[Federal Register: March 22, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 56)]
[Page 13328-13329]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



[OPP-66300A; FRL-6831-6]

Notice of Receipt of Requests to Cancel Certain Chromated Copper 
Arsenate (CCA) Wood Preservative Products and Amend to Terminate 
Certain Uses of CCA Products; Extension of Comment Period

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice; extension of public comment period.


SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 6(f)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, 
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, EPA issued a notice 
of receipt of requests from registrants of affected chromated copper 
arsenate (CCA) products to cancel certain products and to amend to 
terminate certain uses of other CCA products. In the notice published 
on February 22, 2002, the Agency provided a 30-day comment period that 
expires on March 25, 2002. In a letter submitted on behalf of Elementis 
PLC and dated March 11, 2002, an extension of the period for submission 
of public comments was requested. After due consideration of the 
registrant's request, the Agency, by

[[Page 13329]]

this notice, is hereby announcing that the deadline for submitting 
comments is extended from March 25, 2002, to April 9, 2002.

DATES: Comments on the matters announced in the February 22, 2002 
Federal Register notice must be received on or before April 9, 2002.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted by mail, electronically, or in 
person. Please follow the detailed instructions for each method as 
provided in Unit I. of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION of the February 22 
Federal Register. To ensure proper receipt by EPA, it is imperative 
that you identify docket control number OPP-66300A in the subject line 
on the first page of your response.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Bonaventure Akinlosotu, 
Antimicrobial Division, Office of Pesticide Programs (7510C), 
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., 
Washington, DC 20460. Office location for commercial courier delivery, 
telephone number, and e-mail address: Rm. 308, Crystal Mall #2, 1921 
Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202, (703) 605-0653; e-mail: 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: For additional information see the initial 
Federal Register notice of February 22, 2002 (67 FR 8244) (FRL-6826-8). 
A copy of the letter requesting the time extension has been placed in 
the official record of this action (docket control number OPP-66300).

I. Does this Action Apply to Me?

    This action is directed to the public in general. You may be 
potentially affected by this action if you manufacture, sell, 
distribute, or use CCA products. The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 
801 et seq., as added by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement 
Fairness Act of 1996, does not apply because this action is not a rule, 
for purposes of 5 U.S.C. 804(3). Since other entities may also be 
interested, the Agency has not attempted to describe all the specific 
entities that may be affected by this action. If you have any questions 
regarding the applicability of this action to a particular entity, 
consult the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.

II. How Can I Get Additional Information, Including Copies of this 
Document and Other Related Documents?

    1. Electronically. You may obtain electronic copies of this 
document, and certain other related documents that might be available 
electronically, from the EPA Internet Home Page at http://www.epa.gov/. 
To access this document, on the Home Page select ``Laws and 
Regulations,'' ``Regulations and Proposed Rules'' and then look up the 
entry for this document under the ``Federal Register--Environmental 
Documents.'' You can also go directly to the Federal Register listings 
at http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/.
    2. In person. The Agency has established an official record for 
this action under docket control number OPP-66300. The official record 
consists of the documents specifically referenced in this action, any 
public comments received during an applicable comment period, and other 
information related to this action, including any information claimed 
as Confidential Business Information (CBI). This official record 
includes the documents that are physically located in the docket, as 
well as the documents that are referenced in those documents. The 
public version of the official record does not include any information 
claimed as CBI. The public version of the official record, which 
includes printed, paper versions of any electronic comments submitted 
during an applicable comment period, is available for inspection in the 
Public Information and Records Integrity Branch (PIRIB), Rm. 119, 
Crystal Mall #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA, from 8:30 
a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
PIRIB telephone number is (703) 305-5805.

List of Subjects

    Environmental protection.

    Dated: March 18, 2002.
  Frank Sanders,
Director, Antimicrobial Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 02-6943 Filed 3-21-02; 8:45 a.m.]