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Spatial Data Management Spatial Data Management Overview

Deb Asher
(202) 501-2497

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The Spatial Data Management (SDM) program is GSA's national effort to create, update and maintain its spatial data and associated CAD drawings to accurately reflect the national federally owned inventory. 

Where available, building drawings are the basis for the assignment data and square footage information for tenant rent bills. Through the creation and maintenance of those drawings, SDM supports timely and accurate bills for our customers.  As such, SDM is integral to the process of proper revenue generation.

The SDM program helps GSA to maximize the performance and utilization of each asset while identifying the most efficient and cost effective way to house federal employees.

Real Property Asset Management (RPAM) provides national program support to the Regional SDM programs through policy & guidance:

  • PBS Business Assignment Guide
  • SDM National Business Process Flow
  • Coordination of significant SDM projects

Regional SDM programs reinforce efficient management of GSA’s real estate portfolio. Asset managers require accurate inventory and assignment information through the Regional SDM programs to make more informed asset decisions.

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