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Privacy of Visitors to DOC Web Sites
(Approved March 5, 2002)

New E-Gov Act Privacy Policy Requirements


It is the policy of the Department of Commerce (DOC) to respect the privacy of visitors to Web sites of Department of Commerce organizations to the maximum extent possible consistent with law.


This policy is designed to assure members of the public that their privacy will be respected when they view Web sites of Department of Commerce organizations.



Deadline for Implementation:



This policy applies to all Department of Commerce Web sites which are accessible to the public.


Visitors to Web sites of Department of Commerce organizations need to have assurance that their privacy will not be violated as a consequence of viewing DOC Web pages, and that information will not be taken from them or their computer without their knowledge, and that their computer will not be compromised as a consequence of viewing any Department of Commerce Web site. The Department is fully committed to setting an example in this regard.

No information is collected from visitors to any Department of Commerce Web site without disclosure in the privacy statement.

The Department has implemented policies on Privacy Statements and Information Collection and Persistent Cookies.

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  Page last updated: 19 March, 2008 1:17 PM