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Quality Assurance Program

FSA Assessments FAQs

What are Management Enhancement Worksheets?
Management Enhancement Worksheets allow your school to develop a plan of action and to correct any problems resulting from the completion of any of the FSA Assessments. A direct link that allows the user to print the Management Enhancement Worksheet for easy use and follow-through is included in each Assessment

You might find it helpful to print several blank Management Enhancement Worksheets while completing each Assessment. This process allows your school to capture any noted enhancements while they are fresh in your mind and then to follow up on any improvements.

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What hyperlinks are provided throughout the Assessments?
When available and applicable, hyperlinks to Federal Regulations, Federal Student Aid Handbook, BlueBook, Web sites and Dear Partner Letters are provided.  Additionally, as noted previously, hyperlinks to the Management Enhancement Worksheet are also provided, along with links to various activities to test compliance.

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How do I download FSA Assessment Activities to my own computer?
You may download any FSA Assessment Activity to your own computer and save it to your hard drive or disk. On the upper right hand corner of each Assessment, click on Download this Assessment Acitvity to Your Computer to bring it up in Microsoft Word Format. You can then click File, Save As, and then select where you want to save the file on your own computer.

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How do I print an FSA Assessment Activity?
In order to print an FSA Assessment Activity, click on the Download this Assessment Activity button. You can then print any Assessment by using the File, Print option on your browser.

You can also print any Assessment Activity you downloaded and saved to your own hard drive the same way.  Since many of the FSA Assessments contain activities to test compliance, it is recommended that every user print every Activity within the Assessment for completion.

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Can I forward an FSA Assessment to another user?
There are several ways to forward an Assessment to another user. You can either forward the Web-coded version to another user or a Microsoft Word document version that you downloaded or saved to your own computer.

For Microsoft Outlook users: To forward the Web-coded version of an Assessment, first click on the Assessment. Once it is on your screen, click, File, Send, Link By Email and insert the link to the Assessment within the body of the message. Then, simply enter the user’s email address and hit Send.


Regardless of what type of Internet Service Provider or email system used, any user can forward a blank copy of an Assessment downloaded to the user’s computer as an attachment to an email.


Once the user downloads any Assessment by using the Download this Assessment Activity to Your Computer feature, a user can potentially enter information into the Microsoft Word Document, save it to a hard drive, and forward it to another user as an attachment.

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What do I do if the hyperlinks do not work in the downloaded Microsoft Word documents?
Hyperlinks can only work if the user has an Internet Service Provider associated with the computer they are using.

If you are logged in to a server or internal network through your school, you will be able access the hyperlinks in the downloaded Microsoft Word Documents as long as you have access to the Internet.

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What do I do if I click on a hyperlink and want to return to the chart to assist in identifying Assessments I may want to complete?
All hyperlinks are highlighted. If you are viewing the chart with recommended Assessments and have accessed a hyperlink and want to return to the Assessments online, you must hit the Back button in order to get back to the chart.

HINT: If you are viewing the chart online and would like to view the hyperlink in another window, simply right click the hyperlink with your mouse and click Open in New Window to bring the hyperlink to your screen for viewing in a separate window.

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What Assessments should I complete?
You can choose the Assessments to complete, but we recommend you complete Assessments related to prior audit or program review findings. If you have none, you may want to consider completing two Assessments each year. Please review the Suggested Uses Chart at the following address: 

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