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ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.
Advancing Computing as a Science and a Profession
ACM has resources for everyone

With our leading Digital Library of computer science literature, world-class publications, online books and courses, professional and student member benefits, and institutional packages — ACM will enrich your professional, educational, and research life.

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New Member-Get-A-Member 2008–2009 Campaign Launched: ACM's online Member-Get-A-Member program is interactive, easy to use, and rewards members for helping to recruit new members.

New Online Books and Courses! Digital Data Integrity, Human Factors in Project Management, and much more in ACM's books program. New Skillsoft courses include "Introducing Windows Server 2008" and "Leadership in Six Sigma". To see all books and courses, visit ACM's Online Books and Courses page.

New Online Resources for Graduating Students site, including selected career websites; resumes, cover letters, and interview tips; and online professional networking sites, is now available to graduating students and all ACM members.

ACM-W awards scholarships to women students for attendance at research conferences. Currently approximately 12 scholarships of up to $500 each are awarded in 6 funding cycles per year. The scholarships are open to women internationally at all levels of study.

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