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Training Presentation > Slide 38 Link to Printing InstructionsPrinting Instructions | Text Version
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Slides 71-72
Slide 38


    Title: 1904.7(b)(5) – Medical Treatment
    Type: Text Slide
    • Medical treatment is the management and care of a patient to combat disease or disorder.
    • It does not include:
      - Visits to a PLHCP solely for observation or counseling
      - Diagnostic procedures
      - First aid
    Speaker Notes:

    Medical treatment is the management and care of a patient to combat disease or disorder. Medical treatment does not include visits to a PLHCP solely for observation and counseling, including follow-up visits.

    Medical treatment also does not include diagnostic procedures, such as x-rays, blood tests, or MRIs. Use of prescription medications for diagnostic purposes is also not considered medical treatment; for example, prescription eye drops used to dilate the pupils.

    Finally, medical treatment does not include first aid procedures.

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