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Chemical Sampling Information
Isopropyl Mercaptan
 Field Definitions
 Analytical Methods
General Description

NAME: Isopropyl Mercaptan

SYNONYM(s): Isopropanethiol; 2-Propanethiol; 2-Mercaptopropane

IMIS: S248

CAS: 75-33-2

NIOSH: RTECS TZ7302000; 66102


MW: 76.17
BP: 51-55 deg C

Exposure Limits

Health Factors


ART: Reference: Nishikawa,Yoshinori; Kuwata, Kazuhira. . "Analytical Chemistry" 57, 1985, pp1864-8. Title: Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Low . Molecular Weight Alkylthiols in Air via . Derivatization with NBD-Chloride . (7-Chloro-4-Nitro-2,1,3-Benzoxadiazole) Collection: Sep-PAK Florisil coated with NBD-Cl (Tubes . used in OME 40 NBD-CL on XAD-7 may work) Air Vol and FLowrate: 100L at 0.8-1.2L/min Analysis: 2 mL of MeOH were used to dynamically desorb . the derivative. The samples stood at room temp . for 15 minutes before analysis by HPLC. Column: Develosil ODS-3 10cmx4mm at 30 deg C Eluent: 45/55 acetonitrile/water at 1 mL/min. Detector: UV at 425nm or fluorescent at 425 nm excitation . and 510 nm emission. Mercaptans studied: Methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, propyl, . 2-methyl-2-propyl, 2-butyl, . 2-methyl-1-propyl, and 1-butyl

Revision Date: 04/30/1991
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