[Federal Register: June 28, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 125)]
[Page 43632-43633]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of 

    Part F of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations 
of Authority for the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers 
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), (Federal Register, Vol. 67, No. 
81, pp. 20804-20805 dated April 26, 2002) is amended to reflect a 
change to the organizational structure of CMS by establishing the 
Office of Operations Management.
    The specific amendments to part F are described below:
     Section F.10. (Organization) is amended to read as 

1. Public Affairs Office (FAC)
2. Center for Beneficiary Choices (FAE)
3. Office of Legislation (FAF)
4. Center for Medicare Management (FAH)
5. Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (FAJ)
6. Office of Research, Demonstration, and Information (FAK)
7. Office of Communications and Operations Support (FAL)
8. Office of Clinical Standards and Quality (FAM)
9. Office of the Actuary (FAN)
10. Center for Medicaid and State Operations (FAS)
11. Northeastern Consortium (FAU)
12. Southern Consortium (FAV)
13. Midwestern Consortium (FAW)
14. Western Consortium (FAX)
15. Office of Operations Management (FAY)
16. Office of Internal Customer Support (FBA)
17. Office of Information Services (FBB)
18. Office of Financial Management (FBC)

     Section F.20. (Functions) is amended by adding the 
functional statement for the Office of Operations Management. The new 
functional statement reads as follows:

[[Page 43633]]

7. Office of Operations Management (FAY)

     Analyzes and evaluates project time lines, schedules, and 
new methodologies. Evaluates and recommends project management 
alternatives to the Deputy Administrator/Chief Operating Officer (COO) 
and the Agency.
     Prepares and presents recommendations to the 
Administrator, Deputy Administrator/ COO, other high level CMS, and 
Department officials on planning, leadership, implementation, and 
policy issues concerning modifications to existing and proposed 
operating policies that will improve the administration and operations 
of programs and the Agency as a whole.
     With appropriate CMS components to collect and disseminate 
data on health care and insurance market trends that affect CMS's 
business risk profile. The Risk Management Staff has the lead for 
monitoring indicators of risk associated with the operations of CMS and 
our business partners.
     Surveys risk assessment techniques in use in the private 
and public sectors and identifies and applies the most useful ones for 
CMS. Helps develop new risk assessment techniques and keeps abreast of 
methodological developments in the professional literature.
     Promotes and teaches risk assessment methods to business 
owners throughout CMS. Promotes awareness of the importance of risk 
analysis as a component of business planning and trains CMS staff in 
specific techniques and their applicability in particular situations.
     Educates and reaches out to the public and internal CMS 
staff on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 
(HIPAA) issues. Formulates and coordinates a public relations campaign, 
prepares and delivers presentations and speeches, responds to inquires 
on HIPAA issues, and liaisons with industry representatives.
     Provides technical coordination regarding development of 
HIPAA tools, including transaction testing, and coordinates 
requirements for Enumeration systems.
     Provides consulting services internally to Agency 
management and staff to identify processes or contracts that need 
improvement, to develop improvement strategies, and to monitor 
processes and improvements over time.
     Participates in Agency-wide initiatives to streamline 
operations, improve accountability and performance, and implement 
management best practices. Provides leadership, training, and coaching 
in the implementation of the initiatives. Promotes a continuous 
improvement ethos.

Specific Project Management Functions

     Develops, in conjunction with staff in CMS centers and 
offices, major project plans, implementation schedules and post 
implementation evaluations.
     Promotes project planning principles throughout the Agency 
and provides technical guidance to the Agency on project planning and 
management techniques.
     Reports to the Deputy Administrator/COO and senior 
officials on progress of Agency priority projects. Negotiates with and 
supports project and component heads regarding project schedules, 
progress, etc.
     Prepares and presents recommendations to senior officials 
regarding major projects.
     Analyzes and evaluates project time lines, schedules, and 
new methodologies. Evaluates and recommends project management 
alternatives to the Deputy Administrator/COO and the Agency.
     Conducts process control analysis and tracking to ensure 
projects are running smoothly.
     Prepares and presents recommendations to the 
Administrator, Deputy Administrator/COO, and other high level CMS and 
Department officials on planning, leadership, implementation and policy 
issues concerning modifications to existing and proposed operating 
policies that will improve the administration and operations of 
programs and the Agency as a whole.

Specific Operational Review Functions

     Plans and conducts targeted operational reviews and 
recommends process and policy improvements to improve the operations of 
the Agency. The subjects of these reviews will be determined through 
regular periodic consultation with the Project Management Staff, Risk 
Management Staff, the Director of the Office of Operations Management, 
and the Deputy Administrator/COO. Drafts written reports summarizing 
conclusions and presents findings to appropriate officials for follow-
up actions.
     Reviews and evaluates enterprise-wide programs, projects, 
and processes to assess their effectiveness and efficiency, compliance 
with laws and regulations, or adequacy of management processes.
     Provides consulting services internally to Agency 
management and staff to identify processes or contracts that need 
improvement, to develop improvement strategies, and to monitor 
processes and improvements over time.
     Participates in agency-wide initiatives to streamline 
operations, improve accountability and performance, and implement 
management best practices. Provides leadership, training, and coaching 
in the implementation of the initiatives. Promotes a continuous 
improvement ethos.
     Collaborates with the Risk Management Staff, Project 
Management Staff, and CMS senior management to identify and address 
enterprise-wide risk factors that lead to ineffective or inefficient 
     Identifies operational vulnerabilities in CMS and develops 
and executes an operational review plan for each fiscal year, subject 
to approval by the Deputy Administrator/COO and other senior leadership 
of CMS.

    Dated: June 5, 2002.
Ruben J. King-Shaw, Jr.,
Deputy Administrator and Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Medicare 
& Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 02-14949 Filed 6-27-02; 8:45 am]