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 Tagline: A worldwide project improving infant and young child feeding
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  Experience LINKAGES: Results Experience LINKAGES: Results
Reports on the project’s indicators and tools for measuring change, the results achieved, and lessons learned in collecting infant feeding data.
Experience LINKAGES: Mainstreaming Experience LINKAGES: Mainstreaming
Describes what mainstreaming means and how mainstreaming lends itself to the replication, scale up, and sustainability of project innovations.
Experience LINKAGES: Policy Dialogue Experience LINKAGES: Policy Dialogue
Describes the conceptual framework for policy change, identifies the main policy issues related to IYCF, discusses LINKAGES strategies to address policy dialogue challenges, and summarizes lessons learned.
Feeding Infants and Young Children During and After Illness Feeding Infants and Young Children During and After Illness
This Facts for Feeding describes optimal feeding behaviors during and after illness, challenges of feeding during these times, special considerations for common illnesses, and guidelines for counseling caregivers.

USAID LOGO The LINKAGES Project is managed by the Academy for Educational Development. Funding is provided by the Bureau for Global Health of the United States Agency for International Development through Cooperative Agreement HRN-A-00-97-00007-00 (Nov. 1996-Oct. 2006). The information provided on this web site is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government. AED Logo