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Indoor Air Quality

The quality of air in buildings is an important topic for public health across our country. Region 5's indoor air program focuses on air quality issues in homes, schools, and commercial buildings. Our society, including children, spends more than 90% of its time indoors. Poor indoor air quality can have an enormous impact on our health, well being, productivity, and our children's ability to learn.

Air Quality in Schools | Asthma | Mold | Radon | Tools for Schools | School Training

Announcements: New!

Air Quality in Schools

Asthma Program at U.S. EPA Region 5


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Tools for Schools

For more information concerning Indoor Air Quality Topics go to: http://www.epa.gov/iaq/whatsnew.html

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School Training

Region 5 has developed a comprehensive school and children's health training course. This course is designed to train EPA staff, as well as state and local health and environmental department employees on techniques and strategies to help improve the environmental quality of our Region's public and private schools. The course can be modified for use as presentation materials for school districts, community groups, and other public, private, and tribal partners. The course presents a complete overview of all school and children's health related programs for which Region 5 has responsibility.

Course module topics include:

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For more information about this course please contact Jack Barnette (barnette.jack@epa.gov), or Lara Lasky (lasky.lara@.epa.gov) .

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