[Federal Register: April 11, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 69)]
[Page 18304-18305]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Docket No. ER02-1656-000]

California Independent System Operator Corporation; Notice 
Announcing Electronic Service

April 3, 2006.
    Take notice that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is 
establishing electronic service (eService) for the above-captioned 
docket. In Order No. 653, the Commission revised its regulations to, 
among other things, provide that service of documents by the Secretary 
of the Commission shall be by electronic means, unless such means are 
impractical, and also to foster the use of electronic methods of 
service among parties on service lists in all proceedings. Moreover, 
for proceedings initiated on or after March 21, 2005, Order No. 653 
required that any person or entity requesting inclusion on a service 
list must comply with all procedures for eService. Electronic 
Notification of Commission Issuances, 110 FERC ] 61, 110 (2005), order 
on reh'g, 111 FERC ] 61,021 (2005); see also Notice That The Commission 
Secretary Will End Duplicate Paper Service of Commission Issuances, 
Docket No. RM04-9-000 (June 17, 2005).
    Participants in the above-captioned proceeding have expressed to 
Commission staff an interest in electronic service. Accordingly, to 
facilitate the electronic service of filings among participants in this 
proceeding, the Commission will establish eService for this docket 
effective May 8, 2006.
    To participate in eService for this proceeding, participants must 
follow the instructions set out in the attachment to this Notice and 
submit the information requested by April 17, 2006. Participation in 
eService for this proceeding is not mandatory, but participants are 
encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to serve and receive 
service of documents in a prompt and cost-effective manner.

Magalie R. Salas,

Attachment--Use of Eservice for ER02-1656-000

    Participants who will use eService in this proceeding must meet the 
following two requirements by April 17, 2006.
    1. eRegister using FERC Online (the following link may be used 
http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/eregistration.asp).    2. Send an e-Mail to ER02-1656-eService@ferc.gov that includes the 

following information:
    a. The e-Mail subject line `ER02-1656-eService.'
    b. In the e-Mail body, include the e-Mail address with which the 
participant eRegistered with FERC Online and the name of the 
organization on whose behalf they previously intervened in the 
    On May 8, 2006, the Commission will issue a notice announcing the 
establishment of the WebService list for ER02-1656-000 based on the 
information received by participants in this proceeding. Thereafter, a 
participant serving a document by e-mail should:
    1. Retrieve and download the Web Service List for ER02-1656-000 
using the participant's eRegistered FERC Online e-mail address and 
password (the following link may be used http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/eservice.asp
). The participant can specify the type of e-mail 

address as `E-mail' and use the `Download List' function on the Web 
Service List page.
    2. After opening the saved list using any text editor, the 
participant may copy the downloaded list to their clipboard, paste it 
into the 'To:' line of the e-mail editor and enter an appropriate 
subject and e-mail body. To avoid e-mail delivery problems to companies 
who bar attachments or limit attachment size, a participant using 
eService should include in the e-mail body the link to the document in 
the FERC eLibrary system. The participant will receive this link to the 
document by

[[Page 18305]]

email from the FERC eFiling system when the particular document is 
accepted for filing by FERC.
    For more information about eService, eRegistration, or eFiling 
contact ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov or call 866-208-3676 and include a 
current telephone number and e-mail address.
 [FR Doc. E6-5288 Filed 4-10-06; 8:45 am]