[Federal Register: November 8, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 217)]
[Page 68178-68200]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Employment and Training Administration

Senior Community Service Employment Program Grants for PY 2003

AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration, Labor.

ACTION: Notice of availability of funds and solicitation for grant 
applications (SGA) for the national grants portion of the Senior 
Community Service Employment Program.


SUMMARY: All applicants for grant funds should read this notice in its 
entirety. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL or the Department), 
Division of Older Worker Programs (DOWP) of the Employment and Training 
Administration (ETA), announces a grant competition for the Senior 
Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) authorized under title V 
of the Older Americans Act Amendments of 2000 (OAA Amendments), Pub. L. 
106-501; 42 U.S.C. 3056 et seq. These projects will promote part-time 
employment opportunities in community service activities for 
unemployed, low-income individuals who are age 55 and over, and will 
foster increased prospects for their economic self-sufficiency. Under 
this solicitation, DOWP anticipates that approximately $342,000,000 
will be available for grant awards in Program Year (PY) 2003 (July 1, 
2003-June 30, 2004).
    This notice describes the background, application process, program 
activities, and evaluation criteria for this SGA, and the current 
reporting requirements for SCSEP. The information and forms contained 
in the Supplementary Information Section constitute the official 
application package. All of the information needed to apply for grant 
funding is included. Additional information can be located on the SCSEP 
Web site at: http://wdsc.doleta.gov/seniors.
    Notice: Federal regulations for the SCSEP are being developed. When 
final, they may change reporting and/or other requirements. Applicants 
must abide by the requirements that are in place at the time the grants 
are awarded. Note, however, that the requirements, including the 
regulations, may be revised during the grant period. Successful 
applicants will be responsible for adhering prospectively to any 
revised requirements that go into effect during the grant period, 
including, but not limited to, final regulations.
    Closing Date: Applications, including those hand-delivered, must be 
received at the address below no later than 4:45 p.m., Eastern Time, 
February 6, 2003.
    Notice: All applicants are advised that U.S. mail delivery in the 
Washington, DC area has been erratic due to the recent concerns 
involving anthrax contamination. All applicants must take this into 
consideration when preparing to meet the application deadline, as each 
applicant assumes the risk for ensuring a timely submission of its 
application. If, because of these mail problems, the Department does 
not receive an application or receives it too late to give it proper 
consideration, even if the application was timely mailed, the 
Department will not consider the application. Therefore, it is 
recommended that applicants confirm receipt of their applications by 
contacting Lorraine Saunders, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and 
Training Administration, telephone (202) 693-3336 before the closing 
deadline. [This is not a toll-free number].

ADDRESSES: Applications must be directed to the U.S. Department of 
Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Division of Federal 
Assistance, Attention: Lorraine Saunders, Room S-4203, 200 Constitution 
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210. Her e-mail address is 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Questions should be faxed to Jacquelyn Carter, 
Grants Management Specialist, Division of Federal Assistance, Fax (202) 
693-2879. [This is not a toll-free number]. All inquiries should 
include the SGA number (DFA-02-111) and a contact name, fax and phone 
numbers. This announcement will be published on the Internet on ETA's 
Division of Older Worker Programs' homepage at http://wdsc.doleta.gov/
seniors. Award notifications will also be published on the ETA 


I. Purpose and Background

    The U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Older Worker Programs of 
the Employment and Training Administration is requesting grant 
applications for the provision of community service employment and 
unsubsidized placement of eligible participants (sometimes also 
referred to as enrollees) in accordance with title V of the Older 
Americans Act Amendments of 2000, Pub. L. 106-501, 42 U.S.C. Sec.  3056 
et seq. SCSEP is the only nationwide Federal program that focuses on 
training and placing older individuals into community service positions 
and unsubsidized employment.
    SCSEP is currently authorized through 2005 and provides for at 
least 60,000 positions in which approximately 100,000 participants are 
served each year through part-time employment opportunities in 
community service activities. The purpose of the program is to foster 
useful part-time opportunities in community service activities for 
unemployed low-income persons who are 55 years or older and who have 
poor employment prospects, and to foster individual economic self-
sufficiency by increasing the number of participants who receive the 
benefits of unsubsidized employment in the public and private sectors. 
Program participants work at community service agencies usually for 20 
hours a week and are paid the higher of the Federal or State minimum 
wage. (OAA Amendments Sec.  502(b)(1)(J)).
    The Department is holding a full and open competition for SCSEP 
national grant funds in order to provide better services to SCSEP 
participants, host agencies, employers, and the communities that the 
national grant program serves. Open competition is not only the 
preferred vehicle for obtaining new grantees, but in most cases, it is 
the required vehicle for obtaining new grantees. (Pub. L. 95-224; 43 FR 
36860-65; DMLS-2 Sec.  836 at 8-12; OAA Amendments). The Department 
favors full and open competition because it provides the Department 
with an opportunity to ensure that the best applicants are awarded 
grants and the program is administered to its full potential. It also 
allows new and different entities, including faith-based and community-
based organizations, to become a part of the grantee community.

[[Page 68179]]

    The Department is committed to minimizing disruptions to the extent 
possible and the requirements that applicants and grantees must meet 
reflect this commitment. A selected grantee may be required to 
negotiate with the Department on the geographic areas it will serve so 
that all positions are located in the same State and county in which 
positions are currently located, and to ensure that all geographic 
areas that are currently served continue to be served. Therefore, a 
winning grantee may not be awarded all areas that it proposes to serve 
and in some cases, a selected grantee may be required to serve one or 
more areas not included in its application. The Department will assure, 
through the selection and negotiation process, that all areas currently 
served continue to be served.
    Currently, participants occupy nearly all SCSEP positions. If 
transitions are made from one grantee to another as a result of this 
competition, these participants must be given the opportunity to 
continue in the program. Therefore, selected grantees must agree to 
offer incumbent SCSEP participants in authorized positions the first 
opportunity to continue in an SCSEP position in the grantee's program 
(e.g., ``right of first refusal''). As such, selected grantees must 
offer incumbent SCSEP participants the opportunity to continue in the 
SCSEP program in a position in the same geographic area, but not 
necessarily in the same host agency. Selected grantees may choose to 
move participants into new host agencies, or they may continue to 
utilize the current host agencies.
    Further, the Department will work with the grantees to promote a 
seamless transition, if there is a new grantee in an area. Such 
transition assistance includes technical assistance, the approval to 
purchase equipment, obtaining office space, etc., prior to the start of 
the grant period. The Department intends to hold a conference after it 
makes awards, which will allow grantees to network with each other and 
learn how to establish the necessary partnerships to make the SCSEP a 
more successful program.

II. Application Process

A. Eligible Applicants

    Applicants may apply to receive a grant under one or more of the 
following three (3) categories.
    (1) General National Grant Funds. Applications for general SCSEP 
national grant funds will be accepted from public and private nonprofit 
agencies and organizations, including faith-based and community-based 
organizations, and tribal organizations in accordance with section 
502(b)(1) of the OAA Amendments, which have familiarity with the areas 
and populations to be served and can administer an effective program. 
``Nonprofit'' is defined as an agency, institution, or organization 
which is, or is owned and operated by, one or more corporations or 
associations no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may 
lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or 
individual. (OAA Amendments Sec.  101(4)). ``Tribal organizations'' 
means the recognized governing body of any Indian tribe, or any legally 
established organization of Indians which is controlled, sanctioned, or 
chartered by such governing body. (OAA Amendments Sec.  101(7)). In any 
case in which a contract is let or grant made to an organization to 
perform services benefiting more than one Indian tribe, the approval of 
each such Indian tribe is a prerequisite to the letting or making of 
such contract or grant. Applicants must mark a ``G'' on the application 
and state specifically in the application that they are applying for 
general SCSEP national grant funds.
    (2) Indian and Native American Grant Funds. Applications for Indian 
and Native American national grant funds will be accepted from public 
or nonprofit national Indian aging organizations with the ability to 
provide employment services to older Indians as required by section 
506(a)(3) of the OAA Amendments. ``Indian'' means a person who is a 
member of an Indian tribe. (OAA Amendments Sec.  101(5)). ``Indian 
tribe'' means any tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or 
community of Indians (including Alaska Native village or regional or 
village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska 
Native Claims Settlement Act) which (A) is recognized as eligible for 
the special programs and services provided by the United States to 
Indians because of their status as Indians; or (B) is located on, or in 
proximity to, a Federal or State reservation or rancheria. (OAA 
Amendments Sec.  101(6)).
    Applicants must mark an ``INA'' on the application and state 
specifically in the application that they are applying for Indian 
national grant funds.
    (3) Pacific Island and Asian American National Grant Funds. 
Applications for Pacific Island and Asian American national grant funds 
will be accepted from national public or nonprofit Pacific Island and 
Asian American aging organizations with the ability to provide 
employment to older Pacific Island and Asian Americans as required by 
section 506(a)(3) of the OAA Amendments. ``Pacific Island and Asian 
American'' means Americans having origins in any of the original 
peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, or 
the Pacific Islands. (OAA Amendments Sec.  516(3)). Applicants must 
mark an ``AP'' on the application and state specifically in the 
application that they are applying for Asian Pacific national grant 
    Applicants applying for more than one category above must submit 
separate applications for each category for which they are applying.
    Each applicant must submit a copy of its application to the 
Governor in each State that it proposes to serve before submitting an 
application to the Department as required by section 503(a)(5) of the 
OAA Amendments. Under this provision, the Governor of each State may 
submit a recommendation to the Secretary relating to the anticipated 
effect of an applicant's proposal on the overall distribution of 
positions within the State; recommendations for redistribution of 
positions to underserved areas; and recommendations for distribution of 
newly available positions.
    Before receiving an award, applicants must meet the eligibility 
criteria and responsibility tests established in section 514 of the OAA 
Amendments and any applicable regulations.
    Before receiving funding, all selected applicants must certify that 
they will comply with uniform cost principles and circulars issued by 
the Office of Management and Budget, keep records, and submit reports 
to the Department.
    Before receiving funding, all selected applicants must agree to be 
evaluated on performance measures as a condition of the grant award. 
(OAA Amendments Sec.  513(a)(5)).
    Entities may apply as a consortium, but each member of the 
consortium must meet all eligibility and responsibility tests. Entities 
applying as a consortium are also jointly and severally liable for 
meeting all requirements for administering this Federally-funded 
    Section 18 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104-65, 
prohibits the award of Federal funds to entities described in section 
501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that engage in lobbying 
activities. Therefore, such entities are not eligible to receive funds 
under this announcement.
    The Grant Officer's determination for award under this SGA 
constitutes a final agency action. The receipt of funding in any prior 
year does not guarantee an award under this SGA.

[[Page 68180]]

B. Jurisdictions To Be Served

    The OAA Amendments provide that when funds are awarded 
competitively, it should be done in a manner that minimizes disruptions 
of services to participants to the extent possible. National SCSEP 
resources are distributed by a formula to each State. At the sub-State 
level SCSEP positions are distributed largely on a proportional basis 
depending on the eligible population living in each county. 
Consequently, SCSEP participants are located in nearly every county in 
the nation. The geographic areas an applicant proposes to serve and the 
number of positions it proposes to place in each area must be based on 
the present location of positions. In developing this application, 
applicants must identify the area(s) they would serve. See Appendix E 
on the ETA homepage at http://wdsc.doleta.gov/seniors for a listing of 
the locations of current positions and the number of authorized 
positions by State and county. If selected, negotiations may result in 
the selected applicant serving areas that it did not propose to serve 
and not serving areas it included in its application. To ensure the 
integrity of the program and to minimize disruptions to current 
participants and community services, the Department retains the 
authority to approve or disapprove the distribution of all positions.
    Currently, SCSEP national grantees operate projects in all States 
(including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) except Alaska, 
Delaware, Hawaii, and the territories. Projects in these latter 
jurisdictions are not covered by this SGA. Alaska, Delaware, and Hawaii 
have not been served by national grantees in the past. As a result of 
the ``hold harmless'' provisions in the current legislation, there is 
currently no available funding to support projects in these areas by 
national grantees. To compensate for the lack of national grantees in 
these areas, the Department has sufficiently funded these States to 
provide equitable services to their SCSEP participants. The 
territories, which include Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin 
Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, receive 
funds directly through a specific reservation under the OAA Amendments.

C. Funding Levels

    The total amount of funds available for this SGA is approximately 
$342,000,000. It is anticipated that from 10 to 20 awards may be made 
under this SGA, including at least one award to an Indian and Native 
American organization and at least one to an Asian Pacific Islander 
organization. The Department reserves the right to negotiate the 
amounts to be awarded under this competition.
    No request for funds may be less than $6,000,000. In applying, 
applicants must list the location of positions by State(s) and counties 
where they plan to operate. The positions located in the combination of 
counties and State(s) where the applicant proposes to operate must not 
be less than 840. A grant request of $6,000,000 provides for 
approximately 840 positions. Please be advised that requests under 
$6,000,000 / 840 positions will not be considered and will be deemed 
    The Department has established this minimum level for grant 
requests based on the statutory 13.5 percent administrative cost 
limitation in the OAA Amendments at section 502(c)(3). Historically, 
the Department's smallest grant for this program has been $6,000,000. 
Based on experience, the Department believes that it becomes 
increasingly more difficult to provide administrative payroll systems, 
program oversight, and to maintain the fiduciary duties required of 
program oversight under the current statutory administrative cost 
limitations with a grant smaller than $6,000,000.

D. Administrative Requirements

    Administrative Costs. The SCSEP has legislated limitations on the 
expenditure of Title V funds. The administrative cost limitation of an 
SCSEP project is 13.5 percent of the Federal share; however, the OAA 
Amendments allow the Secretary to increase this limit, but only up to 
15 percent of the Federal share. (OAA Amendments Sec.  502(c)(3)). Any 
applicant requesting an administrative cost higher than 13.5 percent 
must justify such a request as a part of its application. Note, 
however, that justification alone does not entitle the applicant to 
approval of a higher administrative cost limit. Any decision to approve 
a higher administrative limit will be made on a case-by-case basis.
    Wages and Fringe Benefits. There is a minimum or ``floor'' on the 
amount that must be spent on participant wages and fringe benefits. 
That floor is 75 percent of the total Federal share, which reflects 
Congressional concern that low-income program participants be the 
primary beneficiaries of the funding. (OAA Amendments Sec.  
502(c)(6)(B)). The difference between (1) the total grant allotment and 
(2) the sum of the administrative costs and participant wages and 
fringe benefits is called ``Other Participant Costs.'' [total grant 
allotment--(administrative costs + wages and fringe benefits) = Other 
Participant Costs].
    Other Participant Costs. Costs that are to be used for participant 
training, counseling, job development, and similar activities are 
called ``Other Participant Costs'' (OAA Amendments Sec.  502(c)(6)(A)). 
The available Federal share for Other Participant Costs is that part of 
the Federal grant allocation that is not used for administrative costs 
or participant wages and fringe benefits.
    Federal and non-Federal share. Applicants are reminded that not all 
project costs are Federal. The Federal share must not exceed 90 percent 
of the total project. (OAA Amendments Sec.  502(c)(1)). The non-Federal 
share may be in cash or in-kind, but cannot be other Federal funds and 
must otherwise be an allowable charge used for SCSEP purposes.
    Start-up costs. Specific start-up costs are not statutorily 
provided for SCSEP projects. However, according to section 502(c)(4) of 
the OAA Amendments, the cost of administration (limited to 13.5 percent 
or 15 percent with Department approval), includes the costs associated 
with goods and services, such as rental or purchase of equipment, 
utilities, office supplies, postage, and rental and maintenance of 
office space. Generally, these costs are incurred after the beginning 
of a grant period. However, the Department will allow new grantees to 
obtain such items up to one month before the beginning of the program 
year (July 1, 2003) to assist with the transition between incumbents 
and new grantees. This intent will be conveyed through the grant 
agreement with such grantees.

E. Period of Performance

    Successful applicants under this SGA are expected to commence 
program operations on July 1, 2003. The period of performance will 
initially be for one (1) year, with an option to be funded for an 
additional two (2) years at the Department's discretion, if regulations 
are finalized and performance measures are established as required by 
section 514(a) of the OAA Amendments.

F. Submission of Proposals

    A cover letter, an original plus two (2) copies of the proposal, 
and one (1) blue ink-signed original SF 424 must be timely submitted to 
the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, 
Division of Financial Assistance, Room S-4203, 200 Constitution Avenue, 
NW., Washington, DC 20210. This proposal must have two parts: (1) A 
technical proposal; and (2) a cost proposal.

[[Page 68181]]

G. Acceptable Methods of Submission

    Notice: All applicants are advised that U.S. mail delivery in the 
Washington, DC area has been erratic due to the recent concerns 
involving anthrax contamination. All applicants must take this into 
consideration when preparing to meet the application deadline, as each 
applicant assumes the risk for ensuring a timely submission of its 
application. If, because of these mail problems, the Department does 
not receive an application or receives it too late to give it proper 
consideration, even if the application was timely mailed, the 
Department will not consider the application. Therefore, it is 
recommended that applicants confirm receipt of their application by 
contacting Lorraine Saunders, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and 
Training Administration, telephone (202) 693-3336 prior to the closing 
deadline. [This is not a toll-free number].
    Hand-delivered applications. To be considered for funding, hand-
delivered applications must be received not later than 4:45 p.m., 
Eastern Time, on the closing date, at the specified address.
    Electronic applications. Due to the erratic mail delivery in the 
Washington, DC area, in addition to using the U.S. Postal Service or 
overnight delivery services, applicants have the option of submitting 
their applications via e-mail to Lorraine Saunders at 
lsaunders@doleta.gov. Should the applicant choose to use e-mail, the 
return receipt option must be utilized in order to verify receipt of 
the application (see instructions below), and an originally signed 
signature sheet of the SF 424, along with a copy of the grantee's e-
mail/written verification of receipt, must follow via overnight mail. 
E-mailed applications will be accepted in Microsoft WORD only.
    Before sending the e-mail, click on ``file,'' go to ``properties, 
return notification,'' and finally click on ``mail receipt.'' The 
sender will automatically receive an e-mail notification when the e-
mail is opened.
    Please note that faxed applications will not be accepted. 
Applications not received by the deadline will not be accepted.
    Withdrawal of applications. Applications may be withdrawn by 
written notice or telegram (including mail gram) received at any time 
before an award is made. Applications may be withdrawn in person by the 
applicant or by an authorized representative, if the representative's 
identity is made known and the representative signs a receipt for the 
    Failure to adhere to the above instructions will be basis for a 
determination of non-responsiveness.

H. Required Content

    An application must consist of two (2) separate and distinct parts: 
a technical proposal and a cost proposal.
    The technical proposal must consist of a narrative not to exceed 
forty (40) double-spaced pages, including all attachments with the 
exception of required vitae and the list of prior government grants and 
contracts, with a font size of no less than 11 pt., and typewritten on 
one side of the paper only. The required vitae will not count against 
the page limitation and must be attached as a separate appendix to the 
SGA. Applicants must include as a separate appendix, a list of all 
government grants and contracts that it or any of its affiliates has 
had in the past three (3) years, including grant officer contact 
information. For purposes of this SGA, the term ``affiliate'' refers to 
the applicant's subsidiaries, divisions, predecessors, and successors. 
All other attachments count against the 40-page limitation and must be 
limited to meaningful information that contributes to, and/or verifies 
the proposed activities, such as letters of commitment. The content of 
the technical proposal is described in section III of this SGA.
    The cost proposal must contain the required standard forms and 
budget information as described in section IV.

III. The Technical Proposal

A. Program Components

    The purpose of this section is to give applicants a better sense of 
how the SCSEP operates and what functions and responsibilities are 
important to the program. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive 
description and does not reflect all the requirements of the program. 
Applicants that wish to learn more about the SCSEP are encouraged to 
review the legislation at Pub. L. 106-501 (42 U.S.C. Sec.  3056). The 
legislation at section 502 contains a number of criteria that each 
grant must meet. An applicant's failure to demonstrate that its 
proposed program meets these criteria will make the application non-
responsive. Applicants should also review the current regulations at 20 
CFR Part 641 and the Older Worker (OW) Bulletins, which may be found on 
ETA's Division of Older Worker Program's homepage at http://
wdsc.doleta.gov/seniors. Applicants may use this information when 
drafting their responses to the Rating Criteria in section III.C. of 
this SGA. The Department also intends to hold bidder's conferences for 
all interested applicants that want to learn more about the program and 
the competition process. The times and locations for these conferences 
will be posted on the Division of Older Worker Program's homepage at 
http://wdsc.doleta.gov/seniors. Applicants may review ETA's homepage at 
http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/pdf/ApplyingGrants.pdf for information on 
applying for ETA grants and http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/ for forms and 
information relating to competition for ETA grants. Further, 
regulations covering the OAA Amendments are being developed and updates 
will be posted on the Division of Older Worker Program's homepage 
throughout the regulatory process.
    Individual Employment Plans (IEP). Each SCSEP participant must be 
assessed to determine the skills and employment-related needs of that 
individual, and a plan must be developed to improve the participant's 
employability. The IEP generally includes an employment goal and an 
appropriate sequence of services for that participant based on the 
assessment. (Some programs may call this type of plan an IDP, or 
Individual Development Plan.)
    Community Service Employment. Providing subsidized community 
service employment is a significant part of the SCSEP's purpose. 
Community service may include, but is not limited to, such activities 
as social, health, welfare and educational services, counseling 
services, including tax counseling, environmental efforts, 
weatherization efforts and economic development. Community service 
assignments are usually made at host agencies. Participants receive 
wages paid for by the grant.
    Training. Training is an important tool to make the most effective 
use of the skills and talents of participants, to help them succeed in 
their community service assignments and to facilitate placement of 
participants in unsubsidized employment. How much training, and what 
types of training are necessary are based on each individual 
participant's IEP.
    Services for Individuals with Multiple Barriers to Employment. One 
emphasis of this program is addressing the needs of minority, limited 
English-speaking, and, where applicable, Indian eligible individuals as 
well as eligible individuals who have the greatest economic need to 
remove their barriers to obtaining employment. ``Greatest economic 
need'' is defined as need resulting from an income level at or below 
the poverty line and need caused

[[Page 68182]]

by non-economic factors, which may include: physical and mental 
disabilities; language barriers; and cultural, social, or geographical 
isolation, including isolation caused by racial or ethnic status, that 
restricts the ability of an individual to perform normal daily tasks or 
threatens the capacity of the individual to live independently. (OAA 
Amendments Sec.  101(27)).
    Coordination with the Workforce Investment Act, One-Stop Career 
Centers and State and Area Agencies on Aging. All SCSEP activities are 
required to be coordinated with One-Stop centers operated under the 
Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Pub. L. 105-220 and the State aging 
network. With regard to One-Stops, the SCSEP is a required partner 
under WIA. As such, SCSEP activities must be coordinated with WIA. For 
instance, participant assessments of eligibility, needs, and competence 
under SCSEP will satisfy any condition for an assessment under WIA and 
vice-versa. Coordination with State and Area Agencies on Aging is 
required to ensure a ``seamless program,'' which ultimately benefits 
program participants. ETA also encourages grantees to coordinate 
efforts with other SCSEP grantees.
    Host Agencies. Host agencies provide the worksites for program 
participants and may be public or private 501(c)(3) organizations, 
including community-based and faith-based organizations, authorized 
Federal agencies, State agencies, or local agencies. It is not uncommon 
for many of the SCSEP national grantees to function as host agencies by 
utilizing their organizations as the worksite for participants. Host 
agencies are an important component in that they serve the purposes of 
the program by supplying community service work assignments and by 
providing training and work experience for participants. The quality of 
the host agency directly affects the value of the work experience for 
the participants, and the participants' ability to obtain unsubsidized 
    Geographic Areas. The Department allocates SCSEP positions or slots 
on an equitable basis, by State based on Census data of unemployed, 
low-income people who are 55 or older. (OAA Amendments Sec.  
503(a)(4)). ETA strives to ensure the equitable distribution of 
positions to cover both rural areas and urban areas adequately. Current 
positions are available at Appendix E, which is posted only on the ETA 
homepage at http://wdsc.doleta.gov/seniors. Currently, a State may have 
one or more grantees serving within its territory. Several grantees may 
operate in large population centers, focusing on the needs of specific 
population groups. To give applicants a better picture of how the 
positions and grantees work together currently within a State, 
applicants may review the ETA homepage at http://wdsc.doleta.gov/
seniors/html--docs/directory.html for more information.
    Placement into Unsubsidized Employment. One of the SCSEP objectives 
is to foster economic self-sufficiency through unsubsidized employment. 
The SCSEP program has a legislatively mandated, minimum placement goal 
of 20 percent of the number of authorized positions for each program 
grantee, and an overall Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 
(GPRA) placement goal of 37 percent. The ability of a grantee to meet 
the unsubsidized placement goal depends largely on how successful the 
grantee is at targeting occupations, identifying job openings, training 
its participants, and successfully matching participants and jobs.

B. Rating Criteria for Award

    A DOL panel will use the point scoring system and the Rating 
Criteria format specified below to review applications. Applications 
will be ranked based on the score assigned by the panel after careful 
evaluation by each panel member. It is required that all applicants use 
the Rating Criteria format when developing their SGAs.
    The ranking will be the primary basis used to identify applicants 
as potential grantees. The Department may establish a competitive 
range, based upon the application evaluation, for the purpose of 
selecting qualified applicants. The panel's conclusions are advisory in 
nature and not binding on the Grant Officer. In deciding whether to 
award a grant to an applicant the Grant Officer may, when appropriate, 
also take into account the applicant's past performance in its prior 
Federal grants or contracts for the past three (3) years as it relates 
to the applicant's or its affiliate's demonstration of financial and 
administrative responsibility and program performance. The information 
the Grant Officer considers may include: (1) The applicant's level of 
cooperation with grant officer(s), the applicant's Federal technical 
representatives, and Federal auditors and investigators; and (2) the 
sufficiency of the administrative costs to subgrantees, subcontractors, 
or other affiliates. (A list of the applicant's prior grants and 
contracts must be attached to the proposal as described in section II. 
H. of this Solicitation). The Department reserves the right to ask for 
clarification or hold discussions, but is not obligated to do so. The 
Department further reserves the right to select applicants out of rank 
order if such a selection would, in its opinion, result in the most 
effective and appropriate combination of funding, administrative costs 
(e.g., cost per enrollment and placement), program goals (e.g., serving 
the needs of minorities, limited English speakers, Indian eligible 
individuals, and those of greatest economic need), and geographical 
service areas. Such items will be negotiated before we award a grant. 
If the negotiations do not result in an acceptable submission, the 
Department has the right to decline to fund an applicant's proposal.
    Before receiving an award, applicants must meet the eligibility 
criteria and responsibility tests established in section 514 of the OAA 
Amendments and any applicable regulations, regardless of the 
applicant's rating score.
    Scoring: The following full review criteria totaling a maximum 
score of 100 points apply to all applicants.
(1) Program Design--Approach, Population(s) and Area(s) Served (20 
    The applicant must describe the overall plan for how it will 
realize the purposes of the program, which are to promote useful part-
time employment opportunities in community service activities for 
unemployed, low-income persons, and to foster individual economic self-
sufficiency, and to increase the number of persons who may enjoy the 
benefits of unsubsidized employment.
    Although selected grantees must provide ``the right of first 
refusal'' to current participants, vacancies may occur for a number of 
reasons. Therefore, the applicant must describe the expected 
characteristics of the specific population(s) it will serve, including: 
those with greatest economic need (as defined by OAA Amendments Sec.  
101(27)), greatest social need (as defined by OAA Amendments Sec.  
101(28)), poor employment history or prospects, and those individuals 
who are over age 60, the range of services it will offer to meet the 
needs of the population(s), and the geographic area(s) that will be 
served by the proposed program.
    The applicant must describe the methodology it will use to identify 
the population(s) it will serve. Applicants must include the number and 
percentage of those individuals who are expected to have multiple 
barriers to employment, including minorities, limited English-speaking, 
Indian eligible individuals, and eligible individuals

[[Page 68183]]

who have the greatest economic needs, and address how the services it 
will provide will overcome the barriers faced by individuals in the 
population(s) proposed to be served.
    The applicant must describe its plan to recruit and select 
participants and must:

--Explain how eligibility will be determined and documented; and
--Describe efforts to assure participation of minority groups, those 
with greatest economic need and those with poor employment prospects.

    The applicant must describe how it will certify the income of each 
participant upon entry into the program and re-certify the income of 
each participant at least once each program year. The applicant must 
indicate the schedule for certifying income eligibility of 
participants, and indicate what actions the applicant will take for 
those found to be no longer eligible. Applicants must also indicate 
where eligibility records will be maintained. (Information related to 
these requirements may be found in Older Worker Bulletins Nos. 96-5, 
95-5, and 98-31. These and other bulletins and information may be found 
at http://wdsc.doleta.gov/seniors).
    The applicant must include a detailed list of the States, counties, 
and in a few instances, cities where the project and its subprojects 
will be conducted, including the number of authorized positions to be 
established in each jurisdiction. The distribution of authorized 
positions by county and the estimated allocation of funds for each 
State should be listed. As discussed earlier, the Department and 
selected grantees may negotiate final State dollar amounts and number 
of positions that will be awarded to each grantee. For those applicants 
with a proposed project located in a city but also serving surrounding 
counties, the county where the city is located (unless the city is not 
in a county as listed in Appendix E) and the surrounding counties must 
be listed with the number of authorized positions. See Appendix E for a 
listing of the location of current projects and the number of 
authorized positions under each of these projects. Applicants will find 
Appendix E posted only on the ETA homepage at http://wdsc.doleta.gov/
    The applicant must provide an outline of the procedures it will use 
to ensure that program participants will not displace other employees, 
(including partial displacement such as in the reduction of hours 
worked or benefits), workers on layoff or contract employees, as 
required by section 502(b)(1)(F) of the OAA Amendments.
    The applicant must briefly discuss the complaint resolution system 
that it will use in cases where a participant wishes to dispute an 
adverse action or in cases where an applicant for enrollment wishes to 
dispute an unfavorable determination of eligibility. If available, 
provide as an attachment an example of the written explanation of the 
complaint resolution system that is to be given to each participant.
(2) Program Services--Community Services and Participant Services (20 
    Although a selected grantee may choose to use existing SCSEP 
positions or to create new ones and must offer incumbent participants 
the right of first refusal for continued participation, it must 
nonetheless discuss its preferred approach to selecting and providing 
community services. The applicant must describe the types of community 
services that will be provided by participants employed under its SCSEP 
projects. An applicant that chooses to take over existing positions 
must discuss its vision of how community services are to be provided. 
The applicant must list the types of services and agencies that will 
host participants to perform them. (A matrix format is suggested for 
ease of display within a limited page allocation). The applicant must 
also describe the method it will use to select and/or develop the host 
agencies and their community services, and how it proposes to maintain 
relationships with them. The applicant must outline how it will review 
these agencies to ensure on-the-job training, participant satisfaction, 
satisfactory health and safety conditions, adequate supervision, and 
fiscal integrity. The applicant must explain how it will ensure that 
these employment opportunities will be made available to participants 
in their immediate communities or nearby, and how the community 
services offered will benefit the community.
    Host agencies providing the worksites for program participants must 
be publicly owned and operated facilities, or projects sponsored by 
501(c)(3) organizations, including community-based and faith-based 
organizations. (OAA Amendments Sec.  502(b)(1)(C)).
    The applicant must describe the services that will be provided to 
the participants, either directly, through the One-Stop Center System, 
or through other service providers.
    Physical Examinations. Applicants must describe the arrangements 
that will be made to offer physical examinations to participants.
    Orientation. Applicants must describe participant and host agency 
orientation procedures. The description must include discussion of 
participant and agency responsibilities, permissible political 
activities, grievance procedures, etc.
    Assessment. Applicants must describe the procedures to be followed 
in assessing the job aptitudes, job readiness, and job preferences of 
participants, as well as their potential for transition into 
unsubsidized employment. Applicants must address the types of training 
and supportive service that it will provide as part of a participant's 
    Individual Employment Plan (IEP). Applicants must describe how the 
assessment will be used to develop the IEP for each participant. The 
IEP includes the participant's goal and the steps to achieve that goal.
    Training. Applicants must describe the training that will be 
provided to participants. Training should be related to the 
participant's assessment and IEP. Training may be related to the 
participant's community service job duties, unsubsidized employment 
goal, or it may be developmental, (i.e., the skills developed will 
enhance the participant's unsubsidized employment opportunities).
    Placement into Community Service Employment. Applicants must 
describe the methods to be used to place participants into community 
service employment. Include such factors as:

--The types of community service activities that will be emphasized in 
assigning participants to community service jobs;
--The extent to which participants will be placed in work assignments 
involving the administration of the project itself;
--The criteria for selecting work assignments;
--The average number of hours in participant work weeks;
--The average participant wage rate;
--Participant fringe benefits; and
--The procedures for assuring participants are given adequate work site 

    Supportive services. Applicants must describe the supportive 
services to be provided to participants and the source(s) of these 
    Participant transportation. Where applicable, applicants must 
describe the arrangements that will be made to provide transportation 
assistance to participants and/or the reimbursement rate for 

[[Page 68184]]

(3) Program Services--Unsubsidized Placements (20 Points)
    Placement into unsubsidized employment. Each year the grantee must 
place a minimum of 20 percent of the number of authorized positions 
(with a goal of 37%) into unsubsidized employment. Therefore, 
applicants must:

--Describe the steps that will be taken to transition participants into 
unsubsidized employment.
--Include examples or anticipated content of the cooperative 
arrangements that will be made with the Workforce Investment Board and 
One-Stop centers. (OAA Amendments Section 502(b)(1)(O)).
--Describe placement follow-up efforts that will be utilized.

    Work with area employers. The applicant must describe how it plans 
to identify what the needs of area employers are, the skills in demand, 
how any skills gaps might be filled, the jobs expected to be available 
in the area, the strategies that it will use to provide participants 
with the skills needed by employers, and strategies it will use to 
match participants with employers.
(4) Program Coordination and Oversight (20 Points)
    Coordination. The applicant must describe its plans for 
coordinating with One-Stop centers and State aging networks, and for 
recruiting host agencies, including community-based and faith-based 
organizations, in the communities it proposes to serve. The applicant 
must indicate any other cooperative relationships, or information-
sharing arrangements that will assist program performance and assure 
equitable access to the program.
    Program Oversight. The applicant must describe its procedures for 
managing any proposed subgrantees to ensure effective program 
operations. The applicant must provide, for example, an explanation of 
how it will ensure that adequate resources are made available for local 
level operations, and how it will establish a mechanism for the tracing 
of funds to a level of expenditure adequate to ensure that funds have 
been spent lawfully.
    The applicant must describe the methods and procedures to be used 
to monitor and evaluate project activities, subgrantees, host agencies 
and contractors to determine if the project is being administered in 
accordance with Federal guidelines and regulations and if project goals 
and timetables are being met. Include in this explanation:

--How frequently monitoring/evaluation visits will be made to projects 
(generally local projects should be monitored no less than annually);
--Who will be responsible for monitoring/evaluation;
--What criteria will be used to monitor and evaluate project 
--What methods will be used for prescribing remedial action when 
--What follow-up procedures will be used to ensure that any identified 
problem has been remedied; and
--How subgrantee or project reports will be validated and made part of 
permanent files.

    Minimizing Disruptions. The applicant must describe its plan for 
carrying out activities designed to ensure minimal disruptions to 
existing participants in the event that the applicant replaces an 
incumbent grantee. The applicant must describe how on-board 
participants of the former grantee(s) (if applicable) will be 
transferred to its program with a minimum of disruption. It must 
describe how it will administer the participants' ``right of first 
refusal.'' The description must include an explanation of how and when 
the participants will be notified, what records will be turned over (if 
applicable), what efforts will be made to maintain the privacy of 
individual records, what efforts will be made to place program 
participants into other employment and training opportunities, if 
needed, and what other services might be provided to ease the 
transition. The applicant must describe its timeline for developing and 
initiating program operations and this transition process following 
notification of award.
    Applicants must describe a plan for reassuring participants that 
efforts will be made to minimize disruptions to them in the program.
(5) Management Structure and Fiscal Integrity (20 Points)
    Management Structure. The applicant must describe the management 
structure for the proposed project. The applicant must include a 
staffing plan or project organizational chart describing the 
relationship between it and planned subgrantees and/or key host 
agencies. The chart must identify staff with key management 
responsibilities and show their expected portion of time dedicated to 
the project (if less than 100 percent). The applicant must include a 
brief description of its specific, relevant experience (and, as 
appropriate, the experience of significant subgrantees) in serving 
senior populations, serving people with barriers to employment, and/or 
in administering other employment related or other Federal programs. 
The applicant must also include position descriptions and, if 
available, vitae for key staff in management and participant services.
    Subgrants. Applicants that are considering utilizing subgrantees 
are also required to submit the criteria they plan to use in selecting 
subgrantees. Applicants must also demonstrate the sufficiency of the 
proposed level of administrative funding for such subgrantees. 
Applicants that intend to hold a competition for subgrantees are 
required to submit their criteria for that competition. Such applicants 
must provide a timeframe for competing and/or awarding subgrants, 
whether awarded competitively or non-competitively, including the 
planned dates of the awards and performance.
    Program and Fiscal Integrity. The applicant must describe the 
mechanisms it plans to use to establish and maintain program and fiscal 
oversight and maintain appropriate program and fiscal management 
information/records, including a brief description of computer hardware 
and software support. The applicant must describe a record keeping 
system that is sufficient to prepare required reports, and to trace 
funds to adequate levels of expenditures to ensure lawful spending.
    Financial Monitoring. Applicants must describe how the financial 
management system of subgrantees and projects will be monitored, 

--who will be responsible for monitoring subgrantee and affiliate 
--how frequently monitoring of expenditures will be done;
--how financial reports will be validated; and
--what follow-up procedures will be used.
    Audits. Applicants must describe coverage plans to audit projects 
as well as plans to audit the headquarters activities. If a current 
grantee, the applicant must provide specific references to the most 
recent audit and include the name of the audit firm and the date of 
that audit.

Points Summary

(1) Program Design--Approach, Population(s) and Area(s) Served (20 
(2) Program Services--Community Services and Participant Services (20 
(3) Program Services--Unsubsidized Placements (20 points)
(4) Program Coordination and Oversight (20 points)
(5) Management Structure and Fiscal Integrity (20 points)
Total=100 points.

[[Page 68185]]

IV. The Cost Proposal Requirements

A. Budget Forms and Narrative Information

    Each applicant must submit a cost proposal containing a completed 
Standard Form 424, ``Application for Federal Assistance;'' a Standard 
Form 424A (Budget Information Form); and a detailed cost breakout for 
each column and line item from Section B of the Standard Form 424A. 
Copies of all required forms along with the instructions for completing 
the forms are provided in the appendices to this SGA and can be found 
on the ETA homepage at http://wdsc.doleta.gov/seniors.
    In addition to these forms, the applicant must submit a ``detailed 
cost break out'' that provides specific information on each of the 
expenditures listed under Section B of the Standard Form 424A, 
including both Federal and non-Federal funds. Each expenditure will 
fall under one of the three major cost categories: Administrative; 
Enrollee Wages and Fringe Benefits; or Other Participant Costs. 
Explanations of these categories can be found earlier in these 
documents and in the SCSEP regulations at 20 CFR 641.404.
    In addition to the cost proposal, applicants must include the 
Assurance and Certification signature page, provided in Appendix D.

B. Fiscal and Performance Reporting Requirments

    Applicants must have current computer technology and ensure that 
their organizations have the capability to link to the Internet. 
Reporting must be done through the Internet.
    In accordance with 29 CFR 97.40 or 29 CFR 95.51, each grantee must 
submit a Senior Community Service Employment Program Quarterly Progress 
Report (QPR). This report must be prepared to coincide with the ending 
dates for Federal fiscal year quarters and must be submitted to the 
Department no later than 30 days after the end of the quarterly 
reporting period. If the grant period ends on a date other than the 
last day of a federal fiscal year quarter, the last quarterly report 
covering the entire grant period must be submitted no later than 30 
days after the ending date. The Department will provide instructions 
for the preparation of this report.
    In accordance with 29 CFR 97.41 or 29 CFR 95.52, the following 
financial reporting requirements apply to title V grants:
--An SF-269, Financial Status Report (FSR), must be submitted to the 
Department within 30 days after the ending of each quarter of the 
program year.
-- A final FSR must be submitted within 45 days after the end of the 
-- All FSRs must be prepared on an accrual basis.

    Signed at Washington, DC, this 5th day of November, 2002.
Emily Stover DeRocco,
Assistant Secretary, Employment and Training Administration.


Appendix A: Application for Federal Assistance, Standard Form 424
Appendix B: Budget Information Sheet, Standard Form 424-A
Appendix C: Standard Form 424-A Clarifying Instructions
Appendix D: Assurances and Certifications Signature Page

    Appendix E: Listing of Current Locations and Potential Areas to 
be Served-- posted at http://wdsc.doleta.gov/seniors

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[FR Doc. 02-28489 Filed 11-7-02; 8:45 am]