[Federal Register: May 15, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 93)]
[Page 28019-28021]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers

Availability of Partially Exclusive, Exclusive or Non Exclusive 

AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S. Corps of Engineers, DoD.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 
announces the general availability of partially exclusive, exclusive or 
non exclusive licenses under the following pending patents listed under 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. Any license granted shall comply with 35 
U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR part 404.

DATES: Applications for an exclusive or partially exclusive license may 
be submitted at any time from the date of this notice. However, no 
exclusive or partially exclusive license shall be granted until August 
14, 2006.

ADDRESSES: Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity, Office of 
Counsel, 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315-3860.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patricia L. Howland (703) 428-6672.

    1. Title: Embedded Barrier to Fluid Flow. An Electro-Osmotic Pulse 
(EOP) system is used to dewater structure, both natural and manmade. 
Preferably, the system employs durable, dimensionally stable anodes 
affixed to structure in a configuration designed to maximize electrical 
contact with the structure and minimize electrode gas generation. The 
anodes and cathodes are attached to a DC power supply that provides a 
voltage potential between them. DC power is cycled until the structure 
has been sufficiently treated. Select embodiments employ perforated 
metal pipes as cathodes for the purpose of transport and drainage of 
fluids. In select embodiments of the present invention, the cathodes 
are connected to variable resistors designed to reduce opportunity for 
corrosion of buried metal objects in the vicinity of the EOP system. 
Select embodiments employ a pre-specified pulse train of DC voltage 
pulses to migrate water from under a crawl space while moving available 
cations in the soil. Select embodiments also protect large structures 
such as concrete dams.
    Serial No: 10/421,922.
    Date: April 24, 2004.

    2. Title: Detecting, Classifying and Localizing Minor Amounts of an 
Element Within a Sample of Material. Minute amounts of material, such 
as a contaminant, are detected, classified and located using a single 
procedure that eliminates the need for using complex and sometimes 
redundant instrumentation setups, multiple (and sometimes overlapping) 
analytic processes, or both. In one embodiment, a series of processing 
steps enables one to detect, classify, and localize minute amounts of 
particular elements, e.g., contaminants, in material being tested. Data 
sets, suitable for characterizing components of samples at least 
spectrally and spatially, are collected from at least one 
uncontaminated sample of material (the ``baseline'' or ``control'') and 
a sample of material under test (MUT) that may contain contaminants. 
Comparison of these data sets, using the procedures of the present 
invention, enables ready classification of minute amounts of material 
in any sample. The present invention may be used for liquids, solids, 
and gases, with specific application to gels, pastes, hard powders, 
soft powders, films, inorganics, and pharmaceuticals.
    Serial No: 10/890,844.
    Date: July 9, 2004.

    3. Title: Modular Bullet Trap Cover. A modular bullet trap cover 
element generally includes a shell filled with a projectile trapping 
medium, preferably a mixture of a resilient granular ballistic medium 
and a hydrated super absorbent polymer (SAP) gel. The shell may be made 
of any of a number of fabric or polymeric materials. In embodiments, 
the shell includes at least two bags, an inner bag and at least one 
outer bag, each of which has an open end and a sealed end, connected to 
one another such that the outer bags may be inverted over the inner bag 
to cover at least a portion thereof. The modular cover element is 
formed by filling the inner bag with the projectile trapping medium and 
then inverting the outer bags to produce a multi-layer shell. In 
embodiments, the outer bags and inner bag are rotatably connected, 
permitting the outer bags to be rotated with respect to the inner bag 
such that bullet holes in the inner and outer bags no longer line up 
with each other. Several modular cover elements may be fixedly or 
releasably interconnected, preferably in a mattress-like arrangement, 
to form a bullet trap cover.
    Serial No: 10/890,846.
    Date: July 9, 2004.

    4. Title: A Method and System for Treating Contaminants and Odors 
in Airborne Emissions. A second-generation rotating biofilter employing 
microorganisms in a microbiological film (biofilm) ``mineralizes'' 
contaminants, such as VOCs and odoriferous contaminants. Contaminated 
fluid, such as air from manufacturing processes, is directed radially 
outward from a perforated pipe through porous foam attached to the 
pipe. The pipe serves as the axis upon which layers of foam suitable 
for supporting formation of biofilms are placed. In one embodiment, an 
octagonal-shaped drum incorporates eight baskets. In each basket, foam 
is layered outwardly from the pipe in trapezoidal-shaped layers each of 
approximately 3.8 cm thickness, each layer separated by air gaps of 
approximately 1.3 cm to prevent clogging. Seven layers in each of eight 
baskets comprise the octagonal drum. When the drum is sprayed on one 
side, water soaks the media and it is heavier on that side, thus 
facilitating rotation of the drum. Further, the biofilms are supplied 
with moisture and supplemental nutrients as needed.
    Serial No: 10/911,763.

[[Page 28020]]

    Date: August 4, 2004.

    5. Title: Self-Dispensing Bullet Trap Buffer Block. An additive for 
buffering a projectile trapping medium and spent projectile strapped 
therein is a buffering compound formed as a low density foamed concrete 
block that will self-dispense via fragmentation or pulverization when 
subjected to incoming fire. The block combines at least one dry 
component selected from the group consisting of low solubility 
phosphate compounds, low solubility aluminum compounds, iron compounds; 
sulfate compounds, and calcium carbonate with a cementing material, 
water, and an aqueous based foam in substantially stoichiometric 
amounts. The aqueous based foam is added in a quantity sufficient to 
adjust the density of the resulting block to be non-buoyant without 
sinking in the projectile trapping medium. The additive may be employed 
in a projectile trapping medium to chemically stabilize the medium and 
environmentally stabilize projectiles trapped therein.
    Serial No: 10/911,771.
    Date: August 4, 2004.

    6. Title: Portable System For Measuring Dynamic Pressure in Situ 
and Method of Employment Therefor. A dynamic pressure testing or 
calibration system packaged as a portable unit for characterizing 
pressure sensors, such as transducers. Embodiments are packaged for 
carry on the body, are battery-operated, compatible with existing 
transducer mounts, and quickly learned and easily used by a single 
operator. The system supplies a pre-specified impulse (pressure pulse) 
of fluid, preferably a benign gas, such as air, or an inert gas such as 
helium or nitrogen. In select embodiments, the gas pulse has a fast 
rise time and its amplitude may be varied over a pre-specified dynamic 
range. For example, the rise time may emulate that of an impulse 
created during an explosion by a resultant pressure wave, i.e., less 
than 100 microseconds. Embodiments also incorporate a data acquisition 
capability that accurately captures and records both the supplied 
impulse and the response of the sensor under test.
    Serial No: 10/991,219.
    Date: November 18, 2004.

    7. Title: An Implant and Forget Mechanism to Interact with Biota. 
An ``implant and forget'' device for interacting with biota after a 
pre-established time period. Preferably, the biota are fauna and more 
particularly fish. In select embodiments, the device comprises 
packaging enclosing means for timing interaction via opening the 
packaging. In select embodiments of the present invention, the device 
is a sealed capsule inserted in fish. Embodiments of the present 
invention are implanted in triploid grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon 
idella) to facilitate control of aquatic weeds in bodies of water. When 
the carp have been in the water for a pre-established approximate 
period of time, toxins in the device are dispensed via long term 
bioerosion of the sealed opening in the packaging. Otherwise, the carp 
may destroy all vegetation and harm the aquatic environment for other 
aquatic life. Several alternative bioerodible seal configurations are 
provided as embodiments.
    Serial No: 11/179,541.
    Date: July 13, 2005.

    8. Title: Functionality Index (F) For Use With an Engineering 
Management System (EMS). A top-down tiered process establishes an 
objective measure of the functional capacity of an asset to address a 
specified use. The process comprises: Developing Issue Categories and 
lists of functional impact Sub-issue Types and specific issues under 
each type that may impact functionality of the asset for a specified 
use; providing the list to evaluators; employing evaluators to evaluate 
functionality, evaluators assigning a numerical Severity measure to 
each Sub-issue Type present during the evaluation; recording 
occurrences of issues under each Sub-issue Type discovered, summing 
occurrences to determine a Density of each Sub-issue Type; recording 
the evaluation in one or more engineering management systems (EMS); and 
using the recorded evaluation, calculating a value to be inserted on a 
numerical scale as a functionality index, F1. In select embodiments of 
the present invention, a numerical scale is used with values from 0-
    Serial No: 11/194,655.
    Date: August 2, 2005.

    9. Title: A Process For Treating Waste From The Production of 
Energetics. A waste stream is treated in a pre-filter having media, 
preferably sand, connected below a zero-valent metal column reactor 
incorporating a metal with reducing potential, preferably elemental 
iron (FeO); the combination preferably configured as a single unit. The 
waste stream is pumped through the pre-filter to trap solids and 
deoxygenate it, then enters the reactor and is subjected to a reducing 
process. Most of the FeO is transformed to the ferrous ion (Fe +2), 
mixed with the reduced product, and fed to a continuous stirred tank 
reactor (CSTR) in which Fenton oxidation occurs. The output is then 
sent to a sedimentation tank and pH-neutralized using a strong base 
such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The aqueous portion is drawn off and 
the sludge pumped from the sedimentation tank. The system is monitored 
and controlled to optimize required additives, while monitoring of 
pressure drop across the pre-filter and column reactor establishes 
replacement requirements.
    Serial No: 11/229,441.
    Date: September 8, 2005.

    10. Title: Condition Lifecycle Mathematical Model and Process. 
Initial assumptions related to the service life of a particular item, 
such as a component section of a building, are mathematically modeled 
to construct an initial lifecycle condition relationship as condition 
index (CI) v. time. To update the model, empirical data may be input at 
any time. As modeled in an engineering management system, for example, 
inspections are performed on the item to verify actual condition with 
that predicted. Quantitative inspection data are then used to update 
the initial curve. As inspections are performed and data recorded, the 
curve is updated to accurately capture observed condition and provide 
realistic estimates of predicted condition, and expected service life. 
In select embodiments of the present invention, empirical data, such as 
that from inspections, are weighted, e.g., inspection data may be 
weighted based on type, level of detail, time in service, time since 
last inspection and the like.
    Serial No: 11/223,251.
    Date: August 2, 2005.
    11. Title: System and Method for Increasing the Bond Strength 
Between A Structural Material and its Reinforcement Agency. This 
invention involves the coating of a reinforcing material, such as a 
metal, increasing the adhesion between the material and the matrix, 
such as a cement-based mortar or concrete, in which the material is 
imbedded. In one embodiment, a glass frit mixed with a refractory 
material, such as dry Portland cement, is bonded by heat to the surface 
of the reinforcing material. The reaction of the refractory component 
when the metal is embedded in fresh mortar or concrete prevents the 
formation of soft precipitates at the interface. One embodiment 
involves mixing Portland cement with the glass frit as a coating, 
coating a steel rod and firing the coating to bond to the metal. The 
frit-refractory coating produces a strong bond between the metal and 
the concrete or mortar matrix and may significantly reduce the 
potential for the corrosion of the steel.

[[Page 28021]]

    Serial No: 11/234,184.
    Date: September 8, 2005.

Richard L. Frenette,
 [FR Doc. E6-7331 Filed 5-12-06; 8:45 am]