[Federal Register: October 10, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 195)]
[Page 59582-59587]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 59582]]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

[Docket No. NHTSA-2003-14395, Notice 3]

NHTSA's Activities Under the United Nations Economic Commission 
for Europe 1998 Global Agreement

AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DoT.

ACTION: Notice of activities under the 1998 Global Agreement and 
request for comments.


SUMMARY: NHTSA is publishing this notice to inform the public of the 
schedule of upcoming meetings of the World Forum for Harmonization of 
Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and its working parties of experts for the 
remainder of calendar year 2006 and the tentative schedule for calendar 
year 2007. Further, this notice informs the public about the status of 
activities under the Program of Work of the 1998 Global Agreement and 
requests comments on various aspects of these activities. Specifically, 
this notice seeks comment on the recommended Global Technical 
Regulation (GTR) on motorcycle brake systems that was referred by the 
Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) to the Executive 
Committee of the 1998 Global Agreement (AC.3) for a vote at the 140th 
session of WP.29 in November 2006. Publication of this information is 
in accordance with NHTSA's Statement of Policy regarding Agency Policy 
Goals and Public Participation in the Implementation of the 1998 Global 
Agreement on Global Technical Regulations.

DATES: Written comments may be submitted to this agency and must be 
received within 30 days of publication of this notice.

ADDRESSES: You may submit your comments in writing to: Docket 
Management, Room PL-401, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. 
Alternatively, you may submit your comments electronically by logging 
onto the Dockets Management System Web site at http://dms.dot.gov. 

Click on ``Help & Information'' or ``Help/Info'' to view instructions 
for filing your comments electronically. Regardless of how you submit 
your comments, you should mention the docket number of this document. 
Note that all comments received will be posted without change to http://dms.dot.gov
, including any personal information provided. Please see 

the Privacy Act heading under Request for Comments.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Ezana Wondimneh, Division Chief, 
International Policy and Harmonization (NVS-133), National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 
20590; phone number (202) 366-0846, fax number (202) 493-2290.


Table of Contents

I. Background
II. List of meetings of WP.29 and its working parties of experts
III. Status of activities under the Program of Work of the 1998 
Global Agreement
    a. Status of Established GTRs under the 1998 Global Agreement
    b. Formal proposals for the development of GTRs submitted by 
contracting parties based on the Program of Work
    c. Status of proposed GTRs under the 1998 Global Agreement
    1. Motorcycle Brake Systems
    2. Installation of Light and Light-Signaling Devices
    3. Safety Glazing
    4. Pedestrian Safety
    5. Head Restraints
    6. Other GTRs
    d. Specific Resolutions under the 1998 Agreement
    e. Compendium of Candidate GTRs
IV. Request for Comments
V. Privacy Act

I. Background

    On August 23, 2000, NHTSA published in the Federal Register (65 FR 
51236) a statement of policy regarding the agency's policy goals and 
public participation in the implementation of the 1998 Global 
Agreement, indicating that each calendar year the agency would provide 
a list of scheduled meetings of the World Forum for Harmonization of 
Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and the working parties of experts, as well 
as meetings of the Executive Committee of the 1998 Global Agreement 
(AC.3). Further, in that policy statement, the agency stated that it 
would keep the public informed about a program of work under the 
Agreement (i.e., agreed subjects for which Global Technical Regulations 
[GTR] should be developed) as well as a list of candidate GTRs that 
have been formally proposed by a contracting party and referred to a 
working party of experts, including draft GTRs that have been developed 
and referred by a working party of experts to AC.3 for establishment 
under the Agreement.
    Through a series of Federal Register notices published between July 
2000 and October 2004 (65 FR 44565), (66 FR 4893), (68 FR 5333) (69 FR 
60460), the agency notified the public about status of activities under 
the 1998 Global Agreement and sought comments on various issues and 
proposals. In the most recent notice (69 FR 60460), the agency 
discussed the status of activities under the Program of Work for the 
1998 Global Agreement, which was formally adopted by WP.29 at its March 
2002 Session, made available and sought comment on formal proposals for 
GTRs submitted by contracting parties as well as recommended GTRs.

II. List of Meetings of WP.29 and Its Working Parties of Experts

    The following lists contain meetings of WP.29 and its working 
parties of experts for the remainder of calendar year 2006 and for 
calendar year 2007. The meeting dates for 2007 are subject to 
confirmation by the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations 
Economic Commission for Europe.\1\ However, the agency does not 
anticipate any changes to the schedule. In addition, working parties of 
experts may schedule, if necessary, informal meetings in addition to 
their regularly scheduled ones in order to address technical matters 
specific to GTRs under consideration. The formation of these groups, 
and their timing, are recommended by the sponsor and chair of the group 
and are agreed to by WP.29 and AC.3. The schedule and place of meetings 
are made available to interested parties in proposals and periodic 
reports which are posted on the Web site of WP.29.

    \1\ The Inland Transport Committee provides a forum for its 
member Governments for (i) Cooperation and consultation based on the 
exchange of information and experiences, (ii) the analysis of 
transport trends and economics and transport policy trends, and 
(iii) coordinated action designed to achieve an efficient, coherent, 
balanced and flexible transport system in the ECE region which is 
based on principles of market economy, pursues the objectives of 
safety, environmental protection and energy efficiency in transport 
and takes into account transport developments and policy of member 
Governments; WP.29 Reports to this Committee.

Schedule of Meetings of WP.29 and Its Working Parties of Experts 2006

2-6 Working Party on Lighting and Light Signaling (GRE) (57th session)
17-20 Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (91st session)
13 Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.2/AC.2) 
(92nd session)
14-17 World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) 
(140th session) and Administrative Committee of the 1958

[[Page 59583]]

Agreement (AC.1) (34th session) and Executive Committee of the 1998 
Global Agreement (AC.3)(18th session).
12-15 Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) (40th session)

Provisional Schedule of meetings of WP.29 and its working parties of 
experts 2007

9-12 Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) (53rd session)
5-9 Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) (61st session)
12 Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2) 
(93rd session)
13-16 World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) 
(141st session) and Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement 
(AC.1) (35th session) and Executive Committee of the 1998 Global 
Agreement (AC.3) (19th session).
26-30 Working Party on Lighting and Light Signaling (GRE) (58th 
30-4 (May) Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (92nd 
7-11 Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) (41st session)
5-8 Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) (54th session)
25 Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2) 
(94th session)
26-29 World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) 
(142nd session) and Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement 
(AC.1) (36th session) and Executive Committee of the 1998 Global 
Agreement (AC.3) (20th session).
18-21 Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) (62nd session)
1-4 Working Party on Lighting and Light Signaling (GRE) (59th session)
23-26 Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (93rd session)
12 Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.2/AC.2) 
(95th session)
13-16 World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) 
(143rd session) and Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement 
(AC.1) (37th session) and Executive Committee of the 1998 Global 
Agreement (AC.3) (21st session).
11-14 Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) (42nd session)

III. Status of Activities Under the Program of Work of the 1998 Global 

    In March 2001, NHTSA submitted to WP.29 and AC.3 its final 
recommendations for the first motor vehicle safety GTRs to be 
considered for establishment under that Agreement. The Administrative 
Committee for the Coordination of Work of WP.29 (AC.2) reviewed the 
recommendations made by various contracting parties, including the 
United States, Canada, the European Union, Japan, and Russia, as well 
as those made by other interested parties and reached agreement on a 
Program of Work, taking into account the workload of the working 
parties of experts under WP.29. AC.2 then submitted the Program of Work 
to AC.3. AC.3 approved the Program of Work and requested that 
contracting parties volunteer to sponsor each listed regulation by 
submitting a formal proposal as required by Article 6 of the 1998 
Global Agreement. WP.29 formally adopted the Program of Work at its 
session in March 2002. Subsequently, several contracting parties 
stepped forward to sponsor each of the items in the Program of Work. 
Progress has been made in several areas, and the Program of Work has 
been updated accordingly. The first GTR, on door locks and door 
retention components, and the second GTR, on motor cycle emission 
measurement procedures \2\, have been established. The status of 
hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as well as tire performance has been 
upgraded from an area for an exchange of information to an area for 
active development as a GTR. Information exchange in the area of field 
of vision has been replaced with information exchange on electronic 
stability control (ESC). Due to difficulties in achieving consensus to 
establish a GTR on Lower Anchorages and Tethers for Child Safety Seats, 
it was decided at the March 2006 WP.29 session to remove the item from 
the Program of Work.

    \2\ This GTR will not be discussed in detail in this notice as 
the Environmental Protection Agency is the lead agency on this 

    The following table contains an updated list of subjects and 
sponsoring contracting parties. In addition to the list below, the 
contracting parties will continue to exchange information in the 
following areas: Electronic stability control (GRRF); side-impact and 
vehicle compatibility (GRSP); worldwide light duty vehicle test 
procedures (GRPE); and intelligent vehicle systems (WP.29).

                                  Program of Work of the 1998 Global Agreement
    Working Party of
        Experts                Subject          Sponsoring Contracting Party                  Chair
GRRF...................  Motorcycle Brake    Canada...........................  Canada.
                         Passenger Vehicle   U.K. and Japan...................  U.K.
                         Tire Performance..  France...........................  U.K.
GRE....................  Installation of     Canada...........................  Canada
                          Lighting and
GRSG...................  Safety Glazing....  Germany..........................  Germany
                         Controls and        Canada...........................  Canada
GRSP...................  Pedestrian Safety.  European Commission..............  Japan
                         Head Restraints...  U.S.A............................  U.S.A.
                         Hydrogen Fuel Cell  Germany, Japan and U.S.A.........  TBD
                          Vehicle Safety

[[Page 59584]]

GRPE...................  Worldwide Heavy-    European Commission..............  European Commission
                         Worldwide           Germany..........................  Germany
                          Emission Test
                         Heavy-Duty On-      U.S.A............................  Japan
                          Board Diagnostics.
                         Off-Cycle           U.S.A............................  U.S.A.
                         Non-Road Mobile     European Commission..............  European Commission
                         Hydrogen Fuel Cell  Germany, Japan and U.S.A.          European Commission
                          Environmental Sub-

 a. Status of Established GTRs Under the 1998 Global Agreement

    At the November 2004 WP.29 session, the Door Lock and Door 
Retention Components GTR was adopted as the first GTR under the 1998 
Global Agreement. Per the 1998 Agreement, the U.S. is obligated to 
initiate the process for adopting the provisions of GTR-1. On December 
15, 2004, the U.S. issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) 
closely based on GTR1, which satisfied this obligation (69 FR 75020; 
Docket No. NHTSA-2004-19840; NPRM).
    NHTSA has considered the comments submitted and is in the process 
of concluding the Final Rule. In the Final Rule the U.S. will explain 
why it agrees or disagrees with the substantive comments it received 
and describes the changes, if any, it made to the rule in response to 
the comments with which it agrees.
    If public comments on the NPRM lead the agency to adopt a final 
rule that differs in any significant way from the GTR, the U.S. will 
consider submitting a proposal to make conforming amendments to the 

 b. Formal Proposals for the Development of GTRs Submitted by 
Contracting Parties Based on Program of Work

    As of the publication of the October 8, 2004, Federal Register 
Notice (69 FR 60490), and pursuant to Article 6 of the 1998 Global 
Agreement, which sets forth the process and conditions under which a 
contracting party may make proposals for the establishment of GTRs, the 
following proposals have been made by contracting parties and referred 
to the proper working party of experts. These proposals and supporting 
documentations can be found in the docket for this notice. They can 
also be found on the UN/ECE Website \3\ or under the respective working 
party of expert link.\4\

    \3\ http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29gen/wp29glob.html

    \4\ http://www.unece.org/trans/main/welcwp29.htm.


     Exhaust emissions from non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) 
(Sponsored by the EC), GTR to be prepared by GRPE. (UN/ECE document 
     Head Restraints (Sponsored by U.S.A), GTR to be prepared 
by GRSP. (UN/ECE document TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/13)
     Heavy-duty off-cycle emissions vehicles (Sponsored by 
U.S.A.), GTR to be prepared by GRPE. (UN/ECE document TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/
     Passenger vehicle brake systems (Sponsored by Japan and 
United Kingdom), GTR to be prepared by GRRF. (UN/ECE document TRANS/
     Passenger vehicle tires (Sponsored by France), GTR to be 
prepared by GRRF. (UNECE document listing pending)

c. Status of proposed GTRs under the 1998 Global Agreement

1. Motorcycle Brake Systems
    Work on this GTR began following its sponsorship by Canada at the 
52nd session of GRRF, in September 2002. Canada initiated and chaired 
six meetings of the informal working group. The meetings were open to 
all interested parties. The attendees for the informal group included 
representatives from: Canada, USA, Italy, the UK, Japan, India, IMMA 
(International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association), FEMA (Federation 
of European Motorcyclists' Associations), AMA (American Motorcyclist 
Association), and JAMA (Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, 
    Early work to research and compare various performance requirements 
found in several existing national motorcycle brake regulations was 
conducted independently by the governments and the motorcycle industry 
(UNECE Regulation No. 78, the United States Federal Motor Vehicle 
Safety Standard, FMVSS No. 122 and the Japanese Safety Standard JSS 12-
61). The subsequent reports, along with proposed provisions for the 
GTR, were presented at the 51st, 52nd, and 53rd sessions of GRRF. 
Despite using different methodologies, the results were found to be 
very similar between the three reports. Based on this and other 
research subsequently completed, a preliminary outline of the 
performance requirements for the GTR was developed
    The informal working group reviewed and compared the requirements 
in each national regulation during the development of the GTR. These 
regulations, in conjunction with the research and analysis, were used 
to develop a draft table of regulatory requirements. This draft table 
was continually updated as technical issues were raised, discussed and 
resolved. The table was presented and discussed at the 57th session of 
GRRF in February 2005, and discussed further at the 58th session of 
GRRF in September 2005 in conjunction with a first draft of the 
proposed GTR (See TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2005/18 and TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2005/

    \5\ http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29grrf/grrfage.html


    Where national regulations or standards address the same subject, 
e.g. dry stop or heat fade performance requirements, the informal group 
reviewed comparative data on the relative stringency of the 
requirements from the research and studies and included the most severe 
options. In many cases, individual members of the informal group were 
tasked with completing additional testing to confirm or refine the 
testing and performance requirements. Certain tests, such as a wet 
brake test, were discussed on the basis of the original rationales and 
the appropriateness of the tests to modern conditions and technologies. 
In each of these steps, specific technical issues were raised, 
discussed, and resolved. A full discussion of each of these issues and 
the technical rationale is provided in the latest draft document, which 
can be accessed on the WP.29 website \6\ and in the docket of this 

    \6\ http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29grrf/grrfspecial0606.html


[[Page 59585]]

    At a special session of GRRF, held June 19, 2006, the draft GTR on 
motorcycle brake systems was accepted by all the Contracting Parties to 
the 1998 Agreement that were present and was recommended for adoption 
by WP.29/AC.3 at the upcoming 140th session scheduled for November 
2006. In summary, the GTR would provide several benefits that would 
ultimately benefit motorcycle users and other stakeholders. In addition 
to providing clear and objective test procedures and requirements that 
can be consistently and objectively followed; the the GTR also 
addresses recently developed technologies, such as combined braking 
systems (CBS) and antilock brake systems (ABS). In addition, since the 
GTR draws from the best of existing national regulations from around 
the world, the U.S. would benefit from the GTR in various ways. Among 
these are improvements in testing procedures such as an improved wet 
brake test that simulates in service conditions by spraying water onto 
the disc rather than immersing the disc in water; new tests for ABS 
systems; and a specified burnishing procedure that is more objective.
    Having worked closely with the other contracting parties on the 
development of this GTR, NHTSA intends to vote positively for it at the 
November 2006 session of WP.29. If established as a GTR under the 1998 
Agreement, this regulation will be the third adopted under the 1998 
Agreement. NHTSA welcomes any comments from the public regarding this 
GTR and NHTSA's decision to vote positively for its establishment.
2. Installation of Light and Light-Signaling Devices
    In March 2003, at the 129th Session of WP.29, a formal proposal to 
develop a GTR on the installation of light and light-signaling devices 
for vehicles other than motorcycles was adopted. (See TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/

    \7\ http://www.unece.org/trans/doc/2003/wp29/TRANS-WP29-AC3-04e.doc


    A draft GTR containing provisions for the installation of 22 
vehicle lighting and light-signalling devices was subsequently 
developed by GRE over the course of nine formal and informal meetings. 
However, in a number of areas, the informal working group encountered 
situations where established safety provisions applied by some 
Contracting Parties differed from other equally well-established 
provisions applied by others. For those instances, GRE attempted to 
reach a science and data based solution by considering, among other 
things, which provisions were more effective or more cost beneficial. 
GRE could not reach consensus on several requirements because the 
necessary data do not exist to justify selecting one or the other.
    In November 2005, the chairman of the informal working group turned 
to the Executive Committee for the 1998 Global Agreement (AC.3) for a 
solution forward. AC.3 instructed GRE to remove from the draft GTR all 
portions that specified the colour or presence of the various lighting 
devices covered by the regulation, leaving those choices to each 
Contracting Party to make, as the GTR is adopted into their various 
national jurisdictions. However, at the subsequent informal meeting in 
April 2006, the informal working group agreed that the presence of 
lighting devices is essential for the GTR and decided to give it a 
final attempt to work on a solution. Since then, several comments have 
been received from various stakeholders, including the auto industry, 
and are currently being considered.
3. Safety Glazing
    At the 132nd session of WP.29 in March 2004 the formal proposal to 
develop a GTR on safety glazing was adopted (TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/9), with 
a modification to restrict the scope of the GTR to glass safety 
glazing. An informal working group was established under the 
Chairmanship of Germany, the sponsor of the GTR. At the 137th session 
of WP.29 in November 2005, AC.3 further agreed that the GTR would not 
include installation provisions and that the informal working group 
could consider possible approaches to including markings in the GTR.
    After six meetings of the informal group, a draft GTR was submitted 
to GRSG for the April 2005 session (TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2005/9).\8\ The 
first report was submitted to WP.29 for its 136th session in June 2005 
(TRANS/WP.29/2005/49).\9\ Based on comments from the United States and 
Canada concerning the format of the draft, the proposal was returned to 
the informal group for further consideration. Since the April 2005 GRSG 
session, the informal group has met four times.

    \8\ http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29grsg/grsgage.html

    \9\ http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29gen/wp29age.html


    The draft GTR specifies performance requirements for various types 
of glazing (i.e., laminated glass) intended for installation in 
Category 1 and 2 vehicles as defined in Special Resolution No. 1.\10\ 
The GTR includes requirements that apply to glazing as an item of 
equipment, and does not include requirements for vehicles. Performance 
requirements have some differences depending on whether a material is 
for a windscreen or, as an example, door glass.

    \10\ A detailed explanation of Special Resolution No. 1 is set 
forth in Section III. D., below.

    The draft GTR is based in large part upon ECE Regulation 43. One 
significant difference between the draft GTR and the ECE regulation is 
that the minimum light transmittance level for glazing requisite for 
the driver's forward field of vision is 70%, as currently specified in 
the U.S. standard rather than 75%, as currently specified in the ECE 
standard. However, the test procedure is based on the ECE test 
procedure, which specifies testing in defined zones based on the eye 
position of the driver and with the glazing at the intended 
installation angle. This test procedure is considered more realistic 
than the current U.S. procedure that tests the glazing at a normal 
angle to the surface.
    Another difference is the drop height for the small (227 g) ball 
test for uniformly toughened glass panes. The ECE regulation had 
specified different drop heights depending on the thickness of the 
glazing. Based upon some test results provided by Japan which determine 
that the force from a drop height of 2.0 m replicated the force of a 
typical object that impacts a pane, it was decided that a single drop 
height of 2.0 m could be specified.
    The informal working group will be meeting again prior to the 
October 2006 session of GRSG. A new draft of the GTR may be provided to 
GRSG at that session however, the draft GTR will not be formally 
submitted to GRSG before the April 2007 session. Therefore, the 
earliest it could be considered for adoption by WP.29/AC.3 is at the 
November 2007 session.
4. Pedestrian Safety
    WP.29 decided to begin work on pedestrian safety in May 2002, by 
establishing an informal working group under the GRSP. The formal 
proposal to develop a GTR (TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/7) \11\ was submitted and 
adopted by the AC.3 at its tenth session, in March 2004. The terms of 
reference of the group can be found on the UNECE website (See INF GR/

    \11\ http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29gen/wp29glob_proposal.html

    \12\ http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29grsp/pedestrian_1.html


    The European Commission (EC) is the sponsor of the GTR. The group 
has held

[[Page 59586]]

ten meetings, which were attended by representatives of: The 
Netherlands, France, Germany, Canada, EC, Spain, Japan, USA, Korea, 
Italy, Turkey, the European Enhanced Vehicle-Safety Committee (EEVC), 
Consumers International (CI), the European Association of Automotive 
Suppliers (CLEPA) and the International Organization of Motor Vehicle 
Manufacturers (OICA). The meetings were chaired by Japan.
    This GTR would improve pedestrian safety by requiring vehicle hoods 
and bumpers to absorb energy more efficiently when impacted in a 40 
kilometer per hour (km/h) vehicle-to-pedestrian impact, which accounts 
for more than 75 percent of the pedestrian injured accidents (AIS 1+) 
reported by International Harmonized Research Activities (IHRA)/
Pedestrian Safety working group (IHRA/PS). It consists of two sets of 
performance criteria applying to: (a) The hood top and fenders; and (b) 
the front bumper. Test procedures have been developed for each region 
using sub-system impacts for adult and child head protection and adult 
leg protection.
    The head impact requirements will ensure that hood tops and fenders 
will provide head protection when struck by a pedestrian. The hood top 
and fenders would be impacted with a child headform and an adult 
headform at 35 km/h. The Head Injury Criterion (HIC) must not exceed 
1,000 over one half of a child headform test area and must not exceed 
1,000 over two third of a combined child and adult headform test areas. 
The HIC for the remaining areas must not exceed 1,700 for both 
    The leg protection requirements for the front bumper would require 
bumpers to subject pedestrians to lower impact forces. This GTR 
specifies that the vehicle bumper is struck at 40 km/h with a legform 
that simulates the impact response of an adult's leg. Vehicles with a 
lower bumper height of less than 425 millimeter (mm) are tested with a 
lower legform, while vehicles with a lower bumper height of more than 
500 mm are tested with an upper legform test device. Vehicles with a 
lower bumper height between 425 mm and 500 mm are tested with either 
legform chosen by the manufacturer. In the lower legform to bumper 
test, vehicles must meet limits on lateral knee bending angle, knee 
shearing displacement, and lateral tibia acceleration. In the upper 
legform to bumper test, limits are placed on the instantaneous sum of 
the impact forces with respect to time and the bending moment on the 
    At the May 2006 GRSP meeting, the working group presented a draft 
version of the Pedestrian GTR for review by all GRSP experts.\13\ Due 
to unresolved issues with the applicability of the regulation and 
differences between it and the European Directive on Pedestrian Safety, 
the GRSP recommended the GTR remain under the working group pending 
review at the December 2006 GRSP session. NHTSA is currently performing 
testing and analyses to aid in the resolution of determining the 
vehicle applicability of the GTR, including preliminary cost/benefit 
analyses. NHTSA expects to complete these analyses by the December 2006 
GRSP session.

    \13\ (http://www.unece.org/trans/doc/2006/wp29grsp/ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRSP-2006-02e.doc


5. Head Restraints
    During the November 2004 meeting of WP.29 and the Executive 
Committee of the 1998 Global Agreement, NHTSA formalized its 
sponsorship of the regulation on Head Restraints as identified in the 
Program of Work of the 1998 Global Agreement. In the October 8, 2004, 
(69 FR 60460) notice, NHTSA sought comments on a proposal that 
formalizes the U.S. sponsorship of a GTR on head restraints. In 
response to the agency's request for comment on the proposal, NHTSA 
received no comments. The proposal was formally presented by the U.S. 
and adopted by the Executive Committee and referred to the Working 
Party of Experts (GRSP) at the March 2005 Session of WP.29. In February 
2005, the GRSP formed an informal working group, chaired by the US, to 
develop a GTR. The working group has met seven times with the following 
contracting parties and representatives participating: Netherlands, 
France, Canada, Japan, Germany, Spain, Korea, the UK, USA, the EC, 
    In developing and drafting the new GTR, the working group is 
combining elements from UNECE Regulations Nos. 17, 25, and newly 
upgraded United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 
202, as well as considering proposals for requirements not contained in 
the previously mentioned regulations. The working group is making good 
progress on exchanging data and has started drafting the regulatory 
text. The major outstanding issues are:
     Applicability: Applying the GTR to vehicles up to 4,500 kg 
or limiting it to 3,500 kg.
     Backset: There is general consensus that it should be 
regulated, but the maximum backset limit is still being discussed.
     Measuring procedures for height and backset: There is 
continued discussion on using the H-point or R-point as the point of 
     Dynamic Test: There is consensus to incorporate the U.S. 
dynamic test established in the 202 Final Rule, but there remains 
discussion on the injury criteria and dummy.
    The working group has submitted two Progress Reports on the status 
of this GTR. They can be found in the docket for this notice.
6. Other GTRs
    The GRRF began work to develop a GTR for light vehicle tires in 
September 2006, which was scheduled following approval by WP.29/AC.3 at 
the June 2006 session. For this GTR, WP.29/AC.3 provided a working 
framework by outlining each of its major elements prior to the 
beginning of technical development. This approach was taken by WP.29/
AC.3 because of lessons learned from past GTRs, where much of the 
technical development was encumbered by policy considerations being 
undertaken by technical experts at the working group level. By settling 
many of the policy decisions early, it is expected that the technical 
development will progress smoothly and in the least amount of time 
possible. France is the technical sponsor and the UK will be chairing 
the informal working group meetings.
    The GTR on passenger vehicle brakes was placed on hold until common 
issues identified with the motorcycle GTR are resolved. The decision to 
focus on resolving the issues under the motorcycle GTR before 
proceeding with substantially similar issues in the passenger car GTR 
was made by AC.3 at its November 2005 session.
    The GRSG has developed many of the criteria for the location, 
illumination and position of the controls and displays for motor 
vehicles. Issues regarding the use of certain symbols remain 
unresolved. Comments received in response to a NHTSA NPRM has led the 
group to reflect on its previous work and to further investigate some 
of the symbols originally proposed by this group and their ability to 
be recognized. The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers has agreed to 
conduct a study to evaluate the symbols and determine which symbols 
have appropriate levels of recognition with the U.S. public as a basis 
for further development of the table in the GTR. Phase 1 of the study 
has been completed and a presentation was given to WP.29 in November 
2005. Based on this phase,

[[Page 59587]]

it was agreed to postpone further work on the GTR until a second phase 
of testing some symbols could be conducted. The second phase has 
recently been completed and preliminary information was shared at the 
June 2006 session of WP.29. However, review of this phase may not be 
completed in time for discussion at GRSG in October 2006, in which case 
it would be discussed in April 2007.
    At its 136th Session, WP.29/AC agreed to a proposal from Germany, 
Japan and United States regarding how best to manage the development 
process of a GTR for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Under the agreed 
process, once AC.3 develops and approves a plan for the development of 
the GTR, two subgroups will be formed to address its safety and 
environment aspects. The safety subgroup will report to GRSP and the 
environmental subgroup to GRPE. Each subgroup will have a chair. In 
order to ensure communication between the subgroups and continuous 
engagement with WP.29 and AC.3, a project manager will be assigned to 
coordinate and manage the various aspects of the work ensuring that the 
agreed plan is implemented properly and that milestones and timelines 
are set and met. The co-sponsors are in the process of developing an 
action plan outlining the areas that the subgroup on safety and the 
environment should be considering in developing the GTR.

d. Special Resolutions Under the 1998 Global Agreement

    At the one-hundred-and-twentieth session of WP.29, the Government 
of Japan, through document TRANS/WP.29/2000/39, presented a proposal 
concerning the necessity of establishing common definitions to 
facilitate the formulation of future global technical regulations 
(gtrs), selecting vehicle category, vehicle weight, and vehicle 
dimension as candidate items requiring a common definition. The 
necessity of common definitions was unanimously recognized at the WP.29 
session and, in October 2000, an informal group was formed under the 
Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) and Japan volunteered 
to chair the effort.
    As originally drafted, this proposal was expected to be a GTR. 
However, it was noted that the document did not contain performance 
requirements as required by Article 4 of the 1998 Agreement, and as 
such did not meet the criteria for a GTR. Using its authority under 
Article 3 of the 1998 Agreement to ``fulfil such other functions as may 
be appropriate,'' the Executive Committee decided that this proposal 
would become Special Resolution No. 1 (S.R. 1). Because S.R. 1 does not 
contain performance requirements, it also does not trigger the 
obligations of Article 7 of the 1998 Agreement requiring Contracting 
Parties to initiate procedures to adopt GTRs. While GTRs must be 
drafted in accordance with S.R. 1, Contracting Parties are not required 
to use this document when drafting regulations in their own country.
    S.R. 1 applies to all wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts falling 
within the scope of the Agreement Concerning the Establishing of Global 
Technical Regulation for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts, which 
can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles. Generally, vehicles 
are categorized as either passenger vehicles (Category 1 vehicles), 
commercial vehicles (Category 2 vehicles), or 2- or 3-wheeled vehicles 
(Category 3 vehicles). S.R. 1 also includes definitions of masses and 
dimensions. S.R. 1 was adopted at the June 2005 session of WP.29 and 
can be found at TRANS/WP.29/1045.

e. Compendium of Candidate GTRs

    Article 5 of the 1998 Agreement provides for the creation of a 
compendium of candidate technical regulations of the Contracting 
Parties. NHTSA has submitted a request for six Federal Motor Vehicle 
Safety Standards (FMVSS) to be included in this Compendium. These FMVSS 
have all been listed in the Compendium after an affirmative vote of the 
Executive Committee. The FMVSS listed in the Compendium are:
     FMVSS 108--Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Associated 
     FMVSS 135--Light Vehicle Brake Systems
     FMVSS 139--New Pneumatic Radial Tires for Light Vehicles
     FMVSS 202--Head Restraints
     FMVSS 205--Glazing Materials
     FMVSS 213--Child Restraint Systems
    To facilitate the review and consideration of these FMVSS by other 
Contracting Parties, NHTSA is arranging translations of these 
documents. To date, all of the FMVSS in the Compendium are available in 
Chinese and French. All except FMVSS 202 are available in Arabic, 
Russian and Spanish. If you would like a translation, please contact 
Mr. Wondimneh as noted in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section.

IV. Request for Comments

    The agency invites public comments on the formal proposals for the 
development of GTRs submitted by contracting parties and the work to 
develop each of the GTRs already ongoing. In particular, the agency 
seeks comments on the motorcycle brake systems GTR, which is scheduled 
to be established as a GTR under the 1998 Agreement by a consensus vote 
at the November 2006 session of WP.29.

V. Privacy Act

    Please note that anyone is able to search the electronic form of 
all comments received into any of our dockets by the name of the 
individual submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted 
on behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may 
review DOT's complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register 
published on April 11, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 70; Pages 19477-78), or 
you may visit http://dms.dot.gov.

    Issued on October 3, 2006.
Stephen R. Kratzke,
Associate Administrator for Rulemaking.
 [FR Doc. E6-16681 Filed 10-6-06; 8:45 am]