  5,265,046  4,989,078
Non-budgetary    337,426
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Total $7,041,269
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See Note 18, Combined Statements of Budgetary Resources, for legal arrangements affecting the Department’s use of Fund Balance with Treasury for FY 2005 and FY 2004.


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