[Federal Register: October 10, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 195)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 59385-59398]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

44 CFR Part 65

[Docket No. FEMA-B-7466]

Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of 
Homeland Security, Mitigation Division.

ACTION: Interim rule.


SUMMARY: This interim rule lists communities where modification of the 
Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) is appropriate because 
of new scientific or technical data. New flood insurance premium rates 
will be calculated from the modified BFEs for new buildings and their 

DATES: These modified BFEs are currently in effect on the dates listed 
in the table below and revise the Flood Insurance Rate Maps in effect 
prior to this determination for the listed communities.
    From the date of the second publication of these changes in a 
newspaper of local circulation, any person has ninety (90) days in 
which to request through the community that the Mitigation Division 
Director reconsider the changes. The modified BFEs may be changed 
during the 90-day period.

ADDRESSES: The modified BFEs for each community are available for 
inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each 
community. The respective addresses are listed in the table below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William R. Blanton Jr., Engineering 
Management Section, Mitigation Division, FEMA, 500 C Street, SW., 
Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-3151.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The modified BFEs are not listed for each 
community in this interim rule. However, the address of the Chief 
Executive Officer of the community where the modified BFE 
determinations are available for inspection is provided.
    Any request for reconsideration must be based on knowledge of 
changed conditions or new scientific or technical data.
    The modifications are made pursuant to section 201 of the Flood 
Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105, and are in accordance 
with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq., 
and with 44 CFR part 65.
    For rating purposes, the currently effective community number is 
shown and must be used for all new policies and renewals.
    The modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management 
measures that the community is required to either adopt or to show 
evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or to remain 
qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program 
    These modified BFEs, together with the floodplain management 
criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are required. 
They should not be construed to mean that the community must change any 
existing ordinances that are more stringent in their floodplain 
management requirements. The community may at any time enact stricter 
requirements of its own, or pursuant to policies established by the 
other Federal, State, or regional entities.
    The changes BFEs are in accordance with 44 CFR 65.4.
    National Environmental Policy Act. This rule is categorically 
excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR Part 10, Environmental 
Consideration. No environmental impact assessment has been prepared.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. The Mitigation Division Director for 
the FEMA certifies that this rule is exempt from the requirements of 
the Regulatory Flexibility Act because modified BFEs are required by 
the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105, and are 
required to maintain community eligibility in the NFIP. No regulatory 
flexibility analysis has been prepared.
    Regulatory Classification. This interim rule is not a significant 
regulatory action under the criteria of Section 3(f) of Executive Order 
12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 
    Executive Order 13132, Federalism. This rule involves no policies 
that have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132, 
    Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This rule meets the 

[[Page 59386]]

standards of Section 2(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988.

List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 65

    Flood insurance, Floodplains, Reporting and recordkeeping 

Accordingly, 44 CFR part 65 is amended to read as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 65 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
1979 Comp., p. 376.

Sec.  65.4  [Amended]

2. The tables published under the authority of Sec.  65.4 are amended 
as follows:

                                                           Date and name of
         State and county            Location and case     newspaper  Where     Chief executive officer   Effective date of modification   Community No.
                                            No.          notice was published         of community
North Carolina:
    Buncombe.....................  City of Asheville     December 22, 2005;    Mr. Gary Jackson, City     March 30, 2006................          370032
                                    (05-04-2753P).        December 29, 2005;    Manager, City of
                                                          Asheville Citizen-    Asheville, P.O. Box
                                                          Times.                7148, Asheville, North
                                                                                Carolina 28802.
    Durham.......................  City of Chapel Hill   January 27, 2006;     The Honorable Kevin C.     May 1, 2006...................          370180
                                    (06-04-B144P).        January 30, 2006;     Foy, Mayor, Town Chapel
                                                          Chapel Hill Herald.   Hill, 19 Oakwood Drive,
                                                                                Chapel Hill, North
                                                                                Carolina 27517.
    Durham.......................  City of Durham (06-   January 27, 2006;     The Honorable William V.   May 1, 2006...................          370086
                                    04-B144P).            January 30, 2006;     Bell, Mayor, City of
                                                          Chapel Hill Herald.   Durham, 101 City Hall
                                                                                Plaza, Durham, North
                                                                                Carolina 27701.
    Durham.......................  City of Durham (06-   June 15, 2006; June   The Honorable William V.   September 21, 2006............          370086
                                    04-B046P).            22, 2006; Herald      Bell, Mayor, City of
                                                          Sun.                  Durham, 101 City Hall
                                                                                Plaza, Durham, North
                                                                                Carolina 27701.
    Durham.......................  City of Durham (06-   August 17, 2006;      The Honorable William V.   November 23, 2006.............          370086
                                    04-0057P).            August 24, 2006;      Bell, Mayor, City of
                                                          Herald Sun.           Durham, 101 City Hall
                                                                                Plaza, Durham, North
                                                                                Carolina 27701.
    Durham.......................  Unincorporated Areas  January 27, 2006;     The Honorable Ellen W.     May 1, 2006...................          370085
                                    of Durham County      January 30, 2006;     Reckhow, Chairman,
                                    (06-04-B144P).        Chapel Hill Herald.   Durham County, Board of
                                                                                Supervisors, 11 Pine Top
                                                                                Place, Durham, North
                                                                                Carolina 27705.
    Durham.......................  Unincorporated Areas  August 17, 2006;      Mr. Michael M. Ruffin,     November 23, 2006.............          370085
                                    of Durham County      August 24, 2006;      County Manager, Durham
                                    (06-04-0057P ).       Herald Sun.           County, 200 East Main
                                                                                Street, Second Floor,
                                                                                Durham, North Carolina
    Guilford.....................  City of High Point    December 15, 2005;    The Honorable Rebecca      March 23, 2006................          370113
                                    (05-04-3099P).        December 22, 2005;    Rhodes-Smoothers, Mayor,
                                                          High Point            City of High Point, 1843
                                                          Enterprise.           Country Club Drive, High
                                                                                Point, North Carolina
    Mecklenburg..................  City of Charlotte     May 18, 2006; May     The Honorable Patrick      May 30, 2006..................          370159
                                    (05-04-A580P).        25, 2006; Charlotte   McCrory, Mayor, City of
                                                          Observer.             Charlotte, 600 East
                                                                                Fourth Street,
                                                                                Charlotte, North
                                                                                Carolina 28202.
    Orange.......................  Town of Carrboro (05- May 17, 2006; May     The Honorable Mark         April 25, 2006................          370275
                                    04-3236P).            24, 2006; Chapel      Chilton, Mayor, Town of
                                                          Hill News.            Carrboro, 301 West Main
                                                                                Street, Carrboro, North
                                                                                Carolina 27510.
    Rowan........................  Unincorporated Areas  March 23, 2006;       The Honorable Arnold       June 29, 2006.................          370351
                                    of Rowan County (05-  March 30, 2006;       Chamberlain, Chairman,
                                    04-A505P).            Salisbury Post.       Rowan County Commission,
                                                                                130 West Innes Street,
                                                                                Salisbury, North
                                                                                Carolina 28144-4326.
    Wake.........................  Town of Cary (06-04-  January 27, 2006;     The Honorable Ernie        May 1, 2006...................          370238
                                    B143P).               January 30, 2006;     McAlister, Mayor, Town
                                                          News and Observer.    of Cary, P.O. Box 8005,
                                                                                Cary, North Carolina
    Wake.........................  Town of Cary (06-04-  July 20, 2006; July   The Honorable Ernie        June 30, 2006.................          370238
                                    1527P).               27, 2006; Wake        McAlister, Mayor, Town
                                                          Weekly.               of Cary, P.O. Box 8005,
                                                                                Cary, North Carolina

[[Page 59387]]

    Wake.........................  Town of Cary (05-04-  August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Ernie        November 30, 2006.............          370238
                                    3129P).               August 31, 2006;      McAlister, Mayor, Town
                                                          Wake Weekly.          of Cary, P.O. Box 8005,
                                                                                Cary, North Carolina
    Wake.........................  Town of Morrisville   August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Jan          November 30, 2006.............          370242
                                    (05-04-3129P).        August 31, 2006;      Faulkner, Mayor, Town of
                                                          Wake Weekly.          Morrisville, Morrisville
                                                                                Town Hall, 100 Town Hall
                                                                                Drive, Morrisville,
                                                                                North Carolina 27560.
    Burt.........................  City of Tekamah (04-  March 15, 2006;       The Honorable Bill         June 21, 2006.................          310024
                                    07-A619P).            March 22, 2006;       Anderson, Mayor, City of
                                                          Midwest Messenger,    Tekamah, 1315 K Street,
                                                          Burt County           Tekamah, Nebraska 68061-
                                                          Plaindealer.          0143.
    Lincoln......................  City of North Platte  January 27, 2006;     The Honorable G. Keith     May 4, 2006...................          310143
                                    (04-07-A439P).        February 2, 2006;     Richardson, Mayor, City
                                                          North Platte          of North Platte, 211
                                                          Telegraph.            West Third Street, North
                                                                                Platte, Nebraska 69101.
    Sarpy........................  City of Bellevue (06- July 19, 2006; July   The Honorable Jerry Ryan,  June 30, 2006.................          310191
                                    07-B016P).            26, 2006; Bellevue    Mayor, City of Bellevue,
                                                          Leader.               City Hall, 210 West
                                                                                Mission Avenue,
                                                                                Bellevue, Nebraska 68005.
New Jersey:
    Middlesex....................  City of South Amboy   April 12, 2006;       The Honorable John T.      March 29, 2006................          340277
                                    (05-02-0716P).        April 19, 2006;       O'Leary, Jr., Mayor,
                                                          Home News Tribune.    City of South Amboy,
                                                                                Municipal Building, 140
                                                                                North Broadway, South
                                                                                Amboy, New Jersey 08879.
    Ocean........................  Township of Jackson   August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Mark A.      August 7, 2006................          340375
                                    (04-02-A038P).        August 31, 2006;      Seda, Mayor, Township of
                                                          Ocean County          Jackson, 95 West
                                                          Observer.             Veterans Highway,
                                                                                Jackson, New Jersey
    Union........................  Borough of Roselle    January 26, 2006;     The Honorable Joseph       January 11, 2006..............          340473
                                    Park (05-02-0038P).   February 2, 2006;     DeIorio, Mayor, Borough
                                                          Newark Star Ledger.   of Roselle Park, 110
                                                                                East Westfield Avenue,
                                                                                Roselle, New Jersey
New Mexico:
    Bernalillo...................  City of Albuquerque   February 9, 2006;     The Honorable Martin       January 30, 2006..............          350002
                                    (06-06-A653P).        February 16, 2006;    Chavez, Mayor, City of
                                                          Albuquerque Journal.  Albuquerque, P.O. Box
                                                                                1293, Albuquerque, New
                                                                                Mexico 87103.
    Bernalillo...................  City of Albuquerque   July 13, 2006; July   The Honorable Martin       June 27, 2006.................          350002
                                    (06-06-B190P).        20, 2006;             Chavez, Mayor, City of
                                                          Albuquerque Journal.  Albuquerque, P.O. Box
                                                                                1293, Albuquerque, New
                                                                                Mexico 87103.
    Bernalillo...................  City of Albuquerque   August 17, 2006;      The Honorable Martin       July 26, 2006.................          350002
                                    (06-06-BC48P).        August 24, 2006;      Chavez, Mayor, City of
                                                          Albuquerque Journal.  Albuquerque, P.O. Box
                                                                                1293, Albuquerque, New
                                                                                Mexico 87103.
    Bernalillo...................  Unincorporated Areas  July 13, 2006; July   The Honorable Tim          June 27, 2006.................          350001
                                    of Bernalillo         20, 2006;             Cummins, County
                                    County (06-06-        Albuquerque Journal.  Commissioner, Bernalillo
                                    B190P).                                     County, One Civic Plaza
                                                                                Northwest, 10th Floor,
                                                                                Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Chaves.......................  City of Roswell (06-  June 22, 2006; June   The Honorable Sam D.       May 30, 2006..................          350006
                                    06-B752P).            29, 2006; Roswell     LaGrone, Mayor, City of
                                                          Daily Record.         Roswell, P.O. Box 1838,
                                                                                Roswell, New Mexico
    Sandoval.....................  City of Rio Rancho    November 28, 2005;    The Honorable Jim Owen,    November 14, 2005.............          350146
                                    (05-06-0661P).        November 30, 2005;    Mayor, City of Rio
                                                          Santa Fe New          Rancho, 3900 Southern
                                                          Mexican.              Boulevard, Rio Rancho,
                                                                                New Mexico 87124.
    Clark........................  City of Henderson     December 1, 2005;     The Honorable James B.     March 9, 2006.................          320005
                                    (05-09-A069P).        December 8, 2005;     Gibson, Mayor, City of
                                                          Las Vegas Review-     Henderson, 240 South
                                                          Journal.              Water Street, Fourth
                                                                                Floor, Henderson, Nevada

[[Page 59388]]

    Clark........................  Unincorporated Areas  December 1, 2005;     The Honorable Rory Reid,   March 9, 2006.................          320003
                                    of Clark County (05-  December 8, 2005;     Chair, Clark County,
                                    09-A069P).            Las Vegas Review-     Board of Commissioners,
                                                          Journal.              500 Grand Central
                                                                                Parkway, Las Vegas,
                                                                                Nevada 89106.
    Clark........................  Unincorporated Areas  March 16, 2006;       The Honorable Rory Reid,   June 22, 2006.................          320003
                                    of Clark County (06-  March 23, 2006; Las   Chair, Clark County,
                                    09-B083P).            Vegas Review-         Board of Commissioners,
                                                          Journal.              500 Grand Central
                                                                                Parkway, Las Vegas,
                                                                                Nevada 89106.
New York:
    Orange.......................  Town of Wallkill (06- July 27, 2006;        The Honorable John Ward,   June 30, 2006.................          360634
                                    02-B016P).            August 3, 2006;       Supervisor, Town of
                                                          Times Herald Record.  Wallkill, P.O. Box 398,
                                                                                Middletown, New York
    Butler.......................  Unincorporated Areas  August 10, 2006;      The Honorable Gregory V.   November 16, 2006.............          390037
                                    of Butler County      August 17, 2006;      Jolivette, County
                                    (05-05-A433P).        Middletown Journal.   Commissioner, Butler
                                                                                County, 130 High Street,
                                                                                Sixth Street, Hamilton,
                                                                                Ohio 45011.
    Hamilton.....................  Unincorporated Areas  January 18,2006;      The Honorable Phil         April 26, 2006................          390204
                                    of Hamilton County    January 25, 2006;     Heimlich, Chairman,
                                    (05-05-3352P).        Hill Top Press.       Hamilton County, Board
                                                                                of Supervisors, 138 East
                                                                                Court Street, Room 603,
                                                                                Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
    Fairfield....................  City of Reynoldsburg  June 29, 2006; July   The Honorable Ronald L.    October 5, 2006...............          390177
                                    (05-05-1178P).        6, 2006; Lancaster    McPherson, Mayor, City
                                                          Eagle Gazette.        of Reynoldsburg, 7232
                                                                                East Main Street,
                                                                                Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.
    Franklin.....................  City of Reynoldsburg  June 1, 2006; June    The Honorable Ronald L.    May 10, 2006..................          390177
                                    (05-05-3716P).        8, 2006; Columbus     McPherson, Mayor, City
                                                          Dispatch.             of Reynoldsburg, 7232
                                                                                East Main Street,
                                                                                Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.
    Franklin.....................  Unincorporated Areas  June 1, 2006; June    The Honorable Mary Jo      May 10, 2006..................          390167
                                    of Franklin County    8, 2006; Columbus     Kilroy, County
                                    (05-05-3716P).        Dispatch.             Commissioner, Franklin
                                                                                County Board of
                                                                                Commissioners, 373 South
                                                                                High Street, Columbus,
                                                                                Ohio 43215.
    Lucas........................  Village of Berkey     April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Barb Huff,   July 27, 2006.................          390901
                                    (05-05-3351P).        April 27, 2006;       Mayor, Village of
                                                          Toledo Legal News.    Berkey, Village of
                                                                                Council Building, 12360
                                                                                Sylvania Metamore Road,
                                                                                Berkey, Ohio 43504.
    Lucas........................  Unincorporated Areas  April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Tina         July 27, 2006.................          390359
                                    of Lucas County (05-  April 27, 2006;       Skeldon Wozniak,
                                    05-3351P).            Toledo Legal News.    President, Lucas County,
                                                                                Board of Commissioners,
                                                                                One Government Center,
                                                                                Suite 800, Toledo, Ohio
    Medina.......................  City of Brunswick     August 17, 2006;      The Honorable Dale         November 23, 2006.............          390380
                                    (06-05-B240P).        August 24, 2006;      Strasser, Mayor, City of
                                                          Medina Gazette.       Brunswick, 4095 Center
                                                                                Road, Brunswick, Ohio
    Montgomery...................  City of Clayton (05-  February 15, 2006;    The Honorable Ted Gudorf,  May 24, 2006..................          390821
                                    05-2903P).            February 22, 2006;    Mayor, City of Clayton,
                                                          Englewood             14 West Fourth Street,
                                                          Independent.          Dayton, Ohio 45481.
    Montgomery...................  City of Englewood     February 15, 2006;    The Honorable Michael      May 24, 2006..................          390828
                                    (05-05-2903P).        February 22, 2006;    Bowers, Jr, Mayor, City
                                                          Englewood             of Englewood, 333 West
                                                          Independent.          National Road,
                                                                                Englewood, Ohio 45322-
    Montgomery...................  City of Englewood     July 5, 2006; July    The Honorable Michael      October 11, 2006..............          390828
                                    (06-05-B499P).        12, 2006; Englewood   Bowers, Jr, Mayor, City
                                                          Independent.          of Englewood, 333 West
                                                                                National Road,
                                                                                Englewood, Ohio 45322-

[[Page 59389]]

    Montgomery...................  Unincorporated Areas  December 21, 2005;    Ms. Deborah A. Feldman,    December 8, 2005..............          390775
                                    of Montgomery         December 28, 2005;    County Administrator,
                                    County (05-05-        Englewood             Montgomery County, 451
                                    4118P).               Independent.          West Third Street,
                                                                                Dayton, Ohio 45422.
    Oklahoma.....................  City of Edmond (05-   April 12, 2006;       The Honorable Saundra      July 19, 2006.................          400252
                                    06-1554P).            April 19, 2006;       Naifeh, Mayor, City of
                                                          Edmond Sun.           Edmond, P.O. Box 2970,
                                                                                Edmond, Oklahoma 73083.
    Oklahoma.....................  City of Midwest (05-  August 23, 2006;      The Honorable Eddie Reed,  August 28, 2006...............          400405
                                    06-0976P).            August 30, 2006;      Mayor, City of Midwest
                                                          Oklahoma County       City, P.O. Box 10870,
                                                          News.                 Midwest City, Oklahoma
    Oklahoma.....................  City of Oklahoma      January 12, 2006;     The Honorable Mick         December 29, 2005.............          405378
                                    City (05-06-0453P).   January 19, 2006;     Cornett, Mayor, City of
                                                          Oklahoma Journal      Oklahoma City, City
                                                          Record.               Hall, 200 North Walker
                                                                                Street, Third Floor,
                                                                                Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    Pottawatomie.................  City of Shawnee (06-  August 17, 2006;      The Honorable Chuck        July 31, 2006.................          400178
                                    06-B821P).            August 24, 2006;      Mills, Mayor, City of
                                                          Shawnee New Star.     Shawnee, P.O. Box 1448,
                                                                                Shawnee, Oklahoma 74802-
    Tulsa........................  City of Tulsa (05-06- April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Bill         March 31, 2006................          405381
                                    A430P).               April 27, 2006;       Lafortune, Mayor, City
                                                          Tulsa World.          of Tulsa, 200 Civic
                                                                                Center, 11th Floor, Room
                                                                                532, Tulsa, Oklahoma
    Tulsa........................  City of Tulsa (05-06- August 10, 2006;      The Honorable Kathy        November 16, 2006.............          405381
                                    A125P).               August 17, 2006;      Taylor, Mayor, City of
                                                          Tulsa World.          Tulsa, 200 Civic Center,
                                                                                Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103.
    Marion.......................  City of Stayton (03-  February 2, 2006;     The Honorable Gerry        May 11, 2006..................          410170
                                    10-0442P).            February 9, 2006;     Aboud, Mayor, City of
                                                          The Statesman         Stayton, 362 North Third
                                                          Journal.              Avenue, Stayton, Oregon
    Marion.......................  Unincorporated Areas  February 2, 2006;     The Honorable Sam          May 11, 2006..................          410154
                                    of Marion County      February 9, 2006;     Brentano, Chairman,
                                    (03-10-0442P).        Journal Statesman.    Marion County, Board of
                                                                                Commissioners, P.O. Box
                                                                                14500, Salem, Oregon
    Berks........................  Township of           March 2, 2006; March  The Honorable Donald C.    June 8, 2006..................          421380
                                    Longswamp (05-03-     9, 2006; Reading      Stegfried, Chairman,
                                    0239P).               Eagle.                Longswamp Township, 1112
                                                                                State Street, Mertztown,
                                                                                Pennsylvania 19539.
    Berks........................  Township of Rockland  March 2, 2006; March  The Honorable Russell W.   June 8, 2006..................          421098
                                    (05-03-0239P).        9, 2006; Reading      Coffin, Chairman,
                                                          Eagle.                Rockland Township, Board
                                                                                of Supervisors, P.O. Box
                                                                                149, Bowers,
                                                                                Pennsylvania 19511.
    York.........................  York Township (06-03- August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Phillip W.   July 31, 2006.................          421032
                                    B333P).               August 31, 2006;      Briddell, President,
                                                          York Dispatch.        York Township, Board of
                                                                                Commissioners, 335 Hill-
                                                                                N-Dale Drive, York,
                                                                                Pennsylvania 17403.
Puerto Rico......................  Commonwealth of       June 29, 2006; July   The Honorable Anibal       October 5, 2006...............          720000
                                    Puerto Rico (05-02-   6, 2006; San Juan     Acevedo-Vila, Governor
                                    0421P).               Star.                 of Commonwealth of
                                                                                Puerto Rico, P.O. Box
                                                                                82, La Fortaleza, San
                                                                                Juan, Puerto Rico 00901.
Puerto Rico......................  Commonwealth of       August 17, 2006;      The Honorable Anibal       November 23, 2006.............          720000
                                    Puerto Rico (05-02-   August 24, 2006;      Acevedo-Vila, Governor
                                    0270P).               San Juan Star.        of Commonwealth of
                                                                                Puerto Rico, P.O. Box
                                                                                82, La Fortaleza, San
                                                                                Juan, Puerto Rico 00901.
Rhode Island: Washington.........  Town of Westerly (05- June 22, 2006; June   Mr. Joseph T. Turo, Esq.,  May 25, 2006..................          445410
                                    01-A502P).            29, 2006; Westerly    Town Manager, Town of
                                                          Sun.                  Westerly, Town Hall, 45
                                                                                Broad Street, Westerly,
                                                                                Rhode Island 02891.
South Carolina:

[[Page 59390]]

    Charleston...................  Town of Mount         February 15, 2006;    The Honorable Harry M.     January 31, 2006..............          455417
                                    Pleasant (06-04-      February 22, 2006;    Hallman, Jr., Mayor,
                                    B002P).               Moultries News.       Town of Mount Pleasant,
                                                                                P.O. Box 745, Mount
                                                                                Pleasant, South Carolina
    Horry........................  Unincorporated Areas  December 22, 2005;    The Honorable Elizabeth    March 30, 2006................          450104
                                    of Horry County (06-  December 29, 2005;    Gilland, Chairman, Horry
                                    04-B138X).            Horry Independent.    County Council, 1511 Elm
                                                                                Street, Conway, South
                                                                                Carolina 29526.
    Greenville...................  City of Simpsonville  June 29, 2006; July   The Honorable Dennis C.    October 5, 2006...............          450092
                                    (05-04-A572P).        06, 2006;             Waldrop, Mayor, City of
                                                          Greenville News.      Simpsonville, City Hall,
                                                                                118 Northeast Main
                                                                                Street, Simpsonville,
                                                                                South Carolina 29681.
    Greenville...................  Unincorporated Areas  May 20, 2006; May     The Honorable Herman G.    August 24, 2006...............          450089
                                    of Greenville         25, 2006;             Kirven, Chairman,
                                    County (06-04-        Greenville News.      Greenville County
                                    B011P).                                     Council, 313 League
                                                                                Road, Simpsonville,
                                                                                South Carolina 29681.
    Greenville...................  Unincorporated Areas  May 20, 2006; May     The Honorable Herman G.    August 25, 2006...............          450089
                                    of Greenville         26, 2006;             Kirven, Chairman,
                                    County (06-04-        Greenville News.      Greenville County
                                    B012P).                                     Council, 313 League
                                                                                Road, Simpsonville,
                                                                                South Carolina 29681.
    Greenville...................  Unincorporated Areas  June 29, 2006; July   The Honorable Herman G.    October 5, 2006...............          450089
                                    of Greenville         6, 2006; Greenville   Kirven, Chairman,
                                    County (05-04-        News.                 Greenville County
                                    A572P).                                     Council, 313 League
                                                                                Road, Simpsonville,
                                                                                South Carolina 29681.
    Lancaster....................  Unincorporated Areas  February 2, 2006;     Mr. Chappell ``Chap''      May 11, 2006..................          450120
                                    of Lancaster County   February 9, 2006;     Hurst, Jr., County
                                    (05-04-2990P).        The Herald.           Administrator, Lancaster
                                                                                County, P.O. Box 1809,
                                                                                Lancaster, South
                                                                                Carolina 29721.
    Richland.....................  City of Columbia (05- August 11, 2006;      The Honorable Bob Cobble,  November 17, 2006.............          450172
                                    04-A589P).            August 18, 2006;      Mayor, City of Columbia,
                                                          Columbia Star.        P.O. Box 147, Columbia,
                                                                                South Carolina 29217.
    Richland.....................  Town of Irmo (05-04-  May 18, 2006; May     The Honorable John L.      August 24, 2006...............          450133
                                    3485P).               25, 2006; Irmo News.  Gibbons, Mayor, Town of
                                                                                Irmo, P.O. Box 406,
                                                                                Irmo, South Carolina
    Richland.....................  Unincorporated Areas  March 24, 2006;       Mr. T. Cary McSwaim,       February 24, 2006.............          450170
                                    of Richland County    March 31, 2006;       County Administrator,
                                    (05-04-3127P).        Columbia Star.        Richland County, P.O.
                                                                                Box 192, Columbia, South
                                                                                Carolina 29202.
    Richland.....................  Unincorporated Areas  May 18, 2006; May     The Honorable Tony         August 24, 2006...............          450170
                                    of Richland County    25, 2006; Irmo News.  Mizzell, Chair, Richland
                                    (05-04-3485P).                              County Council, 2020
                                                                                Hampton, Columbia, South
                                                                                Carolina 29202.
    Richland.....................  Unincorporated Areas  August 11, 2006;      Mr. J. Milton Pope,        November 17, 2006.............          450170
                                    of Richland County    August 18, 2006;      Interim County
                                    (05-04-A589P).        Columbia Star.        Administrator, Richland
                                                                                County, P.O. Box 192,
                                                                                Columbia, South Carolina
    Sumter.......................  Unincorporated Areas  June 15, 2006; June   Mr. William T. Noonan,     September 21, 2006............          450182
                                    of Sumter County      22, 2006; The Item.   County Administrator,
                                    (04-04-B134P).                              Sumter County, 13 East
                                                                                Canal Street, Sumter,
                                                                                South Carolina 29150.
    York.........................  Unincorporated Areas  February 2, 2006;     Mr. Alfred W. `` Al''      May 11, 2006..................          450193
                                    of York County (05-   February 9, 2006;     Greene, County Manager,
                                    04-2990P).            The Herald.           York County, P.O. Box
                                                                                66, York, South Carolina
    Cheatham.....................  Town of Ashland City  May 18, 2006; May     The Honorable Gary         August 23, 2006...............          470027
                                    (06-04-A705P).        25, 2006; Ashland     Norwood, Mayor, Town of
                                                          City Times.           Ashland City, P.O. Box
                                                                                36, Ashland City,
                                                                                Tennessee 37015.

[[Page 59391]]

    Davidson.....................  City of Forest Hills  June 15, 2006; June   The Honorable Charles K.   September 21, 2006............          470407
                                    (05-04-A471P).        22, 2006; Nashville   Evers, Mayor, City of
                                                          Record.               Forest Hills, 4012
                                                                                Hillsboro Road, Suite 5,
                                                                                Nashville, Tennessee
    Davidson.....................  Metropolitan          January 26, 2006;     The Honorable Bill         January 12, 2006..............          470040
                                    Government of         February 2, 2006;     Purcell, Mayor,
                                    Nashville and         Nashville Record.     Metropolitan Government
                                    Davidson County (05-                        of Nashville and
                                    04-2201P).                                  Davidson County, 107
                                                                                Metropolitan Courthouse,
                                                                                Nashville, Tennessee
    Davidson.....................  Metropolitan          March 23, 2006;       The Honorable Bill         June 29, 2006.................          470040
                                    Government of         March 30, 2006;       Purcell, Mayor,
                                    Nashville and         Nashville Record.     Metropolitan Government
                                    Davidson County (05-                        of Nashville and
                                    04-B137P).                                  Davidson County, 107
                                                                                Metropolitan Courthouse,
                                                                                Nashville, Tennessee
    Davidson.....................  Metropolitan          June 15, 2006; June   The Honorable Bill         September 21, 2006............          470040
                                    Government of         22, 2006; Nashville   Purcell, Mayor,
                                    Nashville and         Record.               Metropolitan Government
                                    Davidson County (05-                        of Nashville and
                                    04-A471P).                                  Davidson County, 107
                                                                                Metropolitan Courthouse,
                                                                                Nashville, Tennessee
    Henry........................  City of Paris (05-04- March 30, 2006;       The Honorable Larry        July 06, 2006.................          470090
                                    3184P).               April 6, 2006;        Crawford, Mayor, City of
                                                          Paris Post -          Paris, P.O. Box 970,
                                                          Intelligencer.        Paris, Tennessee 38242.
    Rutherford...................  Unincorporated Areas  May 25, 2006; June    The Honorable Nancy R.     August 24, 2006...............          470165
                                    of Rutherford         1, 2006; Daily News   Allen, County Executive,
                                    County (06-04-        Journal.              Rutherford County,
                                    B427P).                                     County Courthouse, Room
                                                                                101, Murfreesboro,
                                                                                Tennessee 37130.
    Shelby.......................  Town of Collierville  August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Linda        July 31, 2006.................          470263
                                    (06-04-B865P).        August 31, 2006;      Kerley, Mayor, Town of
                                                          Daily News.           Collierville, 500 Poplar
                                                                                View Parkway,
                                                                                Collierville, Tennessee
    Shelby.......................  City of Memphis (05-  August 21, 2006;      The Honorable Willie W.    July 28, 2006.................          470177
                                    04-0247P).            August 28, 2006;      Herenton, Mayor, City of
                                                          Commercial Appeal.    Memphis, City Hall, 125
                                                                                North Main Street, Room
                                                                                700, Memphis, Tennessee
    Shelby.......................  Unincorporated Areas  August 24, 2006;      The Honorable A.C.         July 31, 2006.................          470214
                                    of Shelby County      August 31, 2006;      Wharton, Jr., Mayor,
                                    (06-04-B865P).        Daily News.           Shelby County, 160 North
                                                                                Main Street, Suite 850,
                                                                                Memphis, Tennessee 38103.
    Williamson...................  City of Brentwood     June 22, 2006; June   The Honorable Brian Joe    September 27, 2006............          470205
                                    (06-04-B110P).        29, 2006; The         Sweeney, Mayor, City of
                                                          Nennessean.           Brentwood, P.O. Box 788,
                                                                                Brentwood, Tennessee
    Angelina.....................  City of Lufkin (05-   March 16, 2006;       The Honorable Louis A.     June 22, 2006.................          480009
                                    06-0240P).            March 23, 2006;       Bronaugh, Mayor, City of
                                                          Lufkin Daily News.    Lufkin, P.O. Box 190,
                                                                                Lufkin, Texas 75902-0190.
    Bell.........................  City of Killeen (05-  March 23, 2006;       The Honorable Maureen      March 1, 2006.................          480031
                                    06-0514P).            March 30, 2006;       Jouett, Mayor, City of
                                                          Killeen Daily         Killeen, 101 North
                                                          Herald.               College Street, Third
                                                                                Floor, Killeen, Texas
    Bexar........................  City of San Antonio   December 8, 2005;     The Honorable Phil         March 16, 2006................          480045
                                    (05-06-0892P).        December 15, 2005;    Hardberger, Mayor, City
                                                          Austin American       of San Antonio, P.O. Box
                                                          Statesman.            839966, San Antonio,
                                                                                Texas 78283-3966.
    Bexar........................  City of San Antonio   February 24, 2006;    The Honorable Phil         June 1, 2006..................          480045
                                    (05-06-1714P).        March 3, 2006;        Hardberger, Mayor, City
                                                          Daily Commercial      of San Antonio, P.O. Box
                                                          Recorder.             839966, San Antonio,
                                                                                Texas 78283-3966.
    Bexar........................  City of San Antonio   April 27, 2006; May   The Honorable Phil         August 4, 2006................          480045
                                    (05-06-A206P).        5, 2006; Daily        Hardberger, Mayor, City
                                                          Commercial Recorder.  of San Antonio, P.O. Box
                                                                                839966, San Antonio,
                                                                                Texas 78283-3966.

[[Page 59392]]

    Bexar........................  City of San Antonio   July 21, 2006; July   The Honorable Phil         October 27, 2006..............          480035
                                    (06-06-B641P).        28, 2006; Daily       Hardberger, Mayor, City
                                                          Commercial Recorder.  of San Antonio, P.O. Box
                                                                                839966, San Antonio,
                                                                                Texas 78283-3966.
    Bexar........................  City of San Antonio   August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Phil         September 7, 2006.............          480045
                                    (05-06-1455P).        August 31, 2006;      Hardberger, Mayor, City
                                                          Daily Commercial      of San Antonio, P.O. Box
                                                          Recorder.             839966, San Antonio,
                                                                                Texas 78283-3966.
    Bexar........................  Unincorporated Areas  January 12, 2006;     The Honorable Nelson W.    January 5, 2006...............          480035
                                    of Bexar County (05-  January 19, 2006;     Wolff, Bexar County
                                    06-1445P).            Daily Commercial      Judge, Bexar County
                                                          Recorder.             Courthouse, 100
                                                                                Dolorosa, Suite 120, San
                                                                                Antonio, Texas 78205.
    Bexar........................  Unincorporated Areas  April 27, 2006; May   The Honorable Nelson W.    August 4, 2006................          480035
                                    of Bexar County (05-  5, 2006; Daily        Wolff, Bexar County
                                    06-A206P).            Commercial Recorder.  Judge, Bexar County
                                                                                Courthouse, 100
                                                                                Dolorosa, Suite 120, San
                                                                                Antonio, Texas 78205.
    Bexar........................  Unincorporated Areas  June 22, 2006; June   The Honorable Nelson W.    May 31, 2006..................          480035
                                    of Bexar County (06-  29, 2006; Daily       Wolff, Bexar County
                                    06-B271P).            Commercial Recorder.  Judge, Bexar County
                                                                                Courthouse, 100
                                                                                Dolorosa, Suite 120, San
                                                                                Antonio, Texas 78205.
    Bexar........................  Unincorporated Areas  June 22, 2006; June   The Honorable Nelson W.    September 28, 2006............          480035
                                    of Bexar County (06-  29, 2006; Daily       Wolff, Bexar County
                                    06-A673P).            Commercial Recorder.  Judge, Bexar County
                                                                                Courthouse, 100
                                                                                Dolorosa, Suite 120, San
                                                                                Antonio, Texas 78205.
    Bexar........................  Unincorporated Areas  July 14, 2006; July   The Honorable Nelson W.    October 20, 2006..............          480035
                                    of Bexar County (05-  21, 2006; Daily       Wolff, Bexar County
                                    06-A520P).            Commercial Recorder.  Judge, Bexar County
                                                                                Courthouse, 100
                                                                                Dolorosa, Suite 120, San
                                                                                Antonio, Texas 78205.
    Bexar........................  Unincorporated Areas  August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Nelson W.    July 31, 2006.................          480035
                                    of Bexar County (05-  August 31, 2006;      Wolff, Bexar County
                                    06-A521P).            Daily Commercial      Judge, Bexar County
                                                          Recorder.             Courthouse, 100
                                                                                Dolorosa, Suite 120, San
                                                                                Antonio, Texas 78205.
    Collin.......................  City of Allen (06-06- July 27, 2006;        The Honorable Stephen      November 2, 2006..............          480131
                                    B418P).               August 3, 2006;       Terrell, Mayor, City of
                                                          Allen American.       Allen, City Hall, 305
                                                                                Century Parkway, Allen,
                                                                                Texas 75013.
    Collin.......................  City of Allen (06-06- August 17, 2006;      The Honorable Stephen      July 31, 2006.................          480131
                                    B430P).               August 24, 2006;      Terrell, Mayor, City of
                                                          Allen American.       Allen, City Hall, 305
                                                                                Century Parkway, Allen,
                                                                                Texas 75013.
    Collin.......................  City of Frisco (06-   September 1, 2006;    The Honorable Mike         August 24, 2006...............          480134
                                    06-B193P).            September 8, 2006;    Simpson, Mayor, City of
                                                          Frisco Enterprise.    Frisco, 6891 Main
                                                                                Street, Frisco, Texas
    Collin.......................  City of Frisco (05-   September 8, 2006;    The Honorable Mike         December 15, 2006.............          480134
                                    06-1675P).            September 15, 2006;   Simpson, Mayor, City of
                                                          Frisco Enterprise.    Frisco, 6891 Main
                                                                                Street, Frisco, Texas
    Collin.......................  City of McKinney (05- February 16, 2006;    The Honorable Bill         May, 25, 2006.................          480135
                                    06-0127P).            February 23, 2006;    Whitfield, Mayor, City
                                                          McKinney Courier      of McKinney, 222 North
                                                          Gazette.              Tennessee, McKinney,
                                                                                Texas 75069.
    Collin.......................  City of McKinney (05- April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Bill         July 27, 2006.................          480135
                                    06-A318P).            April 27, 2006;       Whitfield, Mayor, City
                                                          McKinney Courier      of McKinney, 222 North
                                                          Gazette.              Tennessee, McKinney,
                                                                                Texas 75069.
    Collin.......................  City of McKinney (06- August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Bill         November 30, 2006.............          480135
                                    06-B170P).            August 31, 2006;      Whitfield, Mayor, City
                                                          McKinney Courier      of McKinney, 222 North
                                                          Gazette.              Tennessee, McKinney,
                                                                                Texas 75069.
    Collin.......................  City of Plano (06-06- March 16, 2006;       The Honorable Pat Evans,   February 24, 2006.............          480140
                                    B005P).               March 23, 2006;       Mayor, City of Plano,
                                                          Plano Star Courier.   P.O. Box 860358, Plano,
                                                                                Texas 75086-0358.

[[Page 59393]]

    Collin.......................  City of Plano (06-06- July 19, 2006; July   The Honorable Pat Evans,   October 25, 2006..............          480140
                                    B026P).               26, 2006; Plano       Mayor, City of Plano,
                                                          Star Courier.         P.O. Box 860358, Plano,
                                                                                Texas 75086-0358.
    Collin.......................  City of Plano (06-06- August 16, 2006;      The Honorable Pat Evans,   November 22, 2006.............          480140
                                    B374P).               August 23, 2006;      Mayor, City of Plano,
                                                          Plano Star Courier.   P.O. Box 860358, Plano,
                                                                                Texas 75086-0358.
    Dallas.......................  City of Carrollton    April 5, 2006; April  The Honorable Becky        July 12, 2006.................          480167
                                    (05-06-0086P).        12, 2006;             Miller, Mayor, City of
                                                          Carrollton Leader.    Carrollton, 1945 East
                                                                                Jackson Road,
                                                                                Carrollton, Texas 75006.
    Dallas.......................  City of Dallas (05-   December 8, 2005;     The Honorable Laura        March 16, 2006................          480171
                                    06-0199P).            December 15, 2005;    Miller, Mayor, City of
                                                          Daily Commercial      Dallas, Dallas City
                                                          Record.               Hall, 1500 Marilla
                                                                                Street, Room 5EN,
                                                                                Dallas, Texas 75201-6390.
    Dallas.......................  City of Garland (06-  June 22, 2006; June   The Honorable Bob Day,     May 31, 2006..................          485471
                                    06-B043P).            29, 2006; Daily       Mayor, City of Garland,
                                                          Commercial Record.    P.O. Box 469002,
                                                                                Garland, Texas 75046.
    Dallas.......................  City of Garland (05-  July 20, 2006; July   The Honorable Bob Day,     October 26, 2006..............          485471
                                    06-A172P).            27, 2006; Daily       Mayor, City of Garland,
                                                          Commercial Record.    P.O. Box 469002,
                                                                                Garland, Texas 75046.
    Dallas.......................  City of Garland (06-  August 17, 2006;      The Honorable Bob Day,     November 23, 2006.............          485471
                                    06-B168P).            August 24, 2006;      Mayor, City of Garland,
                                                          Daily Commercial      P.O. Box 469002,
                                                          Record.               Garland, Texas 75046.
    Dallas.......................  City of Sachse (06-   June 22, 2006; June   The Honorable Michael      May 31, 2006..................          480186
                                    06-B043P).            29, 2006; Daily       Felis, Mayor, City of
                                                          Commercial Record.    Sachse, 5560 State
                                                                                Highway 78, Sachse,
                                                                                Texas 75048.
    Dallas.......................  Unincorporated Areas  May 5, 2006; May 11,  The Honorable Margaret     April 19, 2006................          480165
                                    of Dallas County      2006; Dallas          Keliher, Dallas County
                                    (05-06-A509P).        Morning News.         Judge, Administration
                                                                                Office, 411 Elm Street,
                                                                                Dallas, Texas 75202.
    Denton.......................  City of Corinth (05-  March 9, 2006; March  The Honorable Vic          June 15, 2006.................          481143
                                    06-1383P).            16, 2006; Denton      Burgess, Mayor, Town of
                                                          Record-Chronicle.     Corinth, 3300 Corinth
                                                                                Street, Corinth, Texas
    Denton.......................  City of Denton (05-   March 9, 2006; March  The Honorable Euline       June 15, 2006.................          480194
                                    06-1383P).            16, 2006; Denton      Brock, Mayor, City of
                                                          Record-Chronicle.     Denton, 215 East
                                                                                McKinney Street, Denton,
                                                                                Texas 76201.
    Denton.......................  City of Denton (05-   August 10, 2006;      The Honorable Michael      November 16, 2006.............          480194
                                    06-A100P).            August 17, 2006;      Conduff, Mayor, City of
                                                          Denton Record         Denton, 215 East
                                                          Chronicle.            McKinney, Denton, Texas
    Denton.......................  City of Lewisville    January 4, 2006;      The Honorable Gene Carey,  April 12, 2006................          480195
                                    (05-06-0170P).        January 11, 2006;     Mayor, City of
                                                          Lewisville Leader.    Lewisville, P.O. Box
                                                                                299002, Lewisville,
                                                                                Texas 75029-9002.
    Denton.......................  City of Ponder (06-   July 13, 2006; July   The Honorable Vivian       October 19, 2006..............          480784
                                    06-B215P).            20, 2006; Denton      Cockburn, Mayor, City of
                                                          Record Chronicle.     Ponder, P.O. Box 297,
                                                                                Ponder, Texas 76259.
    Denton.......................  Unincorporated Areas  April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Mary Horn,   July 27, 2006.................          480774
                                    of Denton County      April 27, 2006;       Denton County Judge, 110
                                    (05-06-1429P).        Fort Worth Star       West Hickory Street,
                                                          Telegram.             Second Floor, Denton,
                                                                                Texas 76201.
    Denton.......................  Unincorporated Areas  August 10, 2006;      The Honorable Mary Horn,   November 16, 2006.............          480774
                                    of Denton County      August 17, 2006;      Denton County Judge, 110
                                    (05-06-A100P).        Denton Record         West Hickory Street,
                                                          Chronicle.            Second Floor, Denton,
                                                                                Texas 76201.
    Ellis........................  Unincorporated Areas  April 13, 2006;       The Honorable Chad Adams,  July 20, 2006.................          480798
                                    of Ellis County (05-  April 20, 2006;       Ellis County Judge, 101
                                    06-A558P).            Ellis County Press.   West Main Street,
                                                                                Waxahachie, Texas 75165.
    Ellis........................  City of Waxahachie    June 21, 2006; June   The Honorable Jay          September 27, 2006............          480211
                                    (06-06-B466P).        28, 2006;             Barksdale, Mayor, City
                                                          Waxahachie Daily      of Waxahachie, P.O. Box
                                                          Light.                757, Waxahachie, Texas

[[Page 59394]]

    El Paso......................  Unincorporated Areas  May 11, 2006; May     The Honorable John Cook,   April 17, 2006................          480214
                                    of El Paso County     18, 2006; El Paso     Mayor, City of El Paso,
                                    (06-06-B324P).        Times.                Two Civic Center Plaza,
                                                                                10th Floor, El Paso,
                                                                                Texas 79901.
    Fort Bend....................  Unincorporated Areas  May 18, 2006; May     Ms. Ellen Hughes,          August 24, 2006...............          481590
                                    of Fort Bend County   25, 2006; Ford Bend   District President, Fort
                                    (06-06-B011P).        Herald.               Bend County Municipal
                                                                                Utility, District No.
                                                                                23, 1715 Misty Fawn
                                                                                Lane, Fresno, Texas
    Galveston....................  City of League City   April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Jerry        March 31, 2006................          485488
                                    (05-06-1666P).        April 27, 2006;       Shults, Mayor, City of
                                                          Galveston County      League City, 300 West
                                                          Daily News.           Walker Street, League
                                                                                City, Texas 77573.
    Gregg & Rusk.................  City of Kilgore (04-  March 24, 2006;       The Honorable Joe Parker,  June 30, 2006.................          480263
                                    06-A011P).            March 31, 2006;       Mayor, City of Kilgore,
                                                          Kilgore News Herald.  P.O. Box 990, Kilgore,
                                                                                Texas 75663.
    Harris.......................  City of Houston (04-  April 6, 2006; April  The Honorable Bill White,  July 6, 2006..................          480296
                                    06-1460P).            13, 2006; Houston     Mayor, City of Houston,
                                                          Chronicle.            P.O. Box 1562, Houston,
                                                                                Texas 77251.
    Harris.......................  Unincorporated Areas  March 16, 2006;       The Honorable Robert       June 22, 2006.................          480287
                                    of Harris County      April 6, 2006;        Eckels, Harris County
                                    (04-06-1299P).        Houston Chronicle.    Judge, 1001 Preston,
                                                                                Suite 911, Houston,
                                                                                Texas 77002.
    Harris.......................  Unincorporated Areas  April 6, 2006; April  The Honorable Robert       July 6, 2006..................          480287
                                    of Harris County      13, 2006; Houston     Eckels, Harris County
                                    (04-06-1460P).        Chronicle.            Judge, 1001 Preston,
                                                                                Suite 911, Houston,
                                                                                Texas 77002.
    Hays.........................  Unincorporated Areas  August 17, 2006;      The Honorable Jim Powesr,  November 23, 2006.............          480321
                                    of Hays County (06-   August 24, 2006;      Hays County Judge, 111
                                    06-B006P);.           Hays County Free      East San Antonio Street,
                                                          Press.                Suite 300, San Marcos,
                                                                                Texas 78666.
    Hidalgo......................  City of McAllen (05-  March 9, 2006; March  The Honorable Richard F.   February 21, 2006.............          480343
                                    06-1607P).            16, 2006; The         Cortez, Mayor, City of
                                                          Monitor.              McAllen, 1300 Houston
                                                                                Avenue, McAllen, Texas
    Jones and Taylor.............  City of Abilene (05-  January 26, 2006;     The Honorable Norm         May 4, 2006...................          485450
                                    06-1712P).            February 2, 2006;     Archibald, Mayor, City
                                                          Abilene Reporter      of Abilene, 717 Byrd
                                                          News.                 Drive, Abilene, Texas
    Kendall......................  Unincorporated Areas  August 22, 2006;      The Honorable Eddie John   November 28, 2006.............          480417
                                    of Kendall County     August 29, 2006;      Vogt, Kendall County
                                    (04-06-A211P).        Boerne Star.          Judge, 204 East San
                                                                                Antonio Street, Boerne,
                                                                                Texas 78006.
    Lampasas.....................  City of Lampasas (06- August 15, 2006;      The Honorable Jack         August 21, 2006...............          480430
                                    06-B513P).            August 22, 2006;      Calcert, Mayor, City of
                                                          Lampasas Dispatch     Lampasas, 312 East Third
                                                          Record.               Street, Lampasas, Texas
    Lubbock......................  City of Lubbock (05-  January 12, 2006;     The Honorable Mark         December 28, 2005.............          480452
                                    06-1579P).            January 19, 2006;     McDougal, Mayor, City of
                                                          Lubbock Avalanche-    Lubbock, P.O. Box 2000,
                                                          Journal.              Lubbock, Texas 79457.
    Lubbock......................  City of Lubbock (05-  March 30, 2006;       The Honorable Mark         March 1, 2006.................          480452
                                    06-1480P).            April 6, 2006;        McDougal, Mayor, City of
                                                          Lubbock Avalanche-    Lubbock, P.O. Box 2000,
                                                          Journal.              Lubbock, Texas 79457.
    Lubbock......................  City of Wolfforth     February 2, 2006;     The Honorable L.C.         May, 11 2006..................          480918
                                    (05-06-0566P).        February 9, 2006;     Childers, Mayor, City of
                                                          Lubbock Avalanche-    Wolfforth, P.O. Box 36,
                                                          Journal.              Wolfforth, Texas 79382.
    Medina.......................  Unincorporated Areas  August 24, 2006;      The Honorable James E.     July 31, 2006.................          480472
                                    of Medina County      August 31, 2006;      Barden, Medina County
                                    (06-06-BB97P).        Hondo Anvil Herald.   Judge, Medina County
                                                                                Courthouse, 1100 16th
                                                                                Street, Room 101, Hondo,
                                                                                Texas 78861.
    Montgomery...................  Unincorporated Areas  May 10, 2006; May      The Honorable Alan B.     April 24, 2006................          480483
                                    of Montgomery         17, 2006; Houston     Sadler, Montgomery
                                    County (05-06-        Community             County Judge, 301 North
                                    A477P).               Newspapers Observer   Thompson, Suite 210,
                                                          Newspapers.           Conroe, Texas 77301.

[[Page 59395]]

    Parker.......................  City of Weatherford   May 18, 2006; May     The Honorable Joe M.       August 24, 2006...............          480522
                                    (05-06-0653P).        25, 2006;             Tison, Mayor, City of
                                                          Weatherford           Weatherford, P.O. Box
                                                          Democrat.             255, Weatherford, Texas
    Rockwall.....................  City of Royse (05-06- April 12, 2006;       The Honorable Jim          July 20, 2006.................          480548
                                    A064P).               April 19, 2006;       Mellody, Mayor, City of
                                                          Royse City Herald     Royse City, P.O. Box
                                                          Banner.               638, Royse City, Texas
    Tarrant......................  City of Arlington     April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Dr. Robert   July 27, 2006.................          485454
                                    (05-06-0568P).        April 27, 2006;       N. Cluck, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Arlington, 101 West
                                                          Telegram.             Abram Street, Arlington,
                                                                                Texas 76004-0231.
    Tarrant......................  City of Bedford (05-  April 27, 2006; May   The Honorable James        August 3, 2006................          480585
                                    06-A515P).            4, 2006; Fort Worth   Story, Mayor, City of
                                                          Star Telegram.        Bedford, 2000 Forest
                                                                                Ridge Drive, Bedford,
                                                                                Texas 76021.
    Tarrant......................  City of Benbrook (05- February 2, 2006;     The Honorable Jerry B.     May 11, 2006..................          480586
                                    06-0711P).            February 9, 2006;     Dittrich, Mayor, City of
                                                          Benbrook News.        Benbrook, 911 Winscott
                                                                                Road, Benbrook, Texas
    Tarrant......................  City of               April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Albert       July 27, 2006.................          480013
                                    Dalworthington        April 27, 2006;       Taub, Mayor, City of
                                    Gardens (05-06-       Fort Worth Star       Dalworthington Gardens,
                                    0568P).               Telegram.             2600 Roosevelt Drive,
                                                                                Arlington, Texas 76016.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    December 8, 2005;     The Honorable Michael J.   March 16, 2006................          480596
                                    (05-06-0767P).        December 15, 2005;    Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    December 22, 2005;    The Honorable Michael J.   December 13, 2005.............          480596
                                    (05-06-0796P).        December 29, 2005;    Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    January 12, 2006;     The Honorable Michael J.   April 20, 2006................          480596
                                    (05-06-A227P).        January 19, 2006;     Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    January 12, 2006;     The Honorable Michael J.   December 28, 2005.............          480596
                                    (05-06-1757P).        January 19, 2006;     Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    March 16, 2006;       The Honorable Michael J.   February 28, 2006.............          480596
                                    (05-06-A171P).        March 23, 2006;       Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Michael J.   July 27, 2006.................          480596
                                    (06-06-B068P).        April 27, 2006;       Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Michael J.   July 27, 2006.................          480596
                                    (06-06-B004P).        April 27, 2006;       Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    June 15, 2006; June   The Honorable Michael J.   September 21, 2006............          480596
                                    (06-06-B169P).        22, 2006; Fort        Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Worth Star Telegram.  Fort Worth, 10000
                                                                                Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    June 22, 2006; June   The Honorable Michael J.   September 28, 2006............          480596
                                    (05-06-1252P).        29, 2006; Fort        Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Worth Star Telegram.  Fort Worth, 10000
                                                                                Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    June 22, 2006; June   The Honorable Michael J.   September 28, 2006............          480596
                                    (06-06-B536P).        29, 2006; Fort        Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Worth Star Telegram.  Fort Worth, 10000
                                                                                Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    July 13, 2006; July   The Honorable Michael J.   October 19, 2006..............          480596
                                    (06-06-B065P).        20, 2006; Fort        Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Worth Star Telegram.  Fort Worth, 10000
                                                                                Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.

[[Page 59396]]

    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    July 13, 2006; July   The Honorable Michael J.   October 19, 2006..............          480596
                                    (06-06-B570P).        20, 2006; Fort        Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Worth Star Telegram.  Fort Worth, 10000
                                                                                Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    July 20, 2006; July   The Honorable Michael J.   October 26, 2006..............          480596
                                    (05-06-0916P).        27, 2006; Fort        Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Worth Star Telegram.  Fort Worth, 10000
                                                                                Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    August 17, 2006;      The Honorable Michael J.   November 23, 2006.............          480596
                                    (06-06-B207P).        August 24, 2006;      Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Michael J.   November 30, 2006.............          480596
                                    (05-06-A230P).        August 31, 2006;      Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Michael J.   July 31, 2006.................          480596
                                    (06-06-B029P).        August 31, 2006;      Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Fort Worth    August 24, 2006;      The Honorable Michael J.   July 31, 2006.................          480596
                                    (06-06-BD72P).        August 31, 2006;      Moncrief, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fort Worth Star       Fort Worth, 10000
                                                          Telegram.             Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
    Tarrant......................  City of Saginaw (06-  July 27, 2006;        The Honorable Gary         August 11, 2006...............          480610
                                    06-B837P).            August 3, 2006;       Brinkley, Mayor, City of
                                                          Northwest Tarrant     Saginaw, 333 West
                                                          County Times Record.  McLeroy Boulevard,
                                                                                Saginaw, Texas 76179.
    Denton &Tarrant..............  Unincorporated Areas  April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Tom          July 27, 2006.................          480582
                                    of Tarrant County     April 27, 2006;       Vandergriff, Tarrant
                                    (05-06-1429P).        Fort Worth Star       County Judge, 100 East
                                                          Telegram.             Weatherford Street,
                                                                                Suite 502 A, Fort Worth,
                                                                                Texas 76196.
    Tarrant......................  Unincorporated Areas  April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Tom          July 27, 2006.................          480582
                                    of Tarrant County     April 27, 2006;       Vandergriff, Tarrant
                                    (06-06-B004P).        Fort Worth Star       County Judge, 100 East
                                                          Telegram.             Weatherford Street,
                                                                                Suite 502 A, Fort Worth,
                                                                                Texas 76196.
    Travis.......................  City of Austin (05-   April 27, 2006; May   The Honorable Will Wynn,   August 3, 2006................          480624
                                    06-0770P).            4, 2006; Austin       Mayor, City of Austin,
                                                          American Statesman.   P.O. Box 1088, Austin,
                                                                                Texas 78767.
    Travis.......................  City of Austin (05-   June 15, 2006; June   The Honorable Will Wynn,   September 21, 2006............          480624
                                    06-A445P).            22, 2006; Austin      Mayor, City of Austin,
                                                          American Statesman.   P.O. Box 1088, Austin,
                                                                                Texas 78767.
    Travis.......................  City of Austin (04-   July 13, 2006; July   The Honorable Will Wynn,   October 19, 2006..............          480624
                                    06-1466P).            20, 2006; Austin      Mayor, City of Austin,
                                                          American Statesman.   P.O. Box 1088, Austin,
                                                                                Texas 78767.
    Travis.......................  City of Austin (05-   July 27, 2006;        The Honorable Will Wynn,   June 30, 2006.................          480624
                                    06-A031P).            August 3, 2006;       Mayor, City of Austin,
                                                          Austin American       P.O. Box 1088, Austin,
                                                          Statesman.            Texas 78767.
    Travis.......................  City of Pflugerville  March 30, 2006;       The Honorable Catherin T.  March 15, 2006................          481028
                                    (05-06-0397P).        April 6, 2006;        Callen, Mayor, City of
                                                          Austin American       Pflugerville, P.O. Box
                                                          Statesman.            589, Pflugerville, Texas
    Travis.......................  Unincorporated Areas  April 27, 2006; May   The Honorable Samuel T.    August 3, 2006................          481026
                                    of Travis County      4, 2006; Austin       Biscoe, Travis County
                                    (05-06-0770P).        American Statesman.   Judge, 314 West 11th
                                                                                Street, Suite 520,
                                                                                Austin, Texas 78701.
    Travis.......................  Unincorporated Areas  April 27, 2006; May   The Honorable Samuel T.    June 30, 2006.................          481026
                                    of Travis County      4, 2006; Austin       Biscoe, Travis County
                                    (05-06-A031P).        American Statesman.   Judge, 314 West 11th
                                                                                Street, Suite 520,
                                                                                Austin, Texas 78701.
    Williamson...................  City of Round Rock    February 23, 2006;    The Honorable Nyle         March 8, 2006.................          481048
                                    (05-06-0490P).        March 2, 2006;        Maxwell, Mayor, City of
                                                          Round Rock Leader.    Round Rock, 221 East
                                                                                Main Street, Round Rock,
                                                                                Texas 78664.

[[Page 59397]]

    Fauquier.....................  Unincorporated Areas  December 29, 2005;    The Honorable Raymond E.   April 6, 2006.................          510055
                                    of Fauquier County    January 5, 2006;      Graham, Chairman,
                                    (04-03-A019P).        Fauquier Citizen.     Fauquier County Board of
                                                                                Supervisors, 10 Hotel
                                                                                Street, Suite 208,
                                                                                Warrenton, Virginia
    Fauquier.....................  Town of Warrenton     August 23, 2006;      The Honorable George B.    November 30, 2006.............          510057
                                    (05-03-A447P).        August 30, 2006;      Fitch, Mayor, Town of
                                                          Fauquier Times.       Warrenton, 18 Court
                                                                                Street, Warrenton,
                                                                                Virginia 20186.
    Independent City.............  City of Fairfax (04-  April 13, 2006;       The Honorable Robert F.    July 20, 2006.................          515524
                                    03-A027P).            April 20, 2006;       Lederer, Mayor, City of
                                                          Fairfax Connection    Fairfax, City Hall,
                                                          Newspapers.           10455 Armstrong Street,
                                                                                Fairfax, Virginia 22030-
    Loudoun......................  Unincorporated Areas  May 3, 2006; May 10,  The Honorable Scott K.     August 9, 2006................          510090
                                    of Loudoun County     2006; Loudoun Times.  York, Chairman, Loudoun
                                    (05-03-A388P).                              County Board of
                                                                                Supervisors, P.O. Box
                                                                                7000, Leesburg, Virginia
    Loudoun......................  Unincorporated Areas  August 16, 2006;      The Honorable Scott K.     July 25, 2006.................          510090
                                    of Loudoun County     August 23, 2006;      York, Chairman, Loudoun
                                    (05-03-0412P).        Loudoun Times         County Board of
                                                          Mirror.               Supervisors, P.O. Box
                                                                                7000, Leesburg, Virginia
    Stafford.....................  Unincorporated Areas  June 16, 2006; June   Mr. R. Steve Crosby,       May 10, 2006..................          510154
                                    of Stafford County    23, 2006; Stafford    County Administrator,
                                    (05-03-0456P).        County Sun.           Stafford County, P.O.
                                                                                Box 339, Stafford,
                                                                                Virginia 22555-0339.
    Rockbridge...................  City of Lexington     August 23, 2006;      The Honorable John Knapp,  August 7, 2006................          510089
                                    (05-03-0901P).        August 30, 2006;      Mayor, City of
                                                          Rockbridge Weekly.    Lexington, 300 East
                                                                                Washington Street,
                                                                                Lexington, Virginia
    Windsor......................  Town of Woodstock     June 22, 2006; June   The Honorable Philip       September 28, 2006............          500160
                                    (05-01-0287P).        29, 2006; Upper       Swanson, Mayor, Town of
                                                          Connecticut River     Woodstock, Woodstock
                                                          Valley.               Town Hall, 29 The Green,
                                                                                Woodstock, Vermont 05091.
    King.........................  City of Issaquah (06- February 22, 2006;    The Honorable Ava          May 31, 2006..................          530079
                                    10-B008P).            March 1, 2006;        Frisinger, Mayor, City
                                                          Issaquah Press.       of Issaquah, P.O. Box
                                                                                1307, Issaquah,
                                                                                Washington 98027.
    Walla Walla..................  Unincorporated Areas  August 17, 2006;      The Honorable David G.     November 23, 2006.............          530194
                                    of Walla Walla        August 24, 2006;      Carey, Chairman, Walla
                                    County (06-10-        Waitsburg Times.      Walla County Board of
                                    0491P).                                     Commissioners, P.O. Box
                                                                                1506, Walla Walla,
                                                                                Washington 99362.
    Whatcom......................  City of Bellingham    April 20, 2006;       The Honorable Mark         July 13, 2006.................          530199
                                    (05-10-0554P).        April 27, 2006;       Asmundson, Mayor, City
                                                          Bellingham Herald.    of Bellingham,
                                                                                Bellingham City Hall,
                                                                                Second Floor, 210 Lottie
                                                                                Street, Bellingham,
                                                                                Washington 98225.
    Yakima.......................  City of Toppenish     September 8, 2006;    The Honorable Bill         December 14, 2006.............          530228
                                    (06-10-B462P).        September 14, 2006;   Rogers, Mayor, City of
                                                          Daily Sun News.       Toppenish, Toppenish
                                                                                City Hall, 21 West First
                                                                                Avenue, Toppenish,
                                                                                Washington 98948.
    Milwaukee and Washington.....  City of Milwaukee     February 23, 2006;    The Honorable Tom          June 1, 2006..................          550278
                                    (04-05-A652P).        March 2, 2006;        Barrett, Mayor, City of
                                                          Milwaukee Journal     Milwaukee, City Hall,
                                                          Sentinel.             Room 201, 200 East Wells
                                                                                Street, Milwaukee,
                                                                                Wisconsin 53202.
    Outagamie....................  Unincorporated Areas  June 1, 2006; June    The Honorable Toby         April 28, 2006................          550302
                                    of Outagamie County   8, 2006; Post         Paltzer, County
                                    (05-05-A000P).        Crescent.             Executive, Outagamie
                                                                                County, 410 South Walnut
                                                                                Street, Appleton,
                                                                                Wisconsin 54911.

[[Page 59398]]

    Pierce.......................  Village of Plum City  August 16, 2006;      The Honorable Douglas E.   November 23, 2006.............          550328
                                    (05-05-1545P).        August 23, 2006;      Watkins, Village
                                                          Pierce County         President, Village of
                                                          Herald.               Plum City, P.O. Box 207,
                                                                                Plum City, Wisconsin
    Teton........................  Unincorporated Areas  March 29, 2006;       The Honorable Leland       March 15, 2006................          560094
                                    of Teton County (05-  April 5, 2006;        Christensen, Chair,
                                    08-0317P).            Jackson Hole News.    Teton County, Board of
                                                                                Commissioners, P.O. Box
                                                                                3594, Jackson, Wyoming

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood 

    Dated: September 25, 2006.
David I. Maurstad,
Director, Mitigation Division, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 
Department of Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. E6-16659 Filed 10-6-06; 8:45 am]