The Center for Climate Change and Environmental Forecasting
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Table 2.6 Tonnage on study area inland and coastal waterways, 2003.

(Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Commerce of the United States, 2003)

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Waterways Segments Within Study Area 2003 Short Tons (Millions)
Mississippi River, Baton Rouge to New Orleans, LA 212.9
Mississippi River, Mouth of Ohio to Baton Rouge, LA 185.5
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, TX-FL 117.8
Mississippi River, New Orleans, LA, to Gulf of Mexico 115.8
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Port Allen Route, LA 24.3
Black Warrior and Tombigbee Rivers, AL 21.0
Atchafalaya River, LA 9.8
Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, AL and MS 5.2
Red River, LA 4.2
Chocolate Bayou, TX 3.3
Petit Anse, Tigre, Carlin bayous, LA 2.5
Ouachita and Black Rivers, AR and LA 2.2
Bayou Teche, LA 1.4
Subtotal for Waterway Segments Within Study Area 705.9
Subtotal for Full Gulf Coast and Mississippi River Systems, including Waterway Segments Within or Connecting to Study Area 1,650.5
National Total of All Major Inland and Coastal Waterway Segments 1,717.0