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Industry Facts

Value of shipments for this industry decreased 26% between 1997 and 2002.

Other chemical and fertilizer mineral mining (NAICS 212393)

For more statistics on this industry, see the
Industry Statistics Sampler.

For comparisons 1997 to 2002, see Comparative Statistics.

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in 2002

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Shipments (Mil $) 348
Payroll (Mil $) 81
Employees 1,963
Establishments 47
Industry Ratios 2002
Total shipments (Mil $) 348
Shipments per establishment ($000) 7,400
Shipments per employee ($) 177,167
Shipments per $ of payroll ($) 4.30
Annual payroll per employee ($) 41,169
Employees per establishment 41
Shipments per capita ($) 1.21
Establishments per million residents 0.2

Shipments Per Capita ($)

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