[Federal Register: November 15, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 220)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 66460-66465]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



47 CFR Parts 1, 2, and 97

[WT Docket No. 04-140; FCC 06-149]

Amateur Service Rules

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: In this document, the Commission amends its Amateur Radio 
Service rules to revise the frequency segments of the 80 meter and 40 
meter amateur service High Frequency (HF) bands on which amateur 
stations are authorized to transmit voice communications; authorize 
amateur stations to transmit certain emission types on additional 
amateur service bands or frequency segments; revise the procedures for 
the amateur service vanity call sign system; eliminate unnecessary 
restrictions imposed on manufacturers of certain types of equipment 
that may be used at amateur stations; and make other conforming 
amendments to the amateur service rules.

DATES: Effective December 15, 2006.

Telecommunications Bureau at (202) 418-0620, or TTY (202) 418-7233.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Report 
and Order, in WT Docket No. 04-140; FCC 06-149, adopted October 4, 
2006, and released October 10, 2006. The complete text of this document 
is available for inspection and copying during normal business hours in 
the FCC's Reference Information Center, 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY-
A257, Washington, DC. Alternative formats (Braille, large print, 
electronic files, audio format) are available for people with 
disabilities by sending an e-mail to FCC504@fcc.gov or, calling the 
Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 
418-0432 (TTY). The Order also may be downloaded from the Commission's 
Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/.

    1. In this Report and Order the Commission adopts changes to its 
part 97 rules to conform the amateur service rules to the international 
Radio Regulations. The overall effect of this action is to further the 
public interest by allowing amateur service licensees to use the 
spectrum more efficiently, and by allowing amateur service stations to 
operate with fewer restrictions. The changes adopted in this Report and 
Order were proposed in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking at 69 FR 
51028, August 17, 2004. Over 150 comments on the proposed rule changes 
were received and changes to the proposed rules based on these comments 
are included in this Report and Order.
    2. Specifically, the Commission (1) revises the operating 
privileges of amateur radio operators to allow more spectrum in four 
currently-authorized amateur service HF bands to be used for voice 
communications; (2) permits auxiliary stations to transmit on 
additional amateur service bands; (3) permits amateur stations to 
transmit spread spectrum communications on the 1.25 meter (m) band; (4) 
permits amateur stations to retransmit communications from the 
International Space Station; (5) permits amateur service licensees to 
designate the amateur radio club to receive their call sign in 
memoriam; (6) prohibits an applicant from filing more than one 
application for a specific vanity call sign; (7) eliminates certain 
restrictions on equipment manufacturers that are no longer necessary; 
(8) permits amateur radio stations operating in Alaska and surrounding 
waters more flexibility in providing emergency communications; and (9) 
removes certain restrictions in the amateur service license examination 
system that are no longer necessary. The effect of these revisions are 
to provide licensees with greater flexibility in the utilization of 
amateur service frequencies, promote efficient use of the Amateur Radio 
Service spectrum by authorizing communications that include both analog 
and digital emission types to be transmitted on currently-authorized 
amateur service spectrum, and eliminate unnecessary requirements that 
may limit the flexibility of the amateur service license examination 

I. Procedural Matters

A. Paperwork Reduction Act Analysis

    3. This document does not contain any new or modified information 
collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
(PRA), Public Law 104-13. Therefore, it does not contain any new or 
modified ``information collection burden for small business concerns 
with fewer than 25 employees,'' pursuant to the Small Business 
Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, Public Law 107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 

B. Report to Congress

    4. The Commission will send a copy of the Report and Order, 
including this Final Regulatory Flexibility Certification, in a report 
to be sent to Congress and the Congressional Budget Office pursuant to 
the Congressional Review Act. In addition, the Commission will send a 
copy of the Report and Order, including the Final Regulatory 
Flexibility Certification, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the SBA 
and the Final Regulatory Flexibility Certification will also be 
published in the Federal Register.

C. Final Regulatory Flexibility Certification

    5. In this Report and Order, we amend the rules that specify how an 
individual who has qualified for an amateur service operator license 
can use an amateur radio station consistent with the basis and 
furthering the purpose of the amateur service. The amended rules apply 
exclusively to individuals who are licensees in the amateur radio 
service. Given the definition of a ``small entity,'' none of these 
individuals are small entities as the term is used in the RFA. In 
addition, the amended rules reflected in this Report and Order 
potentially could affect manufactures of amateur radio equipment. Based 
on requests that the Commission has received for certification of 
amplifiers under part 97 of the Rules, we estimate that there are 
between five and ten manufactures of amateur radio amplifiers and that 
by the relevant SBA standard none of these manufactures are small 
entities. We also note that the rule changes will apply to amateur 
radio licensees and control operators of amateur radio stations and 
will not have a necessary impact on manufactures of amplifiers that may 
be used at amateur radio stations. Therefore, we certify that the rules 
reflected in this Report and Order will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities.

D. Ordering Clauses

    6. Pursuant to sections 4(i), 303(f), 303(r), and 332 of the 
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 303(f), 
303(r) and 332, that parts 1, 2, and 97 of the Commission's Rules are 
amended as specified below.

[[Page 66461]]

List of Subjects

47 CFR Part 1

    Administrative practice and procedure.

47 CFR Part 2

    Communications equipment, Telecommunications.

47 CFR Part 97


Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,

Rule Changes

For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal Communications 
Commission amends 47 CFR parts 1, 2, and 97 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 155, 225, 303(r), 309 
and 325(e).

2. Amend Sec.  1.934 by adding paragraph (d)(5) to read as follows:

Sec.  1.934  Defective applications and dismissal.

* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (5) It requests a vanity call sign and the applicant has pending 
another vanity call sign application with the same receipt date.
* * * * *


3. The authority citation for part 2 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302a, 303, and 336, unless otherwise 

4. Amend Sec.  2.106 by revising United States footnotes US212 and 
US267 to read as follows:

Sec.  2.106  Table of Frequency Allocation.

* * * * *
US212 In, or within 92.6 km (50 nautical miles) of, the State of 
Alaska, the carrier frequency 5167.5 kHz (assigned frequency 5168.9 
kHz) is designated for emergency communications. This frequency may 
also be used in the Alaska-Private Fixed Service for calling and 
listening, but only for establishing communications before switching to 
another frequency. The maximum power is limited to 150 watts peak 
envelope power (PEP).
* * * * *
US267 In the band 902-928 MHz, amateur radio stations shall transmit 
only on the frequency segments 902.0-902.4, 902.6-904.3, 904.7-925.3, 
925.7-927.3, and 927.7-928.0 MHz within the States of Colorado and 
Wyoming, bounded by the area of latitude 39[deg]N. to 42[deg]N. and 
longitude 103[deg]W. to 108[deg]W.
* * * * *

5. Amend Sec.  2.815 by revising paragraph (b), and removing paragraphs 
(c), (d), and (e) to read as follows:

Sec.  2.815  External radio frequency power amplifiers.

* * * * *
    (b) No person shall manufacture, sell or lease, offer for sale or 
lease (including advertising for sale or lease) or import, ship or 
distribute for the purpose of selling or leasing or offering for sale 
or lease, any external radio frequency power amplifier capable of 
operation on any frequency or frequencies below 144 MHz unless the 
amplifier has received a grant of certification in accordance with 
subpart J of this part and other relevant parts of this chapter. These 
amplifiers shall comply with the following:
    (1) The external radio frequency power amplifier shall not be 
capable of amplification in the frequency band 26-28 MHz.
    (2) The amplifier shall not be capable of easy modification to 
permit its use as an amplifier in the frequency band 26-28 MHz.
    (3) No more than 10 external radio frequency power amplifiers may 
be constructed for evaluation purposes in preparation for the 
submission of an application for a grant of certification.
    (4) If the external radio frequency power amplifier is intended for 
operation in the Amateur Radio Service under part 97 of this chapter, 
the requirements of Sec. Sec.  97.315 and 97.317 of this chapter shall 
be met.

6. Amend Sec.  2.1060 by removing paragraph (c), redesignating 
paragraph (d) as paragraph (c) and revising newly designated paragraph 
(c) to read as follows:

Sec.  2.1060  Equipment for use in the amateur radio service.

* * * * *
    (c) Certification of external radio frequency power amplifiers may 
be denied when denial would prevent the use of these amplifiers in 
services other than the Amateur Radio Service.


7. The authority citation for part 97 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303. 
Interpret or apply 48 Stat. 1064-1068, 1081-1105, as amended; 47 
U.S.C. 151-155, 301-609, unless otherwise noted.

8. Amend Sec.  97.3 by removing and reserving paragraph (a)(19) and 
revising paragraph (c)(2) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.3  Definitions.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (2) Data. Telemetry, telecommand and computer communications 
emissions having designators with A, C, D, F, G, H, J or R as the first 
symbol; 1 as the second symbol; D as the third symbol, and emissions 
A1C, F1C, F2C, J2C, J3C, and J2D having an occupied bandwidth of 500 Hz 
or less when transmitted on an amateur service frequency below 30 MHz. 
Only a digital code of a type specifically authorized in this part may 
be transmitted.
* * * * *

9. Amend Sec.  97.19 by revising paragraphs (c)(3) and (d)(1) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  97.19  Application for a vanity call sign.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (3) Except for an applicant who is the spouse, child, grandchild, 
stepchild, parent, grandparent, step-parent, brother, sister, 
stepbrother, stepsister, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or in-law, and 
except for an applicant who is a club station license trustee acting 
with a written statement of consent signed by either the licensee ante 
mortem but who is now deceased or by at least one relative, as listed 
above, of the person now deceased, the call sign shown on the license 
of the person now deceased is not available to the vanity call sign 
system for 2 years following the person's death, or for 2 years 
following the expiration of the license grant, whichever is sooner.
    (d) * * *
    (1) The applicant must request that the call sign shown on the 
license grant be vacated and provide a list of up to 25 call signs in 
order of preference. In the event that the Commission receives more 
than one application requesting a vanity call sign from an applicant on 
the same receipt day, the Commission will process only the first such 
application entered into the Universal Licensing System. Subsequent 
vanity call sign applications from that applicant with

[[Page 66462]]

the same receipt date will not be accepted.
* * * * *

10. Amend Sec.  97.103 by revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.103  Station licensee responsibilities.

* * * * *
    (c) The station licensee must make the station and the station 
records available for inspection upon request by an FCC representative. 
When deemed necessary by a District Director to assure compliance with 
the FCC Rules, the station licensee must maintain a record of station 
operations containing such items of information as the District 
Director may require in accord with Sec.  0.314(x) of the FCC Rules.

11. Amend Sec.  97.111 by redesignating paragraphs (a)(2) through 
(a)(4) as (a)(3) through (a)(5) and adding a new paragraph (a)(2) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  97.111  Authorized transmissions.

    (a) * * *
    (2) Transmissions necessary to meet essential communication needs 
and to facilitate relief actions.
* * * * *

12. Amend Sec.  97.113 by revising paragraph (e) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.113  Prohibited transmissions.

* * * * *
    (e) No station shall retransmit programs or signals emanating from 
any type of radio station other than an amateur station, except 
propagation and weather forecast information intended for use by the 
general public and originated from United States Government stations, 
and communications, including incidental music, originating on United 
States Government frequencies between a manned spacecraft and its 
associated Earth stations. Prior approval for manned spacecraft 
communications retransmissions must be obtained from the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration. Such retransmissions must be for 
the exclusive use of amateur radio operators. Propagation, weather 
forecasts, and manned spacecraft communications retransmissions may not 
be conducted on a regular basis, but only occasionally, as an incident 
of normal amateur radio communications.
* * * * *

13. Amend Sec.  97.115 by revising paragraph (b)(2), redesignating 
paragraph (c) as paragraph (d), and adding a new paragraph (c) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  97.115  Third party communications.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (2) The third party is not a prior amateur service licensee whose 
license was revoked or not renewed after hearing and re-licensing has 
not taken place; suspended for less than the balance of the license 
term and the suspension is still in effect; suspended for the balance 
of the license term and re-licensing has not taken place; or 
surrendered for cancellation following notice of revocation, suspension 
or monetary forfeiture proceedings. The third party may not be the 
subject of a cease and desist order which relates to amateur service 
operation and which is still in effect.
    (c) No station may transmit third party communications while being 
automatically controlled except a station transmitting a RTTY or data 
* * * * *

14. Amend Sec.  97.201 by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.201  Auxiliary station.

* * * * *
    (b) An auxiliary station may transmit only on the 2 m and shorter 
wavelength bands, except the 144.0-144.5 MHz, 145.8-146.0 MHz, 219-220 
MHz, 222.00-222.15 MHz, 431-433 MHz, and 435-438 MHz segments.
* * * * *

15. Amend Sec.  97.203 by revising paragraph (f) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.203  Beacon station.

* * * * *
    (f) A beacon must cease transmissions upon notification by a 
District Director that the station is operating improperly or causing 
undue interference to other operations. The beacon may not resume 
transmitting without prior approval of the District Director.
* * * * *

16. Amend Sec.  97.207 by revising paragraph (g) and removing 
paragraphs (h) and (i) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.207  Space station.

* * * * *
    (g) The license grantee of each space station must make the 
following written notifications to the International Bureau, FCC, 
Washington, DC 20554.
    (1) A pre-space notification within 30 days after the date of 
launch vehicle determination, but no later than 90 days before 
integration of the space station into the launch vehicle. The 
notification must be in accordance with the provisions of Articles 9 
and 11 of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio 
Regulations and must specify the information required by Appendix 4 and 
Resolution No. 642 of the ITU Radio Regulations. The notification must 
also include a description of the design and operational strategies 
that the space station will use to mitigate orbital debris, including 
the following information:
    (i) A statement that the space station licensee has assessed and 
limited the amount of debris released in a planned manner during normal 
operations, and has assessed and limited the probability of the space 
station becoming a source of debris by collisions with small debris or 
meteoroids that could cause loss of control and prevent post-mission 
    (ii) A statement that the space station licensee has assessed and 
limited the probability of accidental explosions during and after 
completion of mission operations. This statement must include a 
demonstration that debris generation will not result from the 
conversion of energy sources on board the spacecraft into energy that 
fragments the spacecraft. Energy sources include chemical, pressure, 
and kinetic energy. This demonstration should address whether stored 
energy will be removed at the spacecraft's end of life, by depleting 
residual fuel and leaving all fuel line valves open, venting any 
pressurized system, leaving all batteries in a permanent discharge 
state, and removing any remaining source of stored energy, or through 
other equivalent procedures specifically disclosed in the application;
    (iii) A statement that the space station licensee has assessed and 
limited the probability of the space station becoming a source of 
debris by collisions with large debris or other operational space 
stations. Where a space station will be launched into a low-Earth orbit 
that is identical, or very similar, to an orbit used by other space 
stations, the statement must include an analysis of the potential risk 
of collision and a description of what measures the space station 
operator plans to take to avoid in-orbit collisions. If the space 
station licensee is relying on coordination with another system, the 
statement must indicate what steps have been taken to contact, and 
ascertain the likelihood of successful coordination of physical 
operations with, the other system. The statement must disclose the 
accuracy--if any--with which orbital parameters of non-geostationary 
satellite orbit space stations will be maintained, including apogee, 
perigee, inclination, and the right ascension of the ascending node(s). 
In the event that a system is not able to maintain orbital tolerances, 
i.e., it lacks a propulsion system for orbital

[[Page 66463]]

maintenance, that fact should be included in the debris mitigation 
disclosure. Such systems must also indicate the anticipated evolution 
over time of the orbit of the proposed satellite or satellites. Where a 
space station requests the assignment of a geostationary-Earth orbit 
location, it must assess whether there are any known satellites located 
at, or reasonably expected to be located at, the requested orbital 
location, or assigned in the vicinity of that location, such that the 
station keeping volumes of the respective satellites might overlap. If 
so, the statement must include a statement as to the identities of 
those parties and the measures that will be taken to prevent 
    (iv) A statement detailing the post-mission disposal plans for the 
space station at end of life, including the quantity of fuel--if any--
that will be reserved for post-mission disposal maneuvers. For 
geostationary-Earth orbit space stations, the statement must disclose 
the altitude selected for a post-mission disposal orbit and the 
calculations that are used in deriving the disposal altitude. The 
statement must also include a casualty risk assessment if planned post-
mission disposal involves atmospheric re-entry of the space station. In 
general, an assessment should include an estimate as to whether 
portions of the spacecraft will survive re-entry and reach the surface 
of the Earth, as well as an estimate of the resulting probability of 
human casualty.
    (v) If any material item described in this notification changes 
before launch, a replacement pre-space notification shall be filed with 
the International Bureau no later than 90 days before integration of 
the space station into the launch vehicle.
    (2) An in-space station notification is required no later than 7 
days following initiation of space station transmissions. This 
notification must update the information contained in the pre-space 
    (3) A post-space station notification is required no later than 3 
months after termination of the space station transmissions. When 
termination of transmissions is ordered by the FCC, the notification is 
required no later than 24 hours after termination of transmissions.

17. Amend Sec.  97.301 as follows:
(a) Revise entries 80 and 75 in the HF frequency band of the table 
following paragraph (b);
(b) Revise entries 80, 75, 15, and -Do- in the HF frequency of the 
table following paragraph (c);
(c) Revise entries 80, 75, 40, and -Do- in the HF frequency of the 
table following paragraph (d); and
(d) Revise entries 80, 40, 15, and 10 in the HF frequency band of the 
table following paragraph (e).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  97.301  Authorized frequency bands.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *

                                                                                               requirements  see
            Wavelength band               ITU  region 1     ITU  region 2     ITU  region 3     Sec.   97.303,

                                                  * * * * * * *
HF                                           MHz               MHz               MHz
80 m..................................  3.50-3.60         3.50-3.60         3.50-3.60                       (a)
75 m..................................  3.60-3.80         3.60-4.00         3.60-3.90                       (a)

                                                  * * * * * * *

    (c) * * *

                                                                                               requirements  see
            Wavelength band               ITU  region 1     ITU  region 2     ITU  region 3     Sec.   97.303,

                                                  * * * * * * *
HF                                           MHz               MHz               MHz
80 m..................................  3.525-3.60        3.525-3.60        3.525-3.60                      (a)
75 m..................................  3.70-3.80         3.70-4.00         3.700-3.90                      (a)

                                                  * * * * * * *
15 m..................................  21.025-21.20      21.025-21.20      21.025-21.20
 Do...................................  21.225-21.45      21.225-21.45      21.225-21.45

                                                  * * * * * * *

    (d) * * *

                                                                                               requirements  see
            Wavelength band               ITU  region 1     ITU  region 2     ITU  region 3     Sec.   97.303,

                                                  * * * * * * *
HF                                           MHz               MHz               MHz
80 m..................................  3.525-3.60        3.525-3.60        3.525-3.60                      (a)

[[Page 66464]]

75 m..................................  ................  3.80-4.00         3.80-3.90                       (a)
40 m..................................  7.025-7.125       7.025-7.125       7.025-7.125                     (a)
 Do...................................  ................  7.175-7.300       ................                (a)

                                                  * * * * * * *
15 m..................................  21.025-21.20      21.025-21.20      21.025-21.20
 Do...................................  21.275-21.45      21.275-21.45      21.275-21.45

                                                  * * * * * * *

    (e) * * *

                                                                                               requirements  see
            Wavelength band               ITU  region 1     ITU  region 2     ITU  region 3     Sec.   97.303,

                                                  * * * * * * *
HF                                           MHz               MHz               MHz
80 m..................................  3.525-3.60        3.525-3.60        3.525-3.60                      (a)
40 m..................................  7.025-7.075       7.025-7.125       7.025-7.075                     (a)
15 m..................................  21.025-21.20      21.025-21.20      21.025-21.20
10 m..................................  28.0-28.5         28.0-28.5         28.0-28.5

                                                  * * * * * * *

18. Amend Sec.  97.303 by revising paragraph (g)(1) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.303  Frequency sharing requirements.

* * * * *
    (g) * * *
    (1) In the States of Colorado and Wyoming, bounded by the area of 
latitude 396[deg] N. to 42[deg] N. and longitude 103[deg] W. to 
108[deg] W., an amateur station may transmit in the 902 MHz to 928 MHz 
band only on the frequency segments 902.0-902.4, 902.6-904.3, 904.7-
925.3, 925.7-927.3, and 927.7-928.0 MHz. This band is allocated on a 
secondary basis to the amateur service subject to not causing harmful 
interference to, and not receiving any interference protection from, 
the operation of industrial, scientific and medical devices, automatic 
vehicle monitoring systems, or Government stations authorized in this 
* * * * *

19. Amend Sec.  97.305 by revising paragraph (a) and the entries for 40 
in the HF frequency band, and entries 1.25, and -Do- in the VHF 
frequency band to the table following paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.305  Authorized emission types.

    (a) Except as specified elsewhere in this part, an amateur station 
may transmit a CW emission on any frequency authorized to the control 
    (b) * * *
    (c) * * *

                                                          Emission types      Standards  see Sec.   97.307(f),
           Wavelength               Frequencies band        authorized                   (paragraph)

                                                  * * * * * * *

                                                  * * * * * * *
40 m............................  7.000-7.100 MHz....  RTTY, data.........  (3), (9)
40 m............................  7.075-7.100 MHz....  Phone, image.......  (1), (2), (9), (11)
40 m............................  7.100-7.125 MHz....  RTTY, data.........  (3), (9)
40 m............................  7.125-7.300 MHz....  Phone, image.......  (1), (2)

                                                  * * * * * * *

                                                  * * * * * * *
1.25 m..........................  219-220 MHz........  Data...............  (13)
 Do.............................  222-225 MHz........  RTTY, data, test     (2), (6), (8)
                                                        MCW, phone, SS,

                                                  * * * * * * *

[[Page 66465]]

* * * * *

20. Amend Sec.  97.309 by revising paragraph (b) introductory text to 
read as follows:

Sec.  97.309  RTTY and data emission codes.

* * * * *
    (b) Where authorized by Sec. Sec.  97.305(c) and 97.307(f) of this 
part, a station may transmit a RTTY or data emission using an 
unspecified digital code, except to a station in a country with which 
the United States does not have an agreement permitting the code to be 
used. RTTY and data emissions using unspecified digital codes must not 
be transmitted for the purpose of obscuring the meaning of any 
communication. When deemed necessary by a District Director to assure 
compliance with the FCC Rules, a station must:
* * * * *

21. Amend Sec.  97.313 by revising paragraph (c) introductory text, 
(c)(1) and (c)(2) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.313  Transmitter power standards.

* * * * *
    (c) No station may transmit with a transmitter power exceeding 200 
    (1) On the 10.10-10.15 MHz segment;
    (2) When the control operator is a Novice Class operator or a 
Technician Class operator who has received credit for proficiency in 
telegraphy in accordance with the international requirements; or
* * * * *

22. Revise Sec.  97.315 to read as follows:

Sec.  97.315  Certification of external RF power amplifiers.

    (a) Any external RF power amplifier (see Sec.  2.815 of the FCC 
Rules) manufactured or imported for use at an amateur radio station 
must be certificated for use in the amateur service in accordance with 
subpart J of part 2 of the FCC Rules. No amplifier capable of operation 
below 144 MHz may be constructed or modified by a non-amateur service 
licensee without a grant of certification from the FCC.
    (b) The requirement of paragraph (a) does not apply if one or more 
of the following conditions are met:
    (1) The amplifier is constructed or modified by an amateur radio 
operator for use at an amateur station.
    (2) The amplifier was manufactured before April 28, 1978, and has 
been issued a marketing waiver by the FCC, or the amplifier was 
purchased before April 28, 1978, by an amateur radio operator for use 
at that operator's station.
    (3) The amplifier is sold to an amateur radio operator or to a 
dealer, the amplifier is purchased in used condition by a dealer, or 
the amplifier is sold to an amateur radio operator for use at that 
operator's station.
    (c) Any external RF power amplifier appearing in the Commission's 
database as certificated for use in the amateur service may be marketed 
for use in the amateur service.

23. Revise Sec.  97.317 to read as follows:

Sec.  97.317  Standards for certification of external RF power 

    (a) To receive a grant of certification, the amplifier must:
    (1) Satisfy the spurious emission standards of Sec.  97.307 (d) or 
(e) of this part, as applicable, when the amplifier is operated at the 
lesser of 1.5 kW PEP or its full output power and when the amplifier is 
placed in the ``standby'' or ``off'' positions while connected to the 
    (2) Not be capable of amplifying the input RF power (driving 
signal) by more than 15 dB gain. Gain is defined as the ratio of the 
input RF power to the output RF power of the amplifier where both power 
measurements are expressed in peak envelope power or mean power.
    (3) Exhibit no amplification (0 dB gain) between 26 MHz and 28 MHz.
    (b) Certification shall be denied when:
    (1) The Commission determines the amplifier can be used in services 
other than the Amateur Radio Service, or
    (2) The amplifier can be easily modified to operate on frequencies 
between 26 MHz and 28 MHz.

24. Revise Sec.  97.401 to read as follows:

Sec.  97.401  Operation during a disaster.

    A station in, or within 92.6 km (50 nautical miles) of, Alaska may 
transmit emissions J3E and R3E on the channel at 5.1675 MHz (assigned 
frequency 5.1689 MHz) for emergency communications. The channel must be 
shared with stations licensed in the Alaska-Private Fixed Service. The 
transmitter power must not exceed 150 W PEP. A station in, or within 
92.6 km of, Alaska may transmit communications for tests and training 
drills necessary to ensure the establishment, operation, and 
maintenance of emergency communication systems.

25. Amend Sec.  97.407 by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.407  Radio amateur civil emergency service.

* * * * *
    (b) The frequency bands and segments and emissions authorized to 
the control operator are available to stations transmitting 
communications in RACES on a shared basis with the amateur service. In 
the event of an emergency which necessitates invoking the President's 
War Emergency Powers under the provisions of section 706 of the 
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 606, RACES stations 
and amateur stations participating in RACES may only transmit on the 
frequency segments authorized pursuant to part 214 of this chapter.
* * * * *
26. Amend Sec.  97.505 by revising paragraph (a)(9) to read as follows:

Sec.  97.505  Element credit.

    (a) * * *
    (9) An expired FCC-granted Technician Class operator license 
document granted before February 14, 1991; an expired FCC-granted 
Technician Class operator license document granted after February 14, 
1991 accompanied by documentation showing the examinee has passed a 
telegraphy examination; or an expired FCC-granted General, Advanced, or 
Amateur Extra Class operator license document: Element 1.
* * * * *

27. Amend Sec.  97.509 by revising paragraphs (a) and (m) to read as 

Sec.  97.509  Administering VE requirements.

    (a) Each examination for an amateur operator license must be 
administered by a team of at least 3 VEs at an examination session 
coordinated by a VEC. The number of examinees at the session may be 
* * * * *
    (m) After the administration of a successful examination for an 
amateur operator license, the administering VEs must submit the 
application document to the coordinating VEC according to the 
coordinating VEC's instructions.

28. Amend Sec.  97.519 by revising paragraph (b) introductory text to 
read as follows:

Sec.  97.519  Coordinating examination sessions.

* * * * *
    (b) At the completion of each examination session, the coordinating 
VEC must collect applicant information and test results from the 
administering VEs. The coordinating VEC must:
* * * * *
 [FR Doc. E6-19189 Filed 11-14-06; 8:45 am]