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Pedestrians with Vision Loss or Blindness

(Slide 1)

Blind woman crossing a street  Blind pedestrian at an intersection

How many people are blind or visually impaired now (Slide 2)

By 2010, expect there to be 20 million visually impaired persons over age 45

Variations in Vision Loss (Slide 3)

(Slide 4)

Picture 1 - Normal Vision - Variations in Vision Loss

(Slide 5)

Picture 2 - Vision Loss - Variations in Vision Loss

(Slide 6)

Picture 3 - Vision Loss - Variations in Vision Loss

(Slide 7)

Picture 4 - Vision Loss - Variations in Vision Loss

(Slide 8)

Picture 5 - Vision Loss - Variations in Vision Loss

How do pedestrians who are blind or visually impaired travel? (Slide 9)

Pedestrians who are blind or visually impaired in the US do travel to new locations or intersections and 'figure them out' by listening and exploring (Slide 10)

Obstacle detection and curb detection techniques (Slide 11)

Orientation and alignment cues (Slide 12)

Crossing at a signalized intersection (Slide 13)

video clip, unavailable at this time - Crossing at a signalized intersection

Problem areas for travelers who are blind (Slide 14)

Locating the crosswalk (Slide 15)

(Slide 16)

Photo of an intersection

(Slide 17)

Photo of an intersection

(Slide 18)

Photo of an intersection

(Slide 19)

Photo of an intersection

(Slide 20)

Photo of an intersection

Australia (Slide 21)

Australia - Photo of an intersection

(Slide 22)

Australia - Photo of an intersection

Detecting a gap in traffic (Slide 23)

Masking by other cars (Slide 24)

Sighted pedestrian crossing (Slide 25)

video clip, unavailable at this time - Sighted pedestrian crossing

Blind pedestrian crossing (Slide 26)

video clip, unavailable at this time - Blind pedestrian crossing

Ongoing Research (Slide 27)

NEI-Supported Study of Roundabouts Access (Slide 28)

NEI study - Traffic Volume (Slide 29)

NEI study - Unsafe judgments (Slide 30)

NEI study - Latency and delay

Experience in other countries



Review - Problem areas

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