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Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2005


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Appendix B: Performance Goals and Measures that Have Been Discontinued or Changed



Enhance economic growth for all Americans by developing partnerships with private sector and nongovernmental organizations

Performance Goal: Increase private enterprise and job creation in economically distressed communities (EDA)
  • State and local dollars committed per EDA dollar
  • Percentage of investments in regions of highest distress
  • Percentage of EDA dollars invested in technology-related projects in distressed areas
Change Measures discontinued
Justification EDA discontinued these performance measures because they did not reflect its outcome efforts. These measures were originally designed to provide results the same year as the investment was awarded in lieu of actual job and private investment data that had not yet been realized and reported yet. EDA will continue to track these measures internally for quality assurance.

Performance Goal: Improve community capacity to achieve and sustain economic growth (EDA)
Percentage of local technical assistance and economic adjustment strategy investments awarded in regions of highest distress
Change Measure discontinued

EDA discontinued this measure because it did not reflect its outcome efforts. EDA will continue to track this measure internally for quality assurance.

Performance Goal: Increase trade opportunities for U.S. firms to advance the United States international commerce and strategic interests (ITA)
Change Goal reworded as “Strengthen U.S industries (ITA)”
Justification ITA reorganized in FY 2004 with a greater focus on the U.S. manufacturing industry. Strengthening the U.S. manufacturing sector is a top priority of the President. This performance goal was redrafted to reflect the expanded goal to “Strengthen U.S. industries.”
Number of new or enhanced ITA partnerships with public and private sector entities to promote U.S. exports
Change Measure deleted

Measuring the partnership build rate from an established baseline was not a critical result and obtaining the information was difficult and unreliable.

Trade policy and negotiations advancement
Change Measure deleted
Justification In FY 2004 this was a new measure with no targets yet established. As part of ITA’s consolidation of goals and measures, ITA has chosen not to report on this measure for this report.
Dollar exports in targeted products and markets
Change Measure deleted
Justification This measured a macro-economic trend that was not an effective indicator of ITA’s involvement.

Performance Goal: Expand U.S. exporter base (ITA)
Dollar value of completed advocacies (U.S. export content)
Change Measure deleted

ITA determined that the “dollar value” data is less valid because it is influenced by the dollar exchange rate, a significant external factor.

Performance Goal: Improve customer and stakeholder satisfaction (ITA)
  • Customer satisfaction with ITA’s products and services
  • Customer perception of ease of access to export and trade information and data
  • Level of awareness of ITA products and services
  • Number of U.S. exporter activities undertaken per customer surveyed
Change Goal and measures discontinued

ITA reorganized in FY 2004, streamlining its performance management so as to work under three major agency-specific goals. The three goals are more closely aligned with changes to ITA’s mission. The work associated with these goals will continued to be measured with activities and results incorporated into the three goals.

Performance Goal: Improve the U.S. competitive advantage through global e-commerce (ITA)
  • Number of new subscribers using e-services
  • Customer perception of ( portal ease of use
  • Percentage of ITA’s significant products and services provided electronically to external customers
Change Goal and measures discontinued

ITA reorganized in FY 2004, streamlining its performance management so as to work under three major agency-specific goals. The three goals are more closely aligned with changes to ITA’s mission. The work associated with these goals will continued to be measured with activities and results incorporated into the three goals.

Performance Goal: Increase opportunities and access of minority-owned businesses to the marketplace and financing (MBDA)
Change Goal reworded as “Increase access to the marketplace and financing for minority-owned businesses (MBDA)”
Justification MBDA determined that the new wording of this performance goal better reflects the outcome orientation of the goal.
Total number of all clients receiving assistance
Change Measure reworded as “Clients receiving services”
Justification Ther term “services” better reflects MDBA’s role rather than “assistance.”
  • Number of contract awards obtained
  • Number of financial awards obtained
  • Employees training hours
Change Measures discontinued
Justification These measures represent outputs rather than outcomes. MBDA will continue to track them internally.


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