Table 3b: Men and women age 50 and over who report they ever had a flexible sigmoidoscopya, by ethnicity, United States, 2000

  Total Hispanic* Total** Black or African American White
Population group Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Total 38.9 0.5 27.9 1.6 39.7 0.6 32.9 1.5 40.8 0.6
Age (not age adjusted)                    
    50-64 32.8 0.7 23.4 2.1 33.6 0.8 29.4 1.9 34.7 0.8
    65 and over 46.2 0.8 33.4 2.5 47.0 0.8 37.1 2.3 48.0 0.9
    Female 36.6 0.7 26.7 1.9 37.3 0.7 27.5 1.5 38.7 0.8
    Male 41.8 0.8 29.7 2.5 42.7 0.9 40.6 2.8 43.3 1.0
Health insurance (not age adjusted)                    
    Persons under age 65 34.8 0.8 28.0 2.5 35.2 0.8 31.4 2.0 36.0 0.9
      Private 35.0 0.8 29.3 3.0 35.3 0.8 32.6 2.4 36.0 0.9
      Public 32.7 1.9 23.0 3.9 33.8 2.1 27.7 3.6 36.5 2.6
      Uninsured 18.0 1.6 13.3 3.0 19.2 1.9 18.6 3.9 20.0 2.2
    Persons age 65 and over 46.2 0.8 33.4 2.5 47.0 0.8 37.1 2.3 48.0 0.9
      Medicare and any private 50.7 1.0 44.1 4.9 50.9 1.0 47.0 4.2 51.0 1.1
      Medicare and any public 35.9 2.2 36.1 4.4 35.8 2.5 36.6 5.2 35.1 3.2
      Medicare only 38.3 1.4 27.3 3.3 39.4 1.5 28.5 3.5 41.8 1.7
Family income                    
    < 100% of poverty level 29.2 1.7 21.2 2.4 30.7 2.0 24.2 3.0 33.6 2.6
    100-199% of poverty level 34.8 1.3 21.3 2.3 36.6 1.5 32.7 3.4 37.8 1.7
    200-399% of poverty level 37.9 1.2 27.5 4.0 38.6 1.2 34.7 4.2 38.8 1.3
    ≥ 400% of poverty level 47.5 1.1 44.7 5.2 47.6 1.1 48.9 3.9 48.1 1.2
Education (age 25 and over)                    
    Less than high school graduate 29.3 0.9 22.1 1.7 30.8 1.1 29.7 2.3 31.3 1.2
    High school graduate 37.0 0.9 28.9 4.0 37.3 0.9 31.8 3.1 38.2 1.0
    At least some college 46.1 0.8 39.4 3.7 46.3 0.8 39.6 2.6 47.0 0.9
Residence location                    
    Urban (MSA) 39.3 0.6 27.9 1.5 40.3 0.7 34.5 1.7 41.6 0.8
    Rural (Non-MSA) 38.1 1.0 29.0 6.3 38.3 1.0 24.9 2.8 39.1 1.0

aMeasure is age adjusted.

*Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

**Includes persons of other races not shown.

Key: SE: Standard error; MSA: Metropolitan Statistical Area

Note: The population categories used in this table are as reported from the source of the data (see below).

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey.

Table 3c Table 3a

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