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Training Presentation > Slide 62 Link to Printing InstructionsPrinting Instructions | Text Version
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Slide 62
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Slide 70
Slides 71-72
Slide 62


    Title: 1904.31 – Covered Employees
    Type: Text Slide

    • Employees on payroll
    • Employees not on payroll who are supervised on a day-to-day basis
    • Exclude self-employed and partners
    • Temporary help agencies should not record the cases experienced by temp workers who are supervised by the using organization
    Speaker Notes:

    Employees on the payroll must be included in the employer’s records, unless the company is acting as a temporary help service.

    Employees not covered in the OSH Act are also not included in the OSHA records. These include unpaid volunteers, sole proprietors, family members on family farms, domestic workers in residential settings.

    Temporary workers will be the employees of the party exercising day-to-day control over them, and the supervising party will record their injuries and illnesses.

    The employer and the temporary help service can discuss each case to see who is recording it. We do not want a case to be recorded twice if it can be avoided.

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Washington, DC 20210