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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 790  

General Statement As to the Effect of the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947 on the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

29 CFR 790.8 - ``Principal'' activities.

  • Section Number: 790.8
  • Section Name: ``Principal'' activities.

    (a) An employer's liabilities and obligations under the Fair Labor 
Standards Act with respect to the ``principal'' activities his employees 
are employed to perform are not changed in any way by section 4 of the 
Portal Act, and time devoted to such activities must be taken into 
account in computing hours worked to the same extent as it would if the 
Portal Act had not been enacted.53 But before it can be 
determined whether an activity is ``preliminary or postliminary to (the) 
principal activity or activities'' which the employee is employed to 
perform, it is generally necessary to determine what are such 
``principal'' activities.54

    53 See Secs. 790.4 through 790.6 of this bulletin and part 785 
of this chapter, which discusses the principles for determining hours 
worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended.
    54 Although certain ``preliminary'' and ``postliminary'' 
activities are expressly mentioned in the statute (see Sec. 790.7(b)), 
they are described with reference to the place where principal 
activities are performed. Even as to these activities, therefore, 
identification of certain other activities as ``principal'' activities 
is necessary.

The use by Congress of the plural form ``activities'' in the statute 
makes it clear that in order for an activity to be a ``principal'' 
activity, it need not be predominant in some way over all other 
activities engaged in by the employee in performing his job; 55 
rather, an employee may, for purposes of the Portal-to-Portal Act be 
engaged in several ``principal'' activities during the workday. The 
``principal'' activities referred to in the statute are activities which 
the employee is ``employed to
perform''; 56 they do not include noncompensable ``walking, 
riding, or traveling'' of the type referred to in section 4 of the 
Act.57 Several guides to determine what constitute 
``principal activities'' was suggested in the legislative debates. One 
of the members of the conference committee stated to the House of 
Representatives that ``the realities of industrial life,'' rather than 
arbitrary standards, ``are intended to be applied in defining the term 
`principal activity or activities','' and that these words should ``be 
interpreted with due regard to generally established compensation 
practices in the particular industry and trade.'' 58 The 
legislative history further indicates that Congress intended the words 
``principal activities'' to be construed liberally in the light of the 
foregoing principles to include any work of consequence performed for an 
employer, no matter when the work is performed.59 A majority 
member of the committee which introduced this language into the bill 
explained to the Senate that it was considered ``sufficiently broad to 
embrace within its terms such activities as are indispensable to the 
performance of productive work.'' 60

    55 Cf. Edward F. Allison Co., Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal 
Revenue, 63 F. (2d) 553 (C.C.A. 8, 1933).
    56 Cf. Armour & Co. v. Wantock, 323 U.S. 126, 132-134; 
Skidmore v. Swift & Co., 323 U.S. 134, 136-137.
    57 See statement of Senator Cooper, 93 Cong. Rec. 2297.
    58 Remarks of Representative Walter, 93 Cong. Rec. 4389. 
See also statements of Senator Cooper, 93 Cong. Rec. 2297, 2299.
    59 See statements of Senator Cooper, 93 Cong. Rec. 2296-
2300. See also Senate Report, p. 48, and the President's message to 
Congress on approval of the Portal Act, May 14, 1947 (93 Cong. Rec. 
    60 See statement of Senator Cooper, 93 Cong. Rec. 2299.

    (b) The term ``principal activities'' includes all activities which 
are an integral part of a principal activity.61 Two examples 
of what is meant by an integral part of a principal activity are found 
in the Report of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate on the Portal-to-
Portal Bill.62 They are the following:

    61 Senate Report, p. 48; statements of Senator Cooper, 93 
Cong. Rec. 2297-2299.
    62 As stated in the Conference Report (p. 12), by 
Representative Gwynne in the House of Representatives (93 Cong. Rec. 
4388) and by Senator Wiley in the Senate (93 Cong. Rec. 4371), the 
language of the provision here involved follows that of the Senate bill.

    (1) In connection with the operation of a lathe an employee will 
frequently at the commencement of his workday oil, grease or clean his 
machine, or install a new cutting tool. Such activities are an integral 
part of the principal activity, and are included within such term.
    (2) In the case of a garment worker in a textile mill, who is 
required to report 30 minutes before other employees report to commence 
their principal activities, and who during such 30 minutes distributes 
clothing or parts of clothing at the work-benches of other employees and 
gets machines in readiness for operation by other employees, such 
activities are among the principal activities of such employee.

Such preparatory activities, which the Administrator has always regarded 
as work and as compensable under the Fair Labor Standards Act, remain so 
under the Portal Act, regardless of contrary custom or contract.63

    63 Statement of Senator Cooper, 93 Cong. Rec. 2297; colloquy 
between Senators Barkley and Cooper, 93 Cong. Rec. 2350. The fact that a 
period of 30 minutes was mentioned in the second example given by the 
committee does not mean that a different rule would apply where such 
preparatory activities take less time to perform. In a colloquy between 
Senators McGrath and Cooper, 93 Cong. Rec. 2298, Senator Cooper stated 
that ``There was no definite purpose in using the words `30 minutes' 
instead of 15 or 10 minutes or 5 minutes or any other number of 
minutes.'' In reply to questions, he indicated that any amount of time 
spent in preparatory activities of the types referred to in the examples 
would be regarded as a part of the employee's principal activity and 
within the compensable workday. Cf. Anderson v. Mt. Clemens Pottery Co., 
328 U.S. 680, 693.

    (c) Among the activities included as an integral part of a principal 
activity are those closely related activities which are indispensable to 
its performance.64 If an employee in a chemical plant, for 
example, cannot perform his principal activities without putting on
certain clothes,65 changing clothes on the employer's 
premises at the beginning and end of the workday would be an integral 
part of the employee's principal activity.66 On the other 
hand, if changing clothes is merely a convenience to the employee and 
not directly related to his principal activities, it would be considered 
as a ``preliminary'' or ``postliminary'' activity rather than a 
principal part of the activity. 67  However, activities such 
as checking in and out and waiting in line to do so would not ordinarily 
be regarded as integral parts of the principal activity or 

    64 See statements of Senator Cooper, 93 Cong. Rec. 2297-2299, 
2377; colloquy between Senators Barkley and Cooper, 93 Cong. Rec. 2350.
    65 Such a situation may exist where the changing of 
clothes on the employer's premises is required by law, by rules of the 
employer, or by the nature of the work. See footnote 49.
    66 See colloquy between Senators Cooper and McGrath, 93 
Cong. Rec. 2297-2298.
    67 See Senate Report, p. 47; statements of Senator 
Donnell, 93 Cong. Rec. 2305-2306, 2362; statements of Senator Cooper, 93 
Cong. Rec. 2296-2297, 2298.

[12 FR 7655, Nov, 18, 1947, as amended at 35 FR 7383, May 12, 1970]
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