[Federal Register: September 11, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 177)]
[Page 52882-52884]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Minerals Management Service

Environmental Documents Prepared for Proposed Oil, Gas, and 
Mineral Operations by the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) 

AGENCY: Minerals Management Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of the Availability of Environmental Documents. Prepared 
for OCS Mineral Proposals by the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.


SUMMARY: Minerals Management Service (MMS), in accordance with Federal 
Regulations that implement the National Environmental Policy Act 
(NEPA), announces the availability of NEPA-related Site-Specific 
Environmental Assessments (SEA) and Findings of No Significant Impact 
(FONSI), prepared by MMS for the following oil-, gas-, and mineral-
related activities proposed on the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic OCS.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Public Information Unit, Information 
Services Section at the number below. Minerals Management Service, Gulf 
of Mexico OCS Region, Attention: Public Information Office (MS 5034), 
1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, Room 114, New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-
2394, or by calling 1-800-200-GULF.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: MMS prepares SEAs and FONSIs for proposals 
that relate to exploration, development, production, and transport of 
oil, gas, and mineral resources on the Federal OCS. These SEAs examine 
the potential environmental effects of activities described in the 
proposals and present MMS conclusions regarding the significance of 
those effects. Environmental Assessments are used as a basis for 
determining whether or not approval of the proposals constitutes major 
Federal actions that significantly affect the quality of the human 
environment in the sense of NEPA Section 102(2)(C). A FONSI is prepared 
in those instances where MMS finds that approval will not result in 
significant effects on the quality of the human environment. The FONSI 
briefly presents the basis for that finding and includes a summary or 
copy of the SEA.
    This notice constitutes the public notice of availability of 
environmental documents required under the NEPA Regulations.
    This listing includes all proposals for which the Gulf of Mexico 
OCS Region prepared a FONSI in the period subsequent to publication of 
the preceding notice.

             Activity/operator                               Location                             Date
Murphy Exploration & Production Company--   Lloyd Ridge, Block 268, Lease OCS-G 10492,  2/8/2008
 USA, Initial Exploration Plan, SEA N-9105.  located 124 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Murphy Exploration & Production Company--   Lloyd Ridge, Block 410, Lease OCS-G 31846,  4/3/2008
 USA, Initial Exploration Plan SEA N-9141.   located 152 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Murphy Exploration & Production Company--   Lloyd Ridge, Blocks 326 & 370, Leases OCS-  4/3/2008
 USA, Initial Exploration Plan, SEA N-9143.  G 31837 & 31842, respectively, located
                                             171 miles from the nearest Louisiana
Energy Resource Technology GOM, Inc.,       South Timbalier, Block 63, Lease OCS-G      4/6/2008
 Structure Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-034.        00599, located 19 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Apache Corporation, Structure Removal, SEA  West Cameron, Block 68, Lease OCS 00526,    4/6/2008
 ES/SR 08-048.                               located 7 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Seismic Exchange, Inc., Geological &        Located in the western Gulf of Mexico 45    4/8/2008
 Geophysical Prospecting for Mineral         miles southwest of Texas City, Texas.
 Resources, SEA T08-04.
Murphy Exploration & Production Company     Lloyd Ridge, Block 180, Lease OCS-G 31822,  4/8/2008
 USA, Initial Exploration Plan, SEA N-9155.  located 120 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
EMGS Americas, Geological & Geophysical     Located in the western Gulf of Mexico       4/9/2008
 Prospecting for Mineral Resources, SEA      south of Galveston, Texas.
Murphy Exploration & Production Company     Lloyd Ridge, Block 499, Lease OCS-G 31851,  4/9/2008
 USA, Initial Exploration Plan, SEA N-9151.  located 158 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Murphy Exploration & Production Company--   Lloyd Ridge, Blocks 412 & 456, Leases OCS-  4/9/2008
 USA, Initial Exploration Plan, SEA N-9142.  G 31848 & 31850 respectively, located 155
                                             miles from the nearest Louisiana
McMoRan Oil & Gas, LLC, Structure Removal,  West Cameron, Block 522, Lease OCS-G        4/9/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-044.                           14340, located 100 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Initial     Lloyd Ridge, Block 400, Lease OCS-G 23481,  4/16/2008
 Exploration Plan, SEA N-9145.               located 128 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Apache Corporation, Structure Removal, SEA  South Timbalier, Block 198, Lease OCS-G     4/17/2008
 ES/SR 08-052.                               07769, located 54 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Apache Corporation, Structure Removal, SEA  West Delta, Block 41, Lease OCS-G 01073,    4/17/2008
 ES/SR 08-049.                               located 15 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Murphy Exploration & Production Company     Lloyd Ridge, Block 317, Lease OCS-G 31834,  4/18/2008
 USA, Initial Exploration Plan, SEA N-9160.  located 137 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Murphy Exploration & Production Company     Lloyd Ridge, Block 319, Lease OCS-G 31836,  4/18/2008
 USA, Initial Exploration Plan, SEA N-9159.  located 141 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.

[[Page 52883]]

GX Technology Corporation, Geological &     Located in the central Gulf of Mexico       4/18/2008
 Geophysical Prospecting for Mineral         south of Mobile, Alabama.
 Resources, SEA L07-84.
PGS Geophysical for Multi Klient Invest     Located in the western/central Gulf of      4/18/2008
 AS, Geological & Geophysical Prospecting    Mexico from south of Galveston, Texas to
 for Mineral Resources SEA L08-16.           an area south of Venice, Louisiana.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    Mobile, Block 918, Lease OCS-G 12114,       4/24/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-054.                           located 8 miles from the nearest Alabama
Apache Corporation, Structure Removal, SEA  South Pass, Block 62, Lease OCS-G 01294,    4/24/2008
 ES/SR 07-151, 07-152.                       located 17 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
McMoran Oil & Gas, LLC, Structure Removal,  Vermilion, Block 160, Lease OCS-G 08668,    4/24/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-042, 08-043.                   located 41 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Devon Energy Production Company, L.P.,      Eugene Island, Block 120, Lease OCS-G       4/25/2008
 Structure Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-010A.       00050, located 30 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Apache Corporation, Structure Removal, SEA  Main Pass, Block 290, Lease OCS-G 01667,    4/25/2008
 ES/SR 07-118A.                              located 34 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Energy Resource Technology GOM, Inc.,       Matagorda Island, Block 604, Lease OCS-G    4/25/2008
 Structure Removal, SEA ES/SR 06-016B.       06037, located 8 miles from the nearest
                                             Texas shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    West Cameron, Block 44, Lease OCS-G 21532,  4/25/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-056.                           located 6 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
BHP Billiton Petroleum (Americas), Inc.,    Located in the central Gulf of Mexico       5/1/2008
 Geological & Geophysical Prospecting for    south of Grand Isle, Louisiana.
 Mineral Resources, SEA L08-24.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    Ship Shoal, Block 169, Lease OCS-G 00820,   5/5/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-058.                           located 28 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Hunt Petroleum (AEC), Inc., Structure       Vermilion, Block 54, Lease OCS-G 19754,     5/5/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-063, 08-064.          located 12 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc.,        East Cameron, Block 322, Lease OCS-G        5/6/2008
 Structure Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-072.        02254, located 110 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Phoenix Exploration Company, LLC,           High Island, Block 53, Lease OCS 00740,     5/6/2008
 Structure Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-062.        located 15 miles from the nearest Texas
WesternGeco, LLC, Geological & Geophysical  Located in the western/central Gulf of      5/6/2008
 Prospecting for Mineral Resources SEA L08-  Mexico south of Lafayette, Louisiana.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    South Marsh Island (North Addition), Block  5/6/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-057.                           288, Lease OCS-G 02316, located 29 miles
                                             from the nearest Louisiana shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    Mobile, Block 904, Lease OCS-G 05749,       5/8/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-055.                           located 7 miles from the nearest
                                             Mississippi shoreline.
Bois d'Arc Offshore Ltd., Structure         Ship Shoal, Block 112, Lease OCS-G 00066,   5/9/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-071.                  located 20 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    South Timbalier, Block 24, Lease OCS-G      5/9/2008
 SEA ES/SR 97-171A.                          00387, located 6 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    South Timbalier, Block 52, Lease OCS-G      5/9/2008
 SEA ES/SR 00-115A.                          01241, located 14 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    Breton Sound, Block 56, Lease OCS-G 01373,  5/14/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-074, 08-075.                   located 14 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Stone Energy, Structure Removal, SEA ES/SR  Eugene Island, Block 49, Lease OCS-G        5/14/2008
 08-079.                                     17959, located 25 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Energy Resource Technology GOM, Inc.,       South Pelto, Blocks 20 & 19, Leases OCS     5/14/2008
 Structure Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-027, 08-    00074 & 00073 respectively, located 7
 085.                                        miles from the nearest Louisiana
Mariner Energy, Inc., Structure Removal,    High Island, Block A467, Lease OCS-G        5/15/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-088.                           02688, located 93 miles from the nearest
                                             Texas shoreline.
TDC Energy, LLC, Structure Removal, SEA ES/ Vermilion, Block 221, Lease OCS-G 04424,    5/15/2008
 SR 07-062A.                                 located 60 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    South Timbalier, Block 23, Lease OCS-G      5/16/2008
 SEA ES/SR 97-051A.                          00166, located 5 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    South Marsh Island, Block 218, Lease OCS-G  5/16/2008
 SEA ES/SR 05-119A.                          00310, located 9 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
BP America Production Company, Structure    South Timbalier, Block 160, Lease OCS-G     5/16/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 07-105A.                 04828, located 32 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Callon Petroleum Operating Company,         South Marsh Island, Block 261, Lease OCS-G  5/16/2008
 Structure Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-080, 08-    16337, located 30 miles from the nearest
 081, 08-082.                                Louisiana shoreline.
Stone Energy Corporation, Structure         Eugene Island, Block 49, Lease OCS-G        5/20/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-065.                  17959, located 25 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    Grand Isle, Block 37, Lease OCS-G 00392,    5/20/2008
 SEA ES/SR 00-014A.                          located 7 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc.,       Located off the coast of Manatee &           5/20/2008
 Geological & Geophysical Prospecting for    Sarasota Counties, Florida on the Federal
 Mineral Resources, SEA M08-02.              OCS of the Gulf of Mexico.
Union Oil Company, Structure Removal, SEA   Mobile, Block 915, Lease OCS-G 05752,       5/20/2008
 ES/SR 08-083, 08-084.                       located 8 miles from the nearest Alabama
Dominion Exploration & Production, Inc.,    West Cameron, Block 153, Lease OCS-G        5/20/2008
 Structure Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-053.        10549, located 24 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    Eugene Island, Block 133, Lease OCS-G       5/21/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-067, 08-068, 08-069, 08-070.   04445, located 43 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,    Grand Isle, Block 37, Lease OCS-G 00392,    5/21/2008
 SEA ES/SR 97-049A.                          located 7 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.

[[Page 52884]]

Bois d'Arc Offshore, Ltd., Structure        Ship Shoal, Block 107, Lease OCS-G 21654,   5/21/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-086.                  located 20 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Apache Corporation, Structure Removal, SEA  Ship Shoal, Block 207, Lease OCS-G 01523,   5/21/2008
 ES/SR 08-002A, 08-014A.                     located 34 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Exxon Mobil Corporation, Revised            Walker Ridge, Block 584, Lease OCS 20351,   5/21/2008
 Exploration Plan, SEA R-4825.               located 186 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline south of Morgan City,
Energy Resource Technology, Inc.,           Green Canyon, Blocks 236 & 237, Leases OCS- 5/27/2008
 Supplemental Developmental Operations       G 15562 & 15563, located approximately 91
 Coordination Document, SEA S-7156.          miles southward from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Petsec Energy, Inc., Structure Removal,     Vermilion, Block 257, Lease OCS-G 24851,    5/29/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-089.                           located 69 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
GOM Shelf, LLC, Structure Removal, SEA ES/  Eugene Island, Block 142, Lease OCS-G       5/30/2008
 SR 06-140A.                                 10726, located 27 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Apache Corporation, Structure Removal, SEA  Eugene Island, Block 87, Lease OCS-G        6/2/2008
 ES/SR 08-036.                               09580, located 21 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Arena Offshore, LLC, Structure Removal,     Matagorda Island, Block 669, Lease OCS-G    6/2/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-073.                           04065, located 23 miles from the nearest
                                             Texas shoreline.
Chevron, U.S.A., Inc., Structure Removal,   Ship Shoal, Block 108, Lease OCS-G 00814,   6/2/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-076.                           located 23 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC, Structure Removal,   Vermilion, Block 159, Lease OCS-G 03128,    6/3/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-047.                           located 45 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Hunt Oil Company, Structure Removal, SEA    Cameron (West Addition), Block 289, Lease   6/5/2008
 ES/SR 08-090.                               OCS-G 22539, located 28 miles from
                                             thenearest Louisiana shoreline.
Neptune LNG, LLC, Right-of-Way              Boston, Blocks NK 19-04 6525 & 19-04 6575,  6/10/2008
 Application, SEA P-7.                       located in Massachusetts Bay off the
                                             Massachusetts shoreline.
Magnum Hunter Production, Inc., Structure   South Timbalier, Block 250, Lease OCS-G     6/10/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-093.                  15336, located 57 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Hunt Petroleum (AEC), Inc., Structure       Main Pass, Block 116, Lease OCS-G 03419,    6/16/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-092.                  located 30 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
BP America, Inc., Structure Removal, SEA    West Delta, Block 96, Lease OCS-G 01498,    6/16/2008
 ES/SR 07-107A.                              located 27 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Murphy Exploration & Production Company     Lloyd Ridge, Block 511, Lease OCS-G 10496,  6/17/2008
 U.S.A., Initial Exploration Plan, SEA N-    Wells A, B, C, D and E, located 185 miles
 9186.                                       from the nearest Louisiana shoreline, 217
                                             miles from the nearest Mississippi
                                             shoreline, 202 miles from the nearest
                                             Alabama shoreline and 168 miles from the
                                             nearest Florida shoreline.
Hunt Petroleum (AEC), Inc., Structure       Grand Isle, Block 28, Lease OCS-G 22765,    6/18/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-091.                  located 17 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Maritech Resources, Inc., Structure         Eugene Island, Block 116, Lease OCS-G       6/20/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 07-143A.                 00478, located 46 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Maritech Resources, Inc., Structure         Eugene Island, Block 129, Lease OCS-G       6/20/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 07-116A, 07-117A.        00054, located 38 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Wild Well Control, Inc., Structure          Grand Isle, Block 40, Lease OCS-G 00128,    6/20/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-104.                  located 14 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Wild Well Control, Inc., Structure          Grand Isle, Block 41, Lease OCS-G 00129,    6/20/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 08-105.                  located 14 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Maritech Resources, Inc., Structure         South Marsh, Block 233, Lease OCS-G 11929,  6/20/2008
 Removal, SEA ES/SR 07-074A, 07-138A, 07-    located 20 miles from the nearest
 139A.                                       Louisiana shoreline.
Arena Offshore, LLC, Structure Removal,     Eugene Island, Block 83, Lease OCS-G        6/24/2008
 SEA ES/SR 08-115.                           24888, located 15 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Apache Corporation, Structure Removal, SEA  Main Pass, Block 151, Lease OCS-G 02951,    6/25/2008
 ES/SR 07-068.                               located 10 miles from the nearest
                                             Louisiana shoreline.
Joint Industry Project, Geological &        Green Canyon, Block 955 & Walker Ridge,     6/26/2008
 Geophysical Exploration for Mineral         Block 313, located 139 & 170 miles from
 Resources, SEA L08-49 & L08-48.             the nearest Louisiana shoreline,
Exxon Mobil Corporation, Revised            Keathley Canyon, Block 964, Lease OCS-G     6/30/2008
 Exploration Plan, SEA R-4845.               21451, lo`cated 240 miles from the
                                             nearest Louisiana shoreline south of
                                             Morgan City, Louisiana.

    Persons interested in reviewing environmental documents for the 
proposals listed above or obtaining information about SEAs and FONSIs 
prepared by the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region are encouraged to contact MMS 
at the address or telephone listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 
CONTACT section.

    Dated: August 20, 2008.
Lars Herbst,
Regional Director, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.
[FR Doc. E8-21061 Filed 9-10-08; 8:45 am]