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Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) in the Upper Midwest

Court ruling places western Great Lakes Gray Wolf back under Endangered Species Act protections - September 30, 2008

Our Solicitors are working on the next steps that the Service will take to address the court ruling. When new information is available, we will post it on this site.

Delisting of Wolves in Western Great Lakes States:

bulletNews Release (Jan. 29, 2007)


bulletQ and A's

Federal Actions Affecting Gray Wolf ESA Status in the Upper Midwest

bulletPost Delisting Monitoring Plan for the Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment of the Gray Wolf (February 2008)

bulletJune 4, 2007 - Draft Post-delisting Monitoring Plan Available for Review and Comment

bulletMarch 12, 2007 - Final Delisting Becomes Effective

bulletFebruary 8, 2007 - Delisting Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes DPS

bulletMarch 2006 - Proposal to Delist the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment

bulletDecember 2005 - Department of Interior declines to appeal Oregon and Vermont Court decisions

bulletAugust 2005 - Vermont court ruling overturns 2003 Final Rule and eliminates gray wolf Eastern Distinct Population Segment (PDF)

bulletJanuary 2005 - Oregon court opinion overturns 2003 final rule and nullifies the 2004 delisting proposal

bullet2004 - Proposal to delist the gray wolf Eastern Distinct Population Segment

bullet2003 - Final Rule to designate 3 Distinct Population Segments and change the ESA status of the gray wolf throughout most of the lower 48 States

bullet2000 - Proposal to change the ESA status of the gray wolf throughout most of the lower 48 States

bullet1978 - Reclassification of the Gray Wolf in the United States and Mexico, with Determination of Critical Habitat in Michigan and Minnesota (PDF)

bullet1974 - Gray wolf listed as endangered in the lower 48 States and Mexico

Gray Wolf Facts

bulletWhere are gray wolves found and how many are there?

bulletFact Sheet

bulletQuestions and Answers


bulletWolf Depredation Control

bulletGray wolf recovery in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Wolf Recovery Activities in Other Areas of the U.S.

bulletNorthern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Program

bulletMexican Wolf Recovery Program

bulletRed Wolf Recovery Program

photo of wolf howling

bulletWolf Tracks IX (April 2007)

Revised October 14, 2008

Gray Wolf Recovery Areas:
Upper Midwest| Northern Rockies | Southwestern (Mexican Wolf)

USFWS Home Pages:
USFWS |USFWS Endangered Species | Midwest Region | Midwest Region's Endangered Species