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CLMA provides leadership in the clinical laboratory industry supporting laboratory professionals at every stage of their career. We educate and advocate on behalf of our members and play a leadership role in enhancing the image and increasing the visibility of our profession.


CLMA Led Effort To Get Legislation Introduced To Modernize Lab Fee Schedule

The Clinical Laboratory Management Association (CLMA) and the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) applaud the leadership of Representatives Bart Stupak (D-MI) and Michael Burgess (R-TX) for introducing key legislation that will modernize the clinical diagnostic laboratory fee schedule. The Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic Fee Schedule Modernization Act of 2008 (HR 6761), which was introduced on July 31, 2008, requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to convene a negotiated rulemaking committee to develop a modernized, consensus-driven clinical laboratory fee schedule.

CLMA, with the support of ASCLS, led the effort to get HR 6761 introduced.

"The inadequacy of the current Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule has been a primary concern of CLMA because of its adverse impact on our patients, the clinical laboratory industry, and our members,” said CLMA President, JoAnne Milbourn.

Click here to read more.

Competitive Bidding is Repealed

HR 6331 is now law and the competitive bidding demonstration project for clinical laboratory services is now permanently repealed!

As anticipated, President Bush vetoed the “Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (HR 6331).” The House, however, voted 383-41, and the Senate voted 70-26, to override the veto.

CLMA joins its members and the entire laboratory community in celebrating this landmark victory!

Read the entire story by clicking here.


Major Laboratory Certification Agencies
Reach Agreement to Unite

The American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Registry and The National Credentialing Agency for Laboratory Personnel have reached an agreement on the formation of a unified credentialing agency.Read More

CDC Announces Rabies Vaccine in Short Supply

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been notified that the supply of human rabies vaccine is being used at a higher rate than expected, which may affect the near-term availability of vaccine for rabies post-exposure prophylaxis. Read More

CLMA Legislative, Association, and Education News, August 20, 2008

CLMA PAC Update, August 21, 2008

CLMA Calls for Your Lab’s Participation in the ASCP Wage & Vacancy Survey

ASCP is currently in the process of conducting the second wave of its 11 th Wage and Vacancy Survey to provide salary data and determine the extent and distribution of shortages within the nation’s clinical laboratory workforce.

CLMA Legislative, Association, and Education News, August 1, 2008

CLMA And CDC Collaborate In Pilot Study

CLMA has joined forces with The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the second phase of a pilot study to help define and identify best practices in laboratory medicine.


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