[Federal Register: August 22, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 162)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 48868-48870]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



39 CFR Part 111

New Polywrap Standards for Automation-Rate Flat-Size Mail

AGENCY: Postal Service.TM

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Postal Service proposes to require mailers to use polywrap 
film meeting one set of specifications when using polywrap on 
automation-rate flat-size mailpieces.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before September 21, 2006.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the Manager, Mailing 
Standards, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Room 3436, 
Washington DC 20260-3436. You may inspect and photocopy all written 
comments at USPS Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW., 11th 
Floor N, Washington DC between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bill Chatfield, 202-268-7278.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Efficient processing of automation-rate 
flat-size mailpieces enables the Postal Service to process the 
substantial volume of polywrapped pieces on our equipment without 
causing jams, multiple feeds, and missorted mail. Automated flat

[[Page 48869]]

sorting machines (AFSM 100) process the majority of our flat-size mail. 
We have moved many of our upgraded flat sorting machines (UFSM 1000) 
out of facilities where we use AFSM 100s. To improve our ability to 
process polywrapped pieces on our primary flat-mail processing 
equipment, we propose that all polywrap films used on automation-rate 
flat-size mail meet our revised standards. The new standards would 
eliminate the current difference in polywrap specifications for mail 
designed for processing on the AFSM 100 and the UFSM 1000.


    In 2001, we ran extensive tests of flat-size mailpieces on our AFSM 
100 machines. As a result, we added a specification for ``blocking''--
the chemical bonding of films to themselves--to our polywrap 
specifications to help prevent polywrapped pieces from sticking 
together during processing. But this simple change did not result in a 
noticeable improvement in the performance of polywrapped mailpieces.
    Therefore, we initiated a test program to more accurately define 
the polywrap characteristics best suited to automated processing of 
flat-size mail. We performed complete testing on over 100 types of 
polywrap submitted by polywrap manufacturers. We then selected 46 films 
(polyethylene, polypropylene, and shrinkwrap) to test on the AFSM 100. 
We processed 500-piece test decks and collected extensive data to 
evaluate performance. Again, blocking was the physical attribute that 
most influenced processing compatibility.
    As a result of the testing, we propose revised characteristics for 
polywrap materials used on automation-rate flat-size mailpieces. We 
would remove two characteristics, tensile strength and density, because 
they were irrelevant to performance. We also would remove the ``USPS 
AFSM 100 Approved Polywrap'' endorsement requirement. We would change 
the testing protocol to measure the minimum film-to-metal coefficient 
of friction to bring consistency to this characteristic across all 
polywrap manufacturers. We would broaden the film-to-film coefficient 
of friction, which should help mailers in bundling mailpieces by 
minimizing the instability of bundles as they exit their stacking 
equipment. While we would not change the blocking specification, we 
propose to change the method to measure blocking to more closely match 
the environment that mailpieces undergo during normal transportation 
and storage.

Polywrap Certification Program

    Currently, manufacturers requesting approval of their polywrap 
materials for automation-rate flat-size mail provide us with a 
certificate stating that their material complies with the polywrap 
specifications for AFSM 100 mailpieces. After manufacturers provide 
this certificate, we include the manufacturer's material in the list of 
approved polywrap for flat-size mailpieces mailed at automation 
discount rates.

New Test Procedures

    To ensure that all manufacturers use the same criteria in meeting 
the new specifications, we have developed specification USPS-T-3204, 
``Test Procedures for Automatable Polywrap.'' Manufacturers may obtain 
the new test procedures at http://ribbs.usps.gov (click on ``Polywrap 

Manufacturers'' in the left frame) or by contacting USPS Engineering 
at: Engineering, Flat Mail Technology, U.S. Postal Service, 8403 Lee 
Hwy, Merrifield VA 22082-8101.
    The specification describes exact test procedures and acceptable 
values for polywrap film characteristics. Should the manufacturer not 
have the facilities or experience to conduct each of the test 
procedures in USPS-T-3204, the specification also provides a list of 
testing laboratories that have experience in conducting these tests.


    Consistent with our current process, manufacturers would provide an 
updated certificate of conformance on their letterhead to USPS Mailing 
Standards after verifying that each polywrap film meets the new 
characteristics. The certificate of conformance must state the values 
for each of the six characteristics.


    We encourage manufacturers to certify their polywrap under the new 
specifications as soon as possible. We also encourage mailers to use 
polywrap meeting the new specifications on their mailpieces as soon as 
practical. Beginning February 4, 2007, all polywrap films used on 
automation-rate flat-size mailpieces would have to meet the new 
    Although we are exempt from the notice and comment requirements of 
the Administrative Procedure Act [5 U.S.C. of 553(b),(c)] regarding 
proposed rulemaking by 39 U.S.C. 410(a), we invite public comments on 
the following proposed revisions to Mailing Standards of the United 
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), incorporated by 
reference in the Code of Federal Regulations. See 39 CFR 111.1.

List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111:

    Administrative practice and procedure, Postal Service.
    Accordingly, 39 CFR part 111 is proposed to be amended as follows:


    1. The authority citation for 39 CFR Part 111 continues to read as 

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 3001-
3011, 3201-3219, 3403-3406, 3621, 3626, 5001.

    2. Amend the following sections of Mailing Standards of the United 
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), as explained below:

300 Discount Flats

301 Physical Standards

* * * * *

3.0 Physical Standards for Automation Flats

* * * * *

3.5 Polywrap Coverings

3.5.1 Polywrap Films
[Revise 3.5.1 by changing the introduction and removing items a and b 
to eliminate the distinction between polywrap used on pieces qualifying 
for AFSM 100 and UFSM 1000, as follows:]
    Polywrapped flat-size mailpieces claimed at automation rates must 
meet the standards in 3.5. Film approved for use under 3.5.4 and 3.5.5 
must meet the specifications in Exhibit 3.5.1. If mailers affix the 
address label to the outside of the polywrap, the film does not have to 
meet the haze property.
Exhibit 3.5.1 Polywrap Specifications
[Revise Exhibit 3.5.1 by changing the introduction, eliminating the 
distinction between AFSM 100 and UFSM 1000 pieces, removing current 
properties 4 and 5 and renumbering properties 6 through 8 as properties 
4 through 6, changing the specification and testing methods for 
coefficients of friction, revising the comments for ``blocking,'' and 
specifying testing methods according to USPS specification T-3204, as 

    Effective February 4, 2007, mailers who polywrap automation-rate 
flats must use polywrap that meets all of the properties in this 

[[Page 48870]]

                                                                Test methods in USPS T-
               Property                      Requirement                  3204                   Comment
1. Kinetic Coefficient of Friction,
a. Film on Stainless Steel with No. 8  < 0.45..................  USPS-T-3204 Section
 (Mirror) Finish.                                                4.5.2.
b. Film on Film......................  0.20 to 0.55...........  USPS-T-3204 Section

                                                  * * * * * * *
6. Blocking..........................  < 15 g..................  USPS-T-3204 Section      To be conducted at 140
                                                                 4.5.6.                   degrees Fahrenheit.

                                                  * * * * * * *

[Delete 3.5.4 to remove the requirement for markings on polywrap.]

[Renumber current 3.5.5 as new 3.5.4 and revise the title and text to 
require polywrap meeting new standards as of February 4, 2007, as 
3.5.4 Polywrap on Mailpieces
    Effective February 4, 2007, mailers claiming automation flat rates 
for polywrapped pieces must use polywrap that meets the new 
specifications in 3.5.1 and is on the new USPS list of approved 
materials. Only products listed on the USPS ``RIBBS'' Web site (http://ribbs.usps.gov
) may be used on automation-rate flats.

[Add new 3.5.5 to specify the certification process for polywrap 
manufacturers, as follows:]
3.5.5 Polywrap Certification Process for Manufacturers
    To ensure that all polywrap manufacturers use the same criteria in 
meeting the new specifications, the Postal Service developed 
specification USPS-T-3204, ``Test Procedures for Automatable 
Polywrap.'' This specification describes exact test procedures and 
acceptable values for polywrap film characteristics. Should the 
polywrap manufacturer not have the facilities or experience to conduct 
each of the test procedures in USPS-T-3204, the specification includes 
a list of independent testing laboratories that have experience in 
conducting these tests. Customers may obtain the new test procedures by 
contacting USPS Engineering (see 608.8.1 for address). Effective 
February 4, 2007, manufacturers must submit a letter, on their 
letterhead, for each polywrap film indicating compliance with each of 
the specifications in 3.5.1 and the value for each specification, to 
USPS Mailing Standards (see 608.8.1 for address). Manufacturers are 
encouraged to submit the certificate of conformance prior to February 
4, 2007. Upon receipt of the certificate of conformance, USPS will list 
the polywrap film on http://ribbs.usps.gov. Manufacturers should follow 

this process before submitting the letter certifying compliance with 
the specifications:
    a. Test each film according to procedures listed in USPS-T-3204, 
``Test Procedures for Automatable Polywrap Film.''
    b. Test each film gauge and surface treatment separately.
* * * * *
    We will publish an appropriate amendment to 39 CFR Part 111 if our 
proposal is adopted.

Neva R. Watson,
Attorney, Legislative.
 [FR Doc. E6-13802 Filed 8-21-06; 8:45 am]