[Federal Register: March 10, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 47)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 12324-12331]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

44 CFR Part 67

[Docket No. FEMA-D-7640]

Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of 
Homeland Security.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: Technical information or comments are requested on the 
proposed Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed 
BFE modifications for the communities listed below. The BFEs are the 
basis for the floodplain management measures that the community is 
required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect 
in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the

[[Page 12325]]

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

DATES: The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second 
publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation 
in each community.

ADDRESSES: The proposed BFEs for each community are available for 
inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each 
community. The respective addresses are listed in the table below.

Identification Section, FEMA, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472, 
(202) 646-2903.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: FEMA proposes to make determinations of BFEs 
and modified BFEs for each community listed below, in accordance with 
section 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 
4104, and 44 CFR 67.4(a).
    These proposed base flood elevations and modified BFEs, together 
with the floodplain management criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are 
the minimum that are required. They should not be construed to mean 
that the community must change any existing ordinances that are more 
stringent in their floodplain management requirements. The community 
may at any time enact stricter requirements of its own, or pursuant to 
policies established by other Federal, state or regional entities. 
These proposed elevations are used to meet the floodplain management 
requirements of the NFIP and are also used to calculate the appropriate 
flood insurance premium rates for new buildings built after these 
elevations are made final, and for the contents in these buildings.

National Environmental Policy Act

    This proposed rule is categorically excluded from the requirements 
of 44 CFR part 10, Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact 
assessment has been prepared.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Mitigation Division Director certifies that this proposed rule 
is exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
because proposed or modified BFEs are required by the Flood Disaster 
Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105, and are required to establish 
and maintain community eligibility in the NFIP. As a result, a 
regulatory flexibility analysis has not been prepared.

Regulatory Classification

    This proposed rule is not a significant regulatory action under the 
criteria of Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 
1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735.

Executive Order 13132, Federalism

    This rule involves no policies that have federalism implications 
under Executive Order 13132.

Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform

    This rule meets the applicable standards of Executive Order 12988.

List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67

    Administrative practice and procedure, flood insurance, reporting 
and recordkeeping requirements.
    Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is proposed to be amended as follows:


    1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
1979 Comp., p. 376.

Sec.  67.4  [Amended]

    2. The tables published under the authority of Sec.  67.4 are 
proposed to be amended as follows:

                                                                Depth in feet
                                                                     above ground.
                                                                  *Elevation in feet
         Source of flooding                   Location           Elevation in      Communities affected
                                                                      feet (NAVD)
                                                                 Existing     Modified
                                                 NORTH CAROLINA
                                                 Harnett County
Anderson Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  103  Unincorported Areas of
                                       Lower Little River.                                Harnett County.
                                      At the confluence with          None  137  .......................
                                       North Prong Anderson
                                       Creek and South Prong
                                       Anderson Creek.
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  129  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Anderson Creek.                                    Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  136  .......................
                                       upstream of Elliott
                                       Bridge Road.
Avents Creek........................  Approximately 0.7 mile   142  141  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Harnett County.
                                       confluence with Cape
                                       Fear River.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  235  .......................
                                       upstream of Oakridge
                                       River Road.
Barbeque Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  193  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Upper Little River.                                Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 520 feet          None  280  .......................
                                       upstream of NC State
                                       Route 27.
Beaver Creek........................  At the Moore/Lee/               None  309  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Harnett County                                     Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.3 miles         None  409  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       Harnett/Moore County
Big Branch (into Barbeque Creek)....  At the confluence with          None  214  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Barbeque Creek.                                    Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  252  .......................
                                       upstream of McCormick
Big Branch (into Black River).......  At the confluence with          None  206  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Black River.                                       Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  219  .......................
                                       upstream of Johnson

[[Page 12326]]

Black River.........................  At the Harnett/                 None  139  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Cumberland County                                  Harnett County, City
                                       boundary.                                          of Dunn, Town of
                                      Approximately 2.1 miles         None  260  .......................
                                       upstream of Guy Road.
Buffalo Creek.......................  At the Harnett/Moore            None  218  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       County boundary.                                   Harnett County.
                                      At the confluence with          None  251  .......................
                                       Duncan Creek.
    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with          None  220  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Buffalo Creek.                                     Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 2.6 miles         None  276  .......................
                                       upstream of Hillmon
                                       Grove Road.
    Tributary 3.....................  At the confluence with          None  239  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Buffalo Creek.                                     Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.4 miles         None  292  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Buffalo Creek.
Buffalo Meadows Creek...............  At the confluence with          None  120  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Anderson Creek.                                    Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.3 miles         None  140  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Anderson Creek.
Buies Creek.........................  At the upstream side of         None  176  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Sheriff Johnson Road.                              Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  184  .......................
                                       upstream of Sheriff
                                       Johnson Road.
Camels Creek........................  Approximately 1.1 miles  142  143  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Harnett County.
                                       confluence with Cape
                                       Fear River.
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  245  .......................
                                       upstream of Cool
                                       Springs Road.
Cedar Creek.........................  Approximately 0.8 mile          None  198  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Cape
                                       Fear River.
                                      Approximately 2.9 miles         None  198  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Cape
                                       Fear River.
Cypress Creek (into Crane Creek)....  At the Moore/Harnett            None  228  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       County boundary.                                   Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.8 miles         None  265  .......................
                                       upstream of Cypress
Cypress Creek (into Gum Swamp)......  At the confluence with          None  239  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Gum Swamp.                                         Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.5 miles         None  307  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Lower
Daniels Creek.......................  Approximately 0.9 mile          None  148  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Harnett County.
                                       confluence with Cape
                                       Fear River.
                                      Approximately 5.8 miles         None  244  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Cape
                                       Fear River.
Dry Creek...........................  At the confluence with          None  232  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Gum Swamp.                                         Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None  249  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Gum
Duncans Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  251  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Buffalo Creek.                                     Harnett County.
                                      At the confluence with          None  265  .......................
                                       Duncans Creek
                                       Tributary 1.
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  265  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Duncans Creek.                                     Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  274  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Duncans Creek.
East Buies Creek....................  Approximately 100 feet          None  196  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream Sheriff                                   Harnett County.
                                       Johnson Road.
                                      Approximately 1.2 miles         None  205  .......................
                                       upstream of Sheriff
                                       Johnson Road.
Gum Swamp...........................  At the confluence with          None  222  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Barbeque Creek.                                    Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  281  .......................
                                       upstream of Ponderosa
Hector Creek (into Cape Fear River).  At the downstream side   135  136  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       of Christian Light.                                Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1,200             None  240  .......................
                                       feet downstream of
                                       Rawls Church Road.
Hector Creek (into Little River)....  At the Harnett/                 None  193  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Cumberland/Moore                                   Harnett County.
                                       County boundary.
                                      Approximately 1.6 miles         None  226  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       Moore County boundary.
Jumping Run Creek...................  Approximately 1.8 miles         None  141  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       downstream of the                                  Harnett County.
                                       County boundary.

[[Page 12327]]

                                      At the Reedy Swamp/             None  194  .......................
                                       McLeod Creek
Jumping Run Creek...................
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  177  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Jumping Run Creek.                                 Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.2 mile          None  199  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Jumping Run Creek
                                       Tributary 2.
    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with          None  193  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Jumping Run Creek                                  Harnett County.
                                       Tributary 1.
                                      Approximately 400 feet          None  195  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Jumping Run Creek
                                       Tributary 1.
Juniper Creek (into Black River       At the confluence with          None  191  Unincorporated Areas of
 Tributary 1).                         Juniper Creek (into                                Harnett County, City
                                       Black River).                                      of Dunn.
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  197  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Juniper Creek (into
                                       Black River).
Juniper Creek (into Black River)....  Approximately 600 feet          None  159  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Harnett County, City
                                       confluence with Black                              of Dunn.
                                      Approximately 340 feet          None  213  .......................
                                       upstream of Friendly
Kates Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None  155  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       North Prong Anderson                               Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  172  .......................
                                       upstream of Elliott
                                       Bridge Road.
Kenneth Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  202  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Neals Creek.                                       Harnett County.
                                      At the Wake/Harnett             None  256  .......................
                                       County boundary.
Lower-Little River..................  Approximately 1.1 miles         None  103  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of Mill Road.                             Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 750 feet          None  135  .......................
                                       downstream of
                                       McCormick Bridge Road
                                       (At the Harnett/
                                       Cumberland County
Lower Run...........................  At the confluence with          None  272  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Cypress Creek (into                                Harnett County.
                                       Gum Swamp.
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  338  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Cypress Creek (into
                                       Gum Swamp).
McDougald Branch....................  At the confluence with          None  234  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Cypress Creek (into                                Harnett County.
                                       Crane Creek).
                                      At the confluence with          None  249  .......................
                                       McDougald Branch
                                       Tributary 1.
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  249  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       McDougald Branch.                                  Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  274  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       McDougald Branch.
McLeans Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  136  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Upper Little River.                                Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 800 feet          None  154  .......................
                                       downstream of Thompson
McLeod Creek........................  At the confluence with          None  194  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Jumping Run Creek and                              Harnett County.
                                       Reedy Swamp.
                                      Approximately 2.8 miles         None  247  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Jumping Run Creek and
                                       Reedy Swamp.
Mill Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  152  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Avents Creek.                                      Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  183  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Avents
Mingo Swamp.........................  At the Cumberland/              None  134  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Sampson/Harnett County                             Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  255  .......................
                                       upstream of Red Hill
                                       Church Road.
Mingo Swamp.........................  At the confluence with          None  179  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Mingo Swamp.                                       Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 500 feet          None  234  .......................
                                       upstream of I-95.
Mire Branch.........................  At the confluence with          None  249  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Barbeque Creek.                                    Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  279  .......................
                                       upstream of NC State
                                       Route 87.
Muddy Creek.........................  At the Cumberland/              None  175  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Harnett County                                     Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 2.3 miles         None  244  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Muddy
                                       Creek Tributary 3.
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  186  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Muddy Creek.                                       Harnett County.

[[Page 12328]]

                                      Approximately 1.2 miles         None  222  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Muddy
    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with          None  199  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Muddy Creek.                                       Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.4 miles         None  222  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Muddy
    Tributary 3.....................  At the confluence with          None  207  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Muddy Creek.                                       Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  250  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Muddy
Neals Creek.........................  At the downstream side   131  130  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       of Route 401.                                      Harnett County.
                                      At the Wake/Harnett             None  264  .......................
                                       County boundary.
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  221  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Neals Creek.                                       Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  242  .......................
                                       upstream of Chalybeate
                                       Springs Road.
North Prong Anderson Creek..........  At the confluence with          None  137  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Anderson Creek and                                 Harnett County.
                                       South Prong Anderson
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  225  .......................
                                       upstream of Powell
                                       Farm Road.
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  152  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       North Prong Anderson                               Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  158  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with North
                                       Prong Anderson Creek.
Parker Creek........................  Approximately 0.3 miles         None  151  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Hartnett County.
                                       confluence with Cape
                                       Fear River.
                                      Approximately 3.9 miles         None  237  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Cape
                                       Fear River.
Reedy Branch........................  At the confluence with          None  237  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Cypress Creek (into                                Harnett County.
                                       Crane Creek).
                                      Approximately 1.8 miles         None  282
                                       upstream of Cypress
Reedy Swamp.........................  At the confluence with          None  194  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Jumping Run Creek and                              Harnett County.
                                       McLeod Creek.
                                      Approximately 300 feet          None  302
                                       downstream of Buffalo
                                       Lake Road.
South Prong Anderson Creek..........  At the confluence with          None  137  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Anderson Creek.                                    Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  187
                                       upstream of Bernard
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  156  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       South Prong Anderson                               Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  168
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with South
                                       Prong Anderson Creek.
Stewarts Creek......................  Approximately 100 feet          None  163  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of Ashe                                   Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 1.4 miles         None  183
                                       upstream of Ashe
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  166  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Stewarts Creek.                                    Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  184
                                       upstream of Daniels
Stony Run Tributary 1......  Approximately 500 feet          None  190  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Harnett County.
                                       confluence with Stony
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  198
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Stony
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  134  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Little River.                                      Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 0.3 mile          None  170
                                       upstream of Rambeaut
    Tributary 2.....................  Approximately 800 feet          None  175  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       downstream of Rambeaut                             Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 100 feet          None  181
                                       downstream of Rambeaut
Upper Little River..................  Approximately 300 feet          None  190  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Harnett County.
                                       confluence with Cape
                                       Fear River.
                                      At the Lee/Harnett              None  240
                                       County boundary.
Walkers Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  157  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Upper Little River.                                Harnett County.
                                      Approximately 340 feet          None  201
                                       upstream of Tim Currin
West Buies Creek....................  Approximately 1,000             None  155  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       feet upstream of East                              Harnett County.
                                       Cornelius Harnett

[[Page 12329]]

                                      Approximately 1.6 miles         None  216
                                       upstream of Sheriff
                                       Johnson Road.
City of Dunn

Maps are available for inspection at the Dunn Town Hall, 401 East Broad Street, Dunn, North Carolina.

Send comments to The Honorable John Snipes, Mayor of the City of Dunn, P.O. Box 1065, Dunn, North Carolina

Town of Angier

Maps are available for inspection at the Angier Town Hall, 55 North Broad West, Angier, North Carolina.

Send comments to The Honorable Wanda Gregory, Mayor of the Town of Angier, P.O. Box 278, Angier, North Carolina

 Unincorporated Areas of Harnett County

Maps are available for inspection at the Harnett County Planning Department, 102 East Front Street, Lillington,
 North Carolina.

Send comments to Mr. Neil Emory, Harnett County Manager, P.O. Box 759, Lillington, North Carolina 27546.
                                                  Orange County
Cates Creek.........................  Approximately 1,800      500  499  Town of Hillsborough,
                                       feet upstream of the                               Orange County
                                       confluence with Eno                                (Unincorporated
                                       River.                                             Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  660
                                       upstream of U.S.
                                       Highway 40.
    Tributary.......................  At the confluence with   596  595  Town of Hillsborough,
                                       Cates Creek.                                       Orange County
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  664
                                       upstream of Oak Ridge
Crabtree Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  539  Orange County
                                       Sevenmile Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.8 miles         None  602
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Sevenmile Creek.
Dry Creek...........................  Approximately 250 feet          None  552  Orange County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with Eno                                Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  589
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Eno
East Fork Eno River.................  Approximately 215 feet          None  628  Orange County
                                       upstream of NC 1352.                               (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 100 feet          None  668
                                       downstream of NC 86.
    Tributary 1.....................  Approximately 0.3 mile          None  595  Orange County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with East                               Areas).
                                       Fork Eno River.
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None  627
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with East
                                       Fork Eno River.
    Tributary 2.....................  Approximately 0.5 mile          None  618  Orange County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with East                               Areas).
                                       Fork Eno River.
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  655
                                       upstream of NC 1352.
Forrest Creek.......................  Approximately 200 feet          None  595  Orange County
                                       upstream of NC 57.                                 (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 125 feet          None  644  .......................
                                       upstream of Phelps
High Rock Creek.....................  Approximately 500 feet          None  561  Orange County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with Eno                                Areas).
                                      Approximately 1,500             None  640
                                       feet upstream of North
                                       Efland Cedar Grove
Lick Creek..........................  Approximately 750 feet          None  545  Orange County
                                       downstream of Gray                                 (Unincorporated
                                       Road.                                              Areas).
                                      Approximately 1,600             None  576
                                       feet upstream of Holly
                                       Ridge Road.
McGowan Creek.......................  At North Lloyds Dairy    569  567  Orange County
                                       Road.                                              (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 300 feet          None  690  .......................
                                       upstream of Frazier
Little River North Fork.............  Approximately 280 feet          None  580  Orange County
                                       upstream of NC 57.                                 (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,350             None  671  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Hester Road.
    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with          None  591  Orange County
                                       Little River North                                 (Unincorporated
                                       Fork.                                              Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None  607  .......................
                                       upstream of Gates Road.
    Tributary 3.....................  At the confluence with          None  544  Orange County
                                       Little River North                                 (Unincorporated
                                       Fork.                                              Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  564  .......................
                                       upstream of Sneed Road.
Rays Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  593  Orange County
                                       Little River South                                 (Unincorporated
                                       Fork.                                              Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None  632  .......................
                                       upstream of Wilkerson

[[Page 12330]]

Rays Creek Tributary................  At the confluence with          None  607  Orange County
                                       Rays Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  628  .......................
                                       upstream of Wilkerson
Rhodes Creek........................  Approximately 650 feet          None  448  Orange County
                                       upstream of Cornwallis                             (Unincorporated
                                       Road.                                              Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.2 miles         None  507  .......................
                                       upstream of Cornwallis
Sevenmile Creek.....................  Approximately 350 feet          None  533  Orange County
                                       upstream of Interstate                             (Unincorporated
                                       85.                                                Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  622  .......................
                                       upstream of Pender
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None  539  Orange County
                                       Sevenmile Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.5 miles         None  598  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Sevenmile Creek.
    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with          None  591  Orange County
                                       Sevenmile Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,350             None  642  .......................
                                       feet upstream of Bushy
                                       Cook Road.
Little River South Fork.............  Approximately 200 feet          None  552  Orange County
                                       upstream of NC 57.                                 (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 60 feet           None  637
                                       upstream of Hawkins
Strouds Creek.......................  Approximately 600 feet   486  485  Orange County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with Eno                                Areas).
                                      Approximately 2,000             None  660  .......................
                                       feet upstream of NC 86.
    Tributary 1.....................  Approximately 1,760             None  590  Orange County
                                       feet downstream of NC                              (Unincorporated
                                       57.                                                Areas).
                                      Approximately 1,080             None  661  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Phelps Road.
    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with   520  519  Orange County
                                       Strouds Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  575  .......................
                                       upstream of Miller
    Tributary 3.....................  At the confluence with          None  551  Town of Hillsborough,
                                       Strouds Creek.                                     Orange County
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  639  .......................
                                       upstream of NC 57.
Tributary 1 to Sevenmile Creek......  At the confluence with          None  627  Orange County
                                       Sevenmile Creek                                    (Unincorporated
                                       Tributary 2.                                       Areas).
    Tributary 2.....................  Approximately 950 feet          None  631  .......................
                                       upstream of Bushy Cook
West Fork Eno River.................  Approximately 200 feet          None  592  Orange County
                                       upstream of Efland                                 (Unincorporated
                                       Cedar Grove Road.                                  Areas).
                                      Approximately 350 feet          None  672  .......................
                                       upstream of McDade
                                       Store Road.
    Tributary 1.....................  Approximately 600 feet          None  579  Orange County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with Eno                                Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  650  .......................
                                       upstream of Harmony
                                       Church Road.
    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with          None  595  Orange County
                                       West Fork Eno River.                               (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,500             None  623  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Governor Scott Road.
    Tributary 3.....................  At the confluence with          None  643  Orange County
                                       West Fork Eno River.                               (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.7 miles         None  681
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with West
                                       Fork Eno River.
Town of Hillsborough

Maps available for inspection at the Hillsborough Town Hall, 101 East Orange Street, Hillsborough, North

Send comments to The Honorable Joe Phelps, Mayor of the Town of Hillsborough, P.O. Box 429, Hillsborough, North
 Carolina 27278.

Orange County (Unincorporated Areas)

Maps available for inspection at the Orange County Planning and Inspections Department, 306F Revere Road,
 Hillsborough, North Carolina.

Send comments to Mr. John M. Link, Jr., Orange County Manager, P.O. Box 8181, Hillsborough, North Carolina
                                                Washington County
Conaby Creek........................  Approximately 1.4 miles         None   24  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of Roosevelt                              Washington County.
                                      Approximately 1.6 miles         None   28  .......................
                                       upstream of Roosevelt
Conaby Creek Tributary..............  At the upstream side of         None   25  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Route 32.                                          Washington County.

[[Page 12331]]

                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None   31  .......................
                                       upstream of Askew Lane.
    Tributary 1.....................  Approximately 400 feet          None   10  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       downstream of Shelly                               Washington County,
                                       Drive.                                             Town of Plymouth.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None   18  .......................
                                       upstream of Roxie
                                       Reese Road.
    Tributary 1A....................  Approximately 850 feet          None   10  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Washington County,
                                       confluence with Conaby                             Town of Plymouth.
                                       Creek Tributary 1.
                                      Approximately 1.4 miles         None   11  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Conaby
                                       Creek Tributary 1.
Tributary to Conaby Creek Tributary.  Just upstream of                None   14  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Garrett Island Road.                               Washington County,
                                                                                          Town of Plymouth.
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None   14  .......................
                                       upstream of Garrett
                                       Island Road.
Welch Creek.........................  Approximately 4.7 miles         None    8  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Washington County.
                                       confluence with
                                       Roanoke River.
                                      Approximately 2.3 miles         None   13  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Welch
                                       Creek Tributary 2.
Welch Creek Tributary...............  At the upstream of Long         None   20  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Ridge Road.                                        Washington County.
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None   22  .......................
                                       upstream of Long Ridge
    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with          None    8  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Welch Creek.                                       Washington County.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None   34  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Welch
Town of Plymouth

Maps are available for inspection at the Plymouth Town Hall, 205 East Main Street, Plymouth, North Carolina.

Send comments to Mr. James Tripp, Plymouth Town Manager, P.O. Box 806, Plymouth, North Carolina 27962.

Unincorporated Areas of Washington County

Maps are available for inspection at the Washington County Permits, Inspections and Emergency Management, 120
 Adams Street, Plymouth, North Carolina.

Send comments to Mr. David Peoples, Washington County Manager, P.O. Box 1007, Plymouth, North Carolina 27962.

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood 

David I. Maurstad,
Acting Director, Mitigation Division, Federal Emergency Management 
[FR Doc. E6-3426 Filed 3-9-06; 8:45 am]