[Federal Register: March 2, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 41)]
[Page 10698-10699]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Fish and Wildlife Service

Information Collection Renewal To Be Sent to the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) for Approval Under the Paperwork Reduction 
Act; OMB Control Number 1018-0075; Federal Subsistence Regulations and 
Associated Forms, 50 CFR Part 100

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice; request for comments.


SUMMARY: We (Fish and Wildlife Service) plan to request that OMB renew 
approval for our information collection associated with the Federal 
subsistence regulations. The current OMB control number for this 
information collection is 1018-0075, which expires August 31, 2006. We 
will request that OMB renew approval of this information collection for 
a 3-year term.

DATES: You must submit comments on or before May 1, 2006.

ADDRESSES: Send your comments on the information collection to Hope 
Grey, Information Collection Clearance Officer, Fish and Wildlife 
Service, MS 222-ARLSQ, 4401 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203 
(mail); hope_grey@fws.gov (e-mail); or (703) 358-2269 (fax).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request a copy of the information 
collection requirement, explanatory information, or related forms, 
contact Hope Grey at the addresses above or by telephone at (703) 358-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: OMB regulations at 5 CFR 1320, which 
implement provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
3501 et seq.), require that interested members

[[Page 10699]]

of the public and affected agencies have an opportunity to comment on 
information collection and recordkeeping activities (see 5 CFR 
1320.8(d)). Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor and a person is 
not required to respond to a collection of information unless it 
displays a currently valid OMB control number.
    The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) and 
Fish and Wildlife Service regulations at 50 CFR 100 require that 
persons engaged in taking fish and wildlife on public lands in Alaska 
report their take to the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) and that 
rural residents who want to participate in special hunts or fisheries 
must apply for and obtain a special permit to do so. We use forms 7FS-
1, 7FS-2, and 7FS-3 to collect information for the permitting process. 
When we ask OMB to renew this information collection, we will assign 
Fish and Wildlife Service form numbers to these forms. We will ask OMB 
to approve FWS Form 3-2326 (Federal Subsistence Hunt Application, 
Permit, and Report), FWS Form 3-2327 (Designated Hunter Permit 
Application, Permit, and Report), and FWS Form 3-2328 (Federal 
Subsistence Fishing Application, Permit, and Report). The information 
that we will collect on these proposed forms is identical to that 
collected on the current OMB-approved forms.

    Title: Federal Subsistence Hunt Application, Permit, and Report.
    OMB Control Number: 1018-0075.
    Form Number: FWS Form 3-2326 (supersedes form 7FS-1).
    Frequency of Collection: On Occasion.
    Description of Respondents: Federally defined rural residents.
    This form allows Federal subsistence users to participate in 
special hunts that are not available to the general public, but are 
provided for by Title VIII of ANILCA. The application requires 
information necessary to identify the applicant (name, date of birth, 
address, telephone number, and Alaska hunting license number). The 
Board uses the harvest information that the permitee provides in the 
hunt report (number of days hunted, method of getting to hunt area, 
drainages hunted and locations, date animals were taken, and sex of 
animals taken) to evaluate subsistence harvest success; the 
effectiveness of season lengths, harvest quotas, and harvest 
restrictions; hunting patterns and practices; and hunter use. The Board 
uses this information to set future seasons and harvest limits for 
Federal subsistence resource users. These seasons and harvest limits 
are set to meet the needs of subsistence hunters without adversely 
impacting the health of existing wildlife populations.

    Title: Designated Hunter Permit Application, Permit, and Report.
    OMB Control Number: 1018-0075.
    Form Number: FWS Form 3-2327 (supersedes form 7FS-2).
    Frequency of Collection: On Occasion.
    Description of Respondents: Federally defined rural residents.
    The Designated Hunter Application, Permit, and Report form allows 
qualified subsistence users to harvest wildlife for other qualified 
subsistence users who have a Federal Subsistence Hunt permit and report 
the harvest of multiple animals by a single hunter who is acting for 
others. We collect information on the application to identify the 
applicant (name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and Alaska 
hunting license number). The permit and hunt report include the names 
of persons for whom the permittee hunted, harvest ticket/permit number, 
unit, specific location, and number of male and female animals 

    Title: Federal Subsistence Fishing Application, Permit, and Report.
    OMB Control Number: 1018-0075.
    Form Number: FWS Form 3-2328 (supersedes form 7FS-3).
    Frequency of Collection: On Occasion.
    Description of Respondents: Federally defined rural residents.
    This form allows qualified subsistence users to harvest fish for 
themselves or for others. This form also allows Federal subsistence 
users to participate in special fishing opportunities that are not 
available to the general public, but are provided for by Title VIII of 
ANILCA. The Board needs information on both the fisherman (name, 
address, telephone number, date of birth, and Alaska driver's license 
number or other identification) and the qualified subsistence users 
fished for (name and date of birth) to identify the individuals and 
ensure they are qualified subsistence users. The report includes 
information on dates fished, water body, gear used, and the fish 
harvested. Once the Board evaluates harvest information, it uses that 
data, along with other information, to set future seasons and harvest 
limits for Federal subsistence resource users. These seasons and 
harvest limits are set to meet the needs of subsistence fishermen 
without adversely impacting the health of existing fish populations.

                                                                                    Avg burden
                                                      No. of       Annual No. of     hour per      Total annual
                Form No./activity                   respondents      responses       response       burden hrs
3-2326--Application.............................           5,000           5,000              10           833.3
3-2326--Report..................................           5,000           5,000               5           416.6
3-2327--Application.............................             450             450              10            75.0
3-2327--Permit..................................             450             450               5            37.5
3-2327--Report..................................             450             450               5            37.5
3-2328--Application.............................             250             250              10            41.6
3-2328--Report..................................             250             250              20            83.3
    Total.......................................          11,850          11,850  ..............         1,524.8

    We invite comments concerning this proposed information collection 
on: (1) Whether or not the collection of information is necessary, 
including whether or not the information will have practical utility; 
(2) the accuracy of our estimate of the burden for this collection of 
information; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information to be collected; and, (4) ways to minimize the burden 
of the collection of information on respondents.

    Dated: February 3, 2006.
Hope G. Grey,
Information Collection Clearance Officer, Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. E6-2939 Filed 3-1-06; 8:45 am]