[Federal Register: August 29, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 168)]
[Page 55399-55400]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Docket No. ER99-1477-001, et al.]

UAE Lowell Power LLC, et al.; Electric Rate and Corporate 
Regulation Filings

August 22, 2002.
    The following filings have been made with the Commission. The 
filings are listed in ascending order within each docket 

1. UAE Lowell Power LLC

[Docket No. ER99-1477-001]

    Take notice that on August 16, 2002, UAE Lowell Power LLC tendered 
for filing their triennial market power updates in support of 
authorization to engage in wholesale sales of electric energy at 
market-based rates.
    Comment Date: September 6, 2002

2. Neptune Regional Transmission System, LLC

[Docket No. ER01-2099-002]

    Take notice that on August 13, 2002, Neptune Regional Transmission 
System, LLC (Neptune), filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission (Commission), a motion to modify certain provisions of the 
Commission's orders in the proceeding in Docket No. ER01-2099-000: 
Neptune Regional Transmission System, LLC, 96 FERC [para] 61,147 
(2001), order on reh'g, 96 FERC [para] 61,326 (2001), order on 
clarification, 98 FERC [para] 61,140 (2002).
    Neptune requests that the Commission amend its prior orders to 
permit Neptune to negotiate to sell long-term Transmission Scheduling 
Rights (TSRs) outside of an open season process, that the Commission 
permit affiliate participation in the initial allocation or sale of 
TSRs as well as in the secondary market for TSRs, and that the 
Commission clarify that the deadline for recalling TSRs lost in the 
``use it or lose it'' process can be identical to the deadline under 
the Standard Market Design tariff for changing transmission schedules.
    Neptune claims that the open season process is impractical and 
unnecessary to achieving Commission goals, that there are no market 
power concerns present with respect to allowing affiliate participation 
in the initial allocation or sale of TSRs, that the open season 
requirement and affiliate restrictions are inconsistent with the 
Commission's Standard Market Design, and that TSR holders should be 
allowed to exercise their recall rights within the same time-frames as 
a market participant would be

[[Page 55400]]

allowed to change their day-ahead schedules according to the Standard 
Market Design Tariff.
    Comment Date: September 5, 2002

3. Boston Edison Company

[Docket No. ER02-170-004]

    Take notice that on August 16, 2002, Boston Edison Company (BECo), 
in compliance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's 
(Commission) Order dated March 15, 2002 and in accordance with its own 
letter to the Commission dated July 18, 2002 tendered a further 
compliance filing relative to its Rate Schedule No. 167 for service to 
the Town of Wellesley, Massachusetts. The tendered compliance filing is 
intended to replace BECo's prior compliance filing dated July 9, 2002. 
BECo requests and May 31, 2002 effective date.
    Copies of the filing were served upon the Town of Wellesley, 
Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications 
and Energy.
    Comment Date: September 6, 2002

4. American Electric Power Service Corporation

[Docket No. ER02-711-003]

    Take notice that on August 19, 2002, the American Electric Power 
Service Corporation (AEPSC) tendered for filing an Amended 
Interconnection and Parallel Operation Agreement between Southwestern 
Electric Power Company (SWEPCO), Entergy Power Ventures, L.P., 
Northeast Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc., and EN Services, L.P., in 
compliance with the Order Conditionally Accepting for Filing 
Interconnection Agreement, as Modified, and Directing Compliance 
Filing, Dockets Nos. ER02-711-000, 001, issued July 19, 2002. The 
agreement is pursuant to the AEP Companies' Open Access Transmission 
Service Tariff (OATT) that has been designated as the Operating 
Companies of the American Electric Power System FERC Electric Tariff 
Second Revised Volume No. 6, effective June 15, 2000.
    SWEPCO requests an effective date of March 5, 2002. Copies of 
SWEPCO's filing have been served upon Entergy Power ventures, LP, 
Northeast Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc., EN Services, L.P. and the 
Public Utility Commission of Texas.
    Comment Date: September 9, 2002

5. Nevada Power Company

[Docket No. ER02-1913-002]

    Take notice that on August 16, 2002, Nevada Power Company (Nevada 
Power) tendered for filing its compliance filing making the changes to 
the unexecuted Interconnection and Operation Agreement between Nevada 
Power and Gen West, LLC required by the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission's July 19, 2002 Order in this docket.
    Comment Date: September 6, 2002

6. Virginia Electric and Power Company

[Docket No. ER02-2437-001]

    Take notice that on August 19, 2002, Virginia Electric and Power 
Company d/b/a/ Dominion Virginia Power supplemented its initial July 
29, 2002 filing in this matter, filing revised tariff sheets to revise 
a job title set forth in Attachment N to Virginia Electric and Power 
Company's FERC Electric Tariff, Second Revised Volume No. 5 (OATT) 
addressing Dominion Virginia Power's Generator Interconnection 
    Dominion Virginia Power requests that the revised tariff sheets 
become effective on August 20, 2002.
    Comment Date: September 9, 2002

7. Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation

[Docket No. OA96-194-010]

    Take notice that on August 15, 2002, Niagara Mohawk Power 
Corporation (Niagara Mohawk) tendered for filing its Second Refund 
Report in the above-referenced proceeding in conformance with the 
requirements of the July 2, 2002 Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission (Commission) in this proceeding.
    Copies of the filing have been served on all parties listed on the 
official service list maintained by the Commission for this proceeding.
    Comment Date: September 5, 2002

Standard Paragraph

    E. Any person desiring to intervene or to protest this filing 
should file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First 
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426, in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 
of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 
385.214). Protests will be considered by the Commission in determining 
the appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make 
protestants parties to the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a 
party must file a motion to intervene. All such motions or protests 
should be filed on or before the comment date, and, to the extent 
applicable, must be served on the applicant and on any other person 
designated on the official service list. This filing is available for 
review at the Commission or may be viewed on the Commission's web site 
at http://www.ferc.gov using the ``RIMS'' link, select ``Docket 
'' and follow the instructions (call 202-208-2222 for 
assistance). Protests and interventions may be filed electronically via 
the Internet in lieu of paper; see 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the 
instructions on the Commission's web site under the ``e-Filing'' link.

Linwood A. Watson, Jr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 02-22156 Filed 8-28-02; 8:45 am]