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Araya, M., Goldrick, M.C., Klevay, L.M., Strain, J.J., Robson, P., Nielsen, F.H., Olivares, M., Pizarro, F., Johnson, L. and Poirier, K.A.  Determination of acute no-observed-adverse-effect (NOAEL) for copper in water. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 34:137-145, 2001.

Brown-Borg H, Johnson WT, Rakoczy S and Ramanick M. Mitochondrial oxidant generation and oxidative damage in Ames dwarf and GF transgenic mice. J Amer Aging Assoc 24:85-96, 2001. 

Chaney RL, Reeves PG, Angle JS. Rice plant nutritional and human nutritional characteristics roles in human Cd toxicity. In:  Plant Nutrition: Food Security and Sustainability of Agro-Ecosystems through Basic and Applied Research. WJ Horst, ed, Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, Germany. pp 288-289, 2001.

Chaney RL, Ryan JA, Reeves PG. Strategies in Soil Protection - Missions and Visions. Proceedings of the Symposium on Soil Protection in the United Europe; Congress of the German and Austrial Soil Science Societies, Sept 5, 2001, Vienna, Austria. Trans. Austrian Soil Society 74:P53-66, 2001.
Davis, C.D. and Johnson, W.T.  Dietary copper and dimethylhydrazine affect protein kinase C isozyme protein and mRNA expression and the formation of aberrant crypts in colon of rats. Biofactors 15:11-26, 2001.

Davis, C.D. Letter to the Editor (Reply to Craig A. Cooney) J Nutr 131:1872, 2001

Finley, J.W. and Davis, C.D. Manganese absorption and retention in rats is affected by the type of dietary fat. Biol Trace Elem Res 82:143-158, 2001.

Finley, J.W. and Davis, C.D.  Selenium (Se) from high-selenium broccoli is utilized differently than selenite, selenate and selenomethionine, but is more effective in inhibiting colon carcinogenesis.  BioFactors 14:191-196, 2001.

Finley, J.W., Ip, C., Lisk, D.J., Davis, C.D., Hintze, K.J. and Whanger, P.D.  Cancer-protective properties of high-selenium broccoli.  J Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 49, #5, 2679-2683, 2001.

Finley, JW. Use of Isotopes for Studies with Manganese, Chromium, and Molybdenum.  In: Advancnes in Isotope methods for the Analysis of Trace Elements in Man.  N Lowe, M Jackson (eds).  CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 151-166, 2001.

Hintze KJ, Lardy GP, Marchello MJ, Finley JW. Area With High Concentrations of Selenium in the Soil and Forage Produce Beef With enhanced Concentrations of Selenium. J Agric Food Chem 49:1062-1067, 2001.

Huang ZL, Failla ML, Reeves PG. Differentiation of Human U937 Promonocytic Cells is Impaired by Moderate Copper Deficiency. Exp Biol Med 226:222-228, 2001.

Hunt CD, Meacham SL. Aluminum, boron, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc: concentrations in common Western foods and estimated daily intakes by infants; toddlers; and male and female adolescents, adults, and seniors in the United States.
J Amer Diet Assoc 101: 1058-1060, 2001.

Hunt JR.  Book review - annual review of nutrition. J Am Diet Assoc 101:1280, 2001.

Hunt JR. How Important is Dietary Iron Bioavailability? Am J Clin Nutr 73:3-4, 2001.

Hunt JR, Dwyer J. Position of the American Dietetic Association: Food Fortification and Dietary Supplements. J Am Diet Assoc 101:115-125, 2001.
Hunt JR and Vanderpool RA. Apparent copper absorption from a vegetarian diet. Am J Clin Nutr 74:803-807, 2001.

Klevay, L.M.  Iron overload can induce mild copper deficiency.  J Trace Elements Med Biol 14:237-240, 2001.

Klevay, L.M. Letter to the editor. J Lab Clin Med 138:214, 2001.

Lentsch AB,  Kato A, Saari JT, Schuschke DA. Augmented metalloproteinase activity and acute lung injury in copper-deficient rats. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 281:L387-L393, 2001.

Lukaski, H.C. Body composition distribution with age - Growth charts for adults?  Nutr, Vol 17, # 7/8, 679, 2001.

Lukaski HC. Body Mass Index, Bioelectrical Impedance, and Body Composition. Nutr 17:55-56, 2001.

Lukaski HC. Magnesium, zinc, and chromium nutrition and athletic performance. Can J Appl Phys 26(Suppl):S13-S22, 2001.

Lukaski, H.C., Hall, C.B., Marchello, M.J. and Siders, W.A.  Validation of dual X-ray absorptiometry for body-composition assessment of rats exposed to dietary stressors.  Nutr, 17:607-613, 2001.

Lukaski, H.C., Bolonchuk, W.W., Klevay, L.M., Milne, D.B. and Sandstead, H.H.  Interactions among dietary fat, mineral status, and performance of endurance athletes: A case study.  Intl J Sport Nutr and Exercise Metab, 11:186-198, 2001.

Milne, D.B., Davis, C.D. and Nielsen, F.H.  Low dietary zinc alters indices of copper function and status in postmenopausal women.  Nutr 17:701-708, 2001.

Momcilovic, B. and Reeves, P.G.  Idiorrhythmic zinc dose-rate induction of intestinal metallothionein in rats depends upon their nutritional zinc status. J Nutr Biochem 12:225-234, 2001.
Nielsen FH.  Boron, manganese, molybdenum and other trace elements. In: Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 8th Edition, BA Bowman and RM Russell, II, eds, ILSI Press, Washington, DC pp. 384-400, 2001.

Nielsen, F.H.  Chromium - 40 years of nutritional controversy continues.  In: Perspectives in Nutrition, Fifth Edition, G.M. Wardlaw and M.S. Kessel eds McGraw Hill, New York, NY, pp. 504-505, 2001

Ralston NVC, Hunt CD. Diadenosine phosphates and S-adenosylmethionine: novel boron binding biomolecules detected by capillary electrophoresis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1527:20-30, 2001.
Reeves PG, Briske-Anderson M, Johnson L. Pre-treatment of Caco-2 cells with zinc during the differentiation phase alters the kinetics of zinc uptake and transport. J Nutr Biochem 12:674-684, 2001.

Reeves PG, Chaney RF. Mineral status of female rats affects the absorption and organ distribution of dietary cadmium derived from edible sunflower kernels (helianthus annuus L.). Enviorn Res Sec 85:215-225, 2001.

Reeves PG. Mineral nutrient status and the bioavailability of cadmium from natural food sources. In: Proceedings of the Scope Workshop on Environmental Cadmium in the Food Chain: Sources, Pathways and Risks, Sept 13-16, 2000. JK Syers, M Gochfeld, eds, pp 82-86, Paris, France, 2001.

Reeves PG, Nielsen EJ, O-Brien-Nimens C, Vanderpool RA. Cadmium bioavailability from edible sunflower kernels: a long-term study with men and women volunteers. Env Res Sec A 87:81-91, 2001.

Roughead, Z.K.  Book review.  Schulkin, J.  Does the body know best?  TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism, 12 (7) 329-330, 2001.

Roughead, Z.K. and Finley, J.W. Muscosal uptake and whole-body retention of dietary manganese are not altered in beta2-microglobulin knockout mice. Biol Trace Elem Res 80(3) 231-244, 2001.

Schuschke, D.A., Saari, J.T. and Miller, F.N.  Leukocyte- endolethial adhesion is impaired in the cremaster muscle microcirculation of the copper-deficient rat.  Immunology Letters 76:139-144, 2001.

Uthus, E.O.  Arsenic deprivation affects homocysteine remethylation in rats fed homocysteine and choline. Proc ND Acad Sci 55:65, 2001.

Uthus EO. High Dietary Arsenic Exacerbates Copper Deprivation in Rats. J Trace Elem Exp Med 14:43-55, 2001.

Uthus EO, Zaslavsky B. Interaction between zinc and iron in rats. Biol Tr Elem Res 82(1-3):167-183, 2001.

Vanderpool RA, Reeves PG. Cadmium absorption in women fed processed edible sunflower kernels labeled with a stable isotope of cadmium, 113Cd. Env Res Sec A 87:69-80, 2001.

Wold LE, Saari JT, Ren J. Isolated ventricular myocytes from copper-deficient rat hearts exhibit enhanced contractile function. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 281:H476-481, 2001.

Yokoi K. Lukaski HC, Uthus EO, Nielsen FH. Use of bioimpedance spectroscopy to estimate body water distribution in rats fed high dietary sulfur amino acids. J Nutr 131:1302-1308, 2001.

Zeng H. Arsenic suppresses necrosis induced by selenite in human leukemia HL-60 cells. Biol Tr Elem Res 83:1-15, 2001.


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