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Department of Commerce Performance and Accountability Report
Fiscal Year 2007

Financial Section

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Note 10. Debt to Treasury


Debt to Treasury
FY 2007
(In Thousands)
Loan Program Beginning
Net Borrowings
Direct Loan Program      
Fisheries Finance, Financing Account $406,568 $ 62,958  $469,526

Loan Guarantee Program
Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Program    3,231     (680)    2,551
FVOG Program   12,272   (2,841)    9,431

Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Fund
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Total $422,071
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For the Direct Loan and Loan Guarantee Programs, maturity dates range from September 2008 to September 2037, and interest rates range from 3.26 to 7.17 percent.

The funds borrowed for the Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Fund shall be reimbursed to Treasury, without interest, as funds are deposited into the Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Fund. The maturity date for these borrowings is September 30, 2008.

Debt to Treasury
FY 2006
(In Thousands)
Loan Program Beginning
Net Borrowings
Direct Loan Program      
Fisheries Finance, Financing Account $346,575 $59,993  $406,568

Loan Guarantee Program
Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Program        -   3,231     3,231
FVOG Program   11,006
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Total $357,581
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double underline

Maturity dates range from September 2007 to September 2034, and interest rates range from 3.26 to 7.17 percent.

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