[Federal Register: October 25, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 206)]
[Page 62473-62474]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and 

    In compliance with the requirement of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for opportunity for public comment on 
proposed data collection projects, the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic summaries of proposed projects. 
To request more information on the proposed projects or to obtain a 
copy of the data collection plans and instruments, call 404-639-5960 
and send comments to Seleda Perryman, CDC Assistant Reports Clearance 
Officer, 1600 Clifton Road, MS-D74, Atlanta, GA 30333 or send an e-mail 
to omb@cdc.gov.
    Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of 
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
the agency, including whether the information shall have practical 
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways 
to minimize the

[[Page 62474]]

burden of the collection of information on respondents, including 
through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of 
information technology. Written comments should be received within 60 
days of this notice.

Proposed Project

    Follow-up Study of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Georgia--
Reinstatement-0920-0638--Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases 
(CCID), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Background and Brief Description

    CDC is planning a follow-up study of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) 
in metropolitan, urban and rural communities in Georgia. This is in 
response to Congressional recommendations that the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention (CDC) sustain efforts to identify biomarkers for 
CFS, educate health care providers about the diagnosis and treatment of 
CFS, and better inform the public about it to aid early detection and 
improve patient care.
    In 2004, OMB approved the information collection, Survey of Chronic 
Fatigue Syndrome and Chronic Unwellness in Georgia, under OMB Number 
0920-0638. This study provided baseline information on CFS and other 
unexplained fatiguing illness in metropolitan, urban, and rural regions 
in Georgia. Data from the proposed Follow-up Study of Chronic Fatigue 
Syndrome in Georgia will be used to describe the clinical course of CFS 
and evaluate behavioral and biochemical factors associated with 
outcome. This follow-up study will also determine access to and 
utilization of health care by persons with CFS and measure direct and 
indirect economic burden due to the illness. As part of a control 
strategy, the information from this follow-up study will be used in 
national and pilot regional provider education programs designed to 
teach health care providers how to evaluate, diagnose and manage 
patients with CFS.
    The proposed study builds on information from the Georgia survey 
with the objective of collecting clinical information that will help in 
the treatment of CFS and will help to interpret results obtained from 
testing biologic specimens (i.e., identify biomarkers of CFS). This 
follow-up study begins with a detailed telephone interview of persons 
who participated in the earlier survey and volunteered to be contacted 
again. The interview is similar (with minor modifications) to the 
original interview and is intended to obtain additional data on 
participant health status during the last twelve-month period. Eligible 
subjects with CFS, other fatiguing illnesses, and well controls will be 
asked to participate in clinical evaluations.

                                        Estimated Annualized Burden Hours
                                                     Number of        Number        burden per     Total  burden
                   Respondents                      respondents   responses  per   response  (in       hours
                                                                     respondent       hours)
Telephone interview.............................           2,870               1           30/60           1,435
Clinical Evaluation.............................             338               1          450/60           2,535
    Total.......................................  ..............  ..............  ..............           3,970

    Dated: October 19, 2006.
Joan F. Karr,
Acting Reports Clearance Officer, Centers for Disease Control and 
 [FR Doc. E6-17853 Filed 10-24-06; 8:45 am]