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Publication Date: October 2007

DCL ID: ANN-07-21

Subject: Podcast of recent Applicant Data Resolution online training

Summary: This letter announces Federal Student Aid’s Podcast of the recent 2007-2008 online, instructor-led training sessions on Applicant Data Resolution. Topics include resolving student application data rejects and using the Department's Web based systems to correct errors.

Posted on 10-25-2007

Dear Partner:

We are pleased to announce the Podcast availability of our recent 2007-08 instructor-led online training on Applicant Data Resolution. The 3 Podcasts are condensed versions of the Applicant Data Resolution training, and are approximately 12 minutes in length. Each Podcast will provide a quick refresher or basic introduction visual and auditory tour of how to use our Web-based systems, such as FAA Access to CPS On-line to resolve student application rejects, common (and not so common) student eligibility issues, and how to access other important services. You may download the Podcasts by clicking on this link:

You may also download the training materials (training workbook and various reference materials) for the entire Applicant Data Resolution training module and review them as they watch or listen to the Podcast. You may download the materials by clicking on this link:

The ISIR Guide, SAR Comment Codes and the EDE Technical Reference documents are available by clicking this link:

We hope you enjoy this exciting new way to attend training!


Claire M. Roemer
General Manager
School Services and Training Channel
Federal Student Aid