[Federal Register: August 14, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 156)]
[Page 46448-46449]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



International Trade Administration


Initiation of Antidumping Duty Changed Circumstances Review: 
Certain Welded Large Diameter Line Pipe From Japan

AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: In accordance with section 751(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, 
as amended (``the Act''), and section 351.216(b) of the U.S. Department 
of Commerce's (``the Department'') regulations, American Steel Pipe 
Division of the American Cast Iron Pipe Company, Berg Steel Pipe, and 
Stupp Corporation, (collectively ``petitioners'') filed a request for a 
changed circumstances review to amend the scope of the order of the 
antidumping order on welded large diameter line pipe (``LDLP'') from 
Japan. In response to this request, the Department is initiating a 
changed circumstance review to determine whether to partially revoke 
the order with respect to LDLP from Japan as described below.

EFFECTIVE DATE: August 14, 2006

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Abdelali Elouaradia or Judy Lao, 
Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. 
Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, 
Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-1374 and (202) 482-7924, 



    On December 6, 2001, the Department published in the Federal 
Register the antidumping duty order on large diameter welded line pipe 
(``LDLP'') from Japan. See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Welded 
Large Diameter Line Pipe from Japan (66 FR 63368) December 6, 2001; see 
also Certain Welded Large Diameter Line Pipe From Japan: Final Results 
of Changed Circumstances Review, (67 FR 64870) October 22, 2002, 
revoking the order with respect to certain merchandise as described in 
the ``Scope of the Order'' section of this notice, for which there was 
no interest in continuation of the order. On July 17, 2006, petitioners 
requested a changed circumstances review indicating they no longer have 
an interest in the following product being subject to the order: API 
grade X-80 having an outside diameter of 21 inches and wall thickness 
of 0.625 inch of more.

Scope of Order

    The product covered by this antidumping order is certain welded 
carbon and alloy line pipe, of circular cross section and with an 
outside diameter greater than 16 inches, but less than 64 inches, in 
diameter, whether or not stenciled. This product is normally produced 
according to American Petroleum Institute (API) specifications, 
including grades A25, A, B, and X grades ranging from X42 to X80, but 
can also be produced to other specifications. The product currently is 
classified under U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTSUS) item numbers 
7305.11.10.30, 7305.11.10.60, 7305.11.50.00, 7305.12.10.30, 
7305.12.10.60, 7305.12.50.00, 7305.19.10.30, 7305.19.10.60, and 
7305.19.50.00. Although the HTSUS item numbers are provided for 
convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the scope 
is dispositive. Specifically not included within the scope of this 
investigation is American Water Works Association (AWWA) specification 
water and sewage pipe, and the following size/grade combinations of 
line pipe:
--Having an outside diameter greater than or equal to 18 inches and 
less than or equal to 22 inches, with a wall thickness measuring 0.750 
inch or greater, regardless of grade.
--Having an outside diameter greater than or equal to 24 inches and 
less than 30 inches, with wall thickness measuring greater than 0.875 
inches in grades A, B, and X42, with wall thickness measuring greater 
than 0.750 inches in grades X52 through X56, and with wall thickness 
measuring greater than 0.688 inches in grades X60 or greater.
--Having an outside diameter greater than or equal to 30 inches and 
less than 36 inches, with wall thickness measuring greater than 1.250 
inches in grades A, B, and X42, with wall thickness measuring greater 
than 1.000 inches in grades X52 through X56, and

[[Page 46449]]

with wall thickness measuring greater than 0.875 inches in grades X60 
or greater.
--Having an outside diameter greater than or equal to 36 inches and 
less than 42 inches, with wall thickness measuring greater than 1.375 
inches in grades A, B, and X42, with wall thickness measuring greater 
than 1.250 inches in grades X52 through X56, and with wall thickness 
measuring greater than 1.125 inches in grades X60 or greater.
--Having an outside diameter greater than or equal to 42 inches and 
less than 64 inches, with a wall thickness measuring greater than 1.500 
inches in grades A, B, and X42, with wall thickness measuring greater 
than 1.375 inches in grades X52 through X56, and with wall thickness 
measuring greater than 1.250 inches in grades X60 or greater.
--Having an outside diameter equal to 48 inches, with a wall thickness 
measuring 1.0 inch or greater, in grades X-80 or greater.
--Having an outside diameter of 48 inches to and including 52 inches, 
and with a wall thickness of 0.90 inch or more in grade X-80.
--Having an outsides diameter of 48 inches to and including 52 inches, 
and with a wall thickness of 0.54 inch or more in grade X100.

Initiation of Changed Circumstances Review

    Pursuant to section 751(b)(1) of the Act, the Department will 
conduct a changed circumstances review upon receipt of information 
concerning, or a request from an interested party for a review of an AD 
duty order which shows changed circumstances sufficient to warrant a 
review of the order. As noted above, on July 17, 2006, petitioners 
requested, in accordance with 19 CFR 351.216(b), that the Department 
revoke the order with respect to API grade X-80 having an outside 
diameter of 21 inches, and with a wall thickness of 0.625 inch or more 
because they lack interest in continuation of the order with respect to 
this product. Therefore, pursuant to section 751(b)(1) of the Act and 
19 CFR 351.216(b), we are initiating a changed circumstances review. 
Although petitioners have expressed a lack of interest in the order 
with respect to the product in question, they did not claim that they 
represent substantially all of the production of the domestic like 
product, nor has the Department made such a determination. Therefore, 
the Department is not, at this time, preliminarily revoking the AD 
order with respect to the product in question pursuant to 19 CFR 
351.222(g)(1)(i). Interested parties are invited to comment on this 
initiation, or to demonstrate whether petitioners, other domestic 
interested parties, or other producers of LDLP account for 
substantially all of the production of the domestic like product.
    Public Comment
    Interested parties may submit comments that the Department will 
take into account in the preliminary results of this review. The due 
date for filing any such comments is no later than 15 days after 
publication of this notice. Responses to those comments may be 
submitted not later than seven days following submission of the 
comments. All written comments must be submitted in accordance with 19 
CFR 351.303.
    The Department will publish in the Federal Register a notice of 
preliminary results of changed circumstances reviews in accordance with 
19 CFR 351.221(b)(4) and 351.221(c)(3)(i), which will set forth the 
Department's preliminary factual and legal conclusions. Pursuant to 19 
CFR 351.221(b)(4)(ii), interested parties will have an opportunity to 
comment on the preliminary results. The Department will issue its final 
result of review in accordance with the time limits set forth in 19 CFR 
    This notice is published in accordance with sections 751(b)(1) and 
of the Act and section 351.221(b) of the Department's regulations.

    Dated: August 7, 2006.
Joseph A. Spetrini,
Acting Assistant Secretaryfor Import Administration.
[FR Doc. E6-13271 Filed 8-11-06; 8:45 am]