[Federal Register: December 20, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 245)]
[Page 77963-77965]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



[Recommendation 2002-3]

Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of 
Administrative Controls

AGENCY: Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.

ACTION: Notice, recommendation.


SUMMARY: The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board has made a 
recommendation to the Secretary of Energy pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 
2286a(a)(5) concerning requirements for the design, implementation, and 
maintenance of administrative controls.

DATES: Comments, data, views, or arguments concerning the 
recommendation are due on or before January 21, 2003.

ADDRESSES: Send comments, data, views, or arguments concerning this 
recommendation to: Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, 625 Indiana 
Avenue, NW., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20004-2001.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kenneth M. Pusateri or Andrew L. 
Thibadeau at the address above or telephone (202) 694-7000.

    Dated: December 16, 2002.
John T. Conway,


    The implementation of an effective and reliable set of controls 
is one of the most important cornerstones of safe operation at 
defense nuclear facilities. In this context, the term ``control'' 
refers to those structures, systems, and components (SSCs) and 
administrative controls that prevent or mitigate undesirable 
consequences of postulated accident scenarios. The Defense Nuclear 
Facilities Safety Board (Board) has

[[Page 77964]]

compiled a set of observations that are particularly relevant to the 
development and implementation of administrative controls in the 
Department of Energy's (DOE) defense nuclear complex. The results of 
these reviews and observations are summarized in this 
    It has been well recognized that administrative controls play an 
important role in establishing and maintaining overall safety of 
nuclear activities. Previous technical reports issued by the Board 
have underscored the need for heightened vigilance in the selection 
and implementation of task-specific administrative controls, as well 
as those of a more programmatic nature (e.g., criticality control 
programs). In particular, in DNFSB/TECH-28, Safety Basis 
Expectations for Existing Department of Energy Defense Nuclear 
Facilities and Activities (October 2000), the Board observed the 
need for DOE to promulgate additional guidance in this area. 
However, DOE has taken little action to provide the degree of 
specificity necessary to properly design, implement, and monitor the 
effectiveness of important administrative controls.
    Administrative controls have been defined in the DOE Nuclear 
Safety Management rule as, ``* * * the provisions relating to the 
organization, management, procedures, recordkeeping, assessment, and 
reporting necessary to ensure safe operation of a facility.'' 10 CFR 
830.3(a). In practice, however, the concept of an administrative 
control is used more broadly in the context of hazard prevention and 
mitigation. In this regard, an administrative control can be viewed 
as an extension of a hazard control and defined accordingly. Thus 
from a broader and more operational perspective, some administrative 
controls should be treated similarly to engineered or design 
features that are used to eliminate, limit, or mitigate potential 
    DOE has promulgated guidance to assist facilities in the 
classification of controls. In general, controls necessary to 
prevent or mitigate significant consequences to the public are 
classified as ``safety-class'' and controls which contribute 
significantly to defense-in-depth or worker safety are classified as 
``safety-significant.'' However, this guidance has been directed 
primarily at engineered controls and has been largely silent with 
respect to the functional classification of administrative controls. 
The Board has observed a number of instances in which administrative 
controls have been implemented in situations where a corresponding 
engineered feature would warrant functional classification as either 
safety-significant or safety-class. A number of defense nuclear 
facilities have explicitly characterized certain administrative 
controls as either safety-class or safety-significant from a 
functional classification perspective in the context of existing DOE 
    In addition to controls involving discrete operator actions, a 
number of administrative controls are more programmatic in nature. 
Examples of such programmatic controls include combustible loading 
programs (associated with fire protection programs), operator 
training programs, and inservice inspection programs. The Board has 
observed a number of instances, similar to the examples involving 
specific operator actions, in which such programmatic controls are 
credited for the prevention and mitigation of specific hazard 

Weaknesses in the Implementation of Important Administrative Controls

    The Board has observed that the development and implementation 
of important administrative controls have not always conformed to 
the expectations and quality standards that would be applied to 
corresponding safety-class engineered features. The following 
examples illustrate this point:
    1. During a review of the process controls for a new aqueous 
recovery line for plutonium 238 (Pu-238) at Los Alamos National 
Laboratory (LANL), the Board found that the facility had placed 
heavy reliance on administrative controls in lieu of engineered 
controls. However, LANL had not planned to incorporate many of these 
administrative controls, some of which were safety-related, into 
Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs) prior to the startup of the Pu-
238 recovery process. Examples include procedural controls on the 
makeup of strong acids used to elute ion exchange resin and 
procedural controls designed to monitor for resin dryout. Strong 
acids can react violently with the ion exchange resin, and resin 
dryout can also lead to energetic reactions. These concerns were 
communicated to DOE in a Board letter dated April 23, 2002.
    2. During a review at the Y-12 National Security Complex, the 
Board noted that the fire protection program for Building 9212 B-1 
Wing identified 21 administrative controls needed to protect the 
facility during testing and process restart. These administrative 
controls include operational considerations in the use of organic 
solvents, a transient combustible control program, control of 
ignition sources, and designated laydown areas for combustible 
materials. The Board determined that the various administrative 
controls were not always updated or modified to reflect changes in 
plans or equipment, and that there were significant deficiencies in 
the contractor's compliance with these controls. Most important, 
there was no program providing for a periodic review to verify that 
the administrative controls associated with B-1 Wing remained fully 
effective. Significantly, many of these administrative controls 
could be supplanted by the installation of an engineered control-a 
fire suppression system. These issues were communicated to DOE in a 
letter from the Board dated May 13, 2002.
    3. At the Savannah River Site, the safety analysis for HB-Line 
Phase 2 operations contains requirements for strict control of 
combustibles in rooms 410N and 410S to protect the process tanks in 
the area. The controls limit the total quantity of combustibles to 
400 pounds wood equivalent and specify separation distances between 
combustibles and tank supports. However, the transient combustible 
control procedure did not include this portion of HB-Line, 
indicating that this administrative control was not complete. 
Further, a review by Westinghouse Savannah River Company (WSRC) 
indicated that the quantity of combustibles in the area may actually 
be as high as 5,670 pounds wood equivalent, providing sufficient 
fuel to produce a high-temperature (1200[deg]C) flashover fire in 
the area and boil off the tank contents. As a result, it was 
determined that combustible control was no longer a viable 
administrative control for this area. Instead, WSRC has implemented 
an additional administrative control to limit the concentration of 
plutonium in the tanks to 5.5 grams per liter to prevent 
unacceptable consequences of a fire in this area. The details of 
these issues were documented in a letter from the Board dated July 
20, 2001.


    The development, selection, and implementation of an effective 
set of hazard controls are among the most important elements of 
nuclear safety. At defense nuclear facilities, DOE has established a 
priority system that favors preventive over mitigative measures, and 
passive design features over active controls. The approved system 
recognizes that, where necessary or practical, administrative 
controls may play an important role in hazard prevention and 
    In the Board's view, the activities associated with the 
development, implementation, and ongoing verification and validation 
of safety-class and safety-significant administrative controls 
should be conducted with the same degree of rigor and quality 
assurance as that afforded engineered controls or design features 
with similar safety importance. Therefore, the Board recommends the 
    1. DOE should promulgate a set of requirements for safety-class 
and safety-significant administrative controls to establish 
appropriate expectations for the design, implementation, and 
maintenance of these important safety controls. The requirements 
should address the following at a minimum:
    (a) Specific design attributes to ensure effectiveness and 
    (b) Specific TSRs and limiting conditions of operation;
    (c) Specific training and qualifications to ensure that the 
appropriate facility operators, maintenance and engineering 
personnel, plant management, and other staff properly implement each 
    (d) Periodic reverification that each control remains effective; 
    (e) Root cause and failure analyses, similar to those required 
upon failure of an engineered system.
    2. DOE should ensure that all existing administrative controls 
that serve the function of a safety-class or safety-significant 
control are evaluated against these new requirements and upgraded as 
necessary and appropriate to meet DOE's expectations.

John T. Conway,

[[Page 77965]]

Appendix--Transmittal Letter to the Secretary of Energy

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

December 11, 2002.
The Honorable Spencer Abraham,
Secretary of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 

    Dear Secretary Abraham: The prevention and mitigation of 
potential accidents inherent in the mission activities at defense 
nuclear facilities is a fundamental objective of both the Department 
of Energy (DOE) and the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 
(Board). This objective requires DOE and its contractors to identify 
accident scenarios and then establish effective and reliable safety 
controls to address them. Engineered controls are preferred over 
administrative controls because, in general, engineered controls are 
considered to be more reliable and effective than administrative 
controls. However, in certain applications, DOE and its contractors 
have concluded that discrete operator actions or administrative 
controls are required to address consequences of accidents that 
would otherwise be unacceptable.
    The Board agrees with DOE's overall guidance for a hierarchy of 
controls and agrees that administrative controls are sometimes 
appropriate to prevent or mitigate accident consequences--even those 
that exceed evaluation guidelines for risk to the public. However, 
the Board has identified a number of administrative safety controls, 
proposed or in use, at various defense nuclear facilities that are 
technically inadequate. In many cases, DOE and/or its contractors 
have asserted that the methods used to establish these 
administrative controls comply with existing DOE directives. After 
further analysis, the Board has concluded that the DOE directives 
system does not contain adequate requirements for the design, 
implementation, and maintenance of important safety-related 
administrative controls to ensure that they will be effective and 
    As a result, the Board on December 11, 2002, unanimously 
approved Recommendation 2002-3, Requirements for the Design, 
Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls, which is 
enclosed for your consideration. After your receipt of this 
recommendation and as required by 42 U.S.C. 2286d(a), the Board will 
promptly make it available to the public. The Board believes that 
the recommendation contains no information that is classified or 
otherwise restricted. To the extent this recommendation does not 
include information restricted by DOE under the Atomic Energy Act of 
1954, 42 U.S.C. 2161-68, as amended, please see that it is promptly 
placed on file in your regional public reading rooms. The Board will 
also publish this recommendation in the Federal Register. The Board 
will evaluate the Department of Energy response to this 
recommendation in accordance with Board Policy Statement 1, Criteria 
for Judging the Adequacy of DOE Responses and Implementation Plans 
for Board Recommendations.
John T. Conway,

[FR Doc. 02-32033 Filed 12-19-02; 8:45 am]