[Federal Register: September 26, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 186)]
[Page 56181-56183]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



[Notice (06-075)]

National Environmental Policy Act; Advanced Radioisotope Power 

AGENCY: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

ACTION: Notice of Availability of Final Programmatic Environmental 
Impact Statement (FPEIS) for the Development of Advanced Radioisotope 
Power Systems.


SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as 
amended (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Council on Environmental 
Quality Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA 
(40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and NASA policy and procedures (14 CFR part 
1216 subpart 1216.3), NASA has prepared and issued an FPEIS for the 
proposed development of two new types of advanced Radioisotope Power 
Systems (RPSs), the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator 
(MMRTG) and the Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG).
    The purpose of this Proposed Action is to develop advanced power 
systems, specifically the MMRTG and the SRG, that would be able to 
function in the environments encountered in space and on the surfaces 
of planets, moons, and other solar system bodies that have an 
atmosphere thus enabling a broad range of long-term space exploration 
missions. Included in this Proposed Action are NASA's long-term 
research and development (R&D) activities focused on alternative 
radioisotope power systems and power conversion technologies. The long-
term R&D activities could include, but not necessarily be limited to, 
improvements to further increase the versatility of future RPS designs, 
expanding their capability and the environments in which they can 
    The long-term R&D activities are also expected to include 
activities to develop RPS designs with smaller electrical outputs and 
efforts to reduce the mass of power conversion systems to further 
improve specific power (watts of electrical power per unit of mass). 
Such long-term R&D activities do not involve the use of radioactive 
    The only alternative to the Proposed Action considered in detail is 
the No Action Alternative, where NASA would discontinue development 
efforts for the production of the MMRTG and the SRG and would continue 
to consider the use of currently available RPSs, such as the General 
Purpose Heat Source--Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (GPHS-RTG), 
for future exploration missions. As with the Proposed Action, NASA's 
long-term R&D activities on alternative radioisotope power systems and 
power conversion technologies would continue. The Proposed Action is 
NASA's preferred alternative.

DATES: NASA will take no final action on the proposed development of 
advanced RPSs on or before October 30, 2006, or 30 days from the date 
of publication in the Federal Register of the U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency (EPA) notice of availability (NOA) of the FPEIS for 
the Development of Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems, whichever is 

ADDRESSES: The FPEIS may be viewed at the following locations:
    (a) NASA Headquarters, Library, Room 1J20, 300 E Street, SW., 
Washington, DC 20546.
    (b) NASA, NASA Information Center, Glenn Research Center, 21000 
Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44135 after contacting the Freedom of 
Information Officer (866-404-3642).
    (c) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Visitors Lobby, Building 249, 4800 
Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109.
    In addition, hard copies of the FPEIS may be examined at other NASA 
    Limited hard copies of the FPEIS are available for distribution by 
contacting Mr. David Lavery at the address, telephone number, or 
electronic mail address indicated below. The FPEIS also is available in 
Acrobat[supreg] portable document format at http://spacescience.nasa.gov/admin/pubs/rps/.
 NASA's Record of Decision (ROD) 

will also be placed on that Web site when it is issued.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. David Lavery, Planetary Science 
Division, Science Mission Directorate, Mail Suite 3T82, NASA 
Headquarters, 300 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20546-0001, telephone 
202-358-4800, or electronic mail rpseis@nasa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NASA, in cooperation with the U.S. 
Department of Energy (DOE), proposes to:
    (1) Develop in the near-term and qualify for flight two advanced 
RPSs, the MMRTG and the SRG. The MMRTG and the SRG would be able to 
satisfy a broader range of future space exploration missions than are 
currently possible with existing radioisotope power technologies 
specifically, the GPHS-RTG used on the Galileo, Ulysses, Cassini, and 
New Horizons missions. The GPHS-RTG generates

[[Page 56182]]

heat from the radioactive decay of plutonium-238 dioxide, a non-weapons 
isotope of plutonium, for conversion to electricity. The advanced RPSs 
would be capable of providing long-term, reliable electrical power to 
spacecraft and function in the environments encountered in space and on 
the surfaces of planets, moons and other solar system bodies that have 
an atmosphere (e.g., Mars, Venus, Pluto, and two moons of Saturn (Titan 
and Enceladus)). The advanced RPS designs would generate power from the 
heat given off by an enhanced version of the GPHS module used for the 
    (2) Continue NASA's long-term R&D of alternative radioisotope power 
systems and power converter technologies. The above efforts 
collectively constitute the Proposed Action, which is NASA's preferred 
alternative. The long-term R&D efforts are addressed under both the 
Proposed Action and the No Action Alternative since these efforts will 
continue irrespective of the alternative selected by NASA. Such R&D 
activities will not involve use of radioactive material.
    The MMRTG would build upon spaceflight-proven passive 
thermoelectric power conversion technology while incorporating 
improvements to allow extended operation on solar system bodies that 
have an atmosphere. Both the MMRTG and the SRG configurations, as 
proposed, would consist of three basic elements: the enhanced GPHS heat 
source, a converter, and an outer case with a heat radiator. The 
converter thermocouple that would be employed in the MMRTG has a 
history of use in diverse environments. The converter thermocouple 
design is based on the Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power (SNAP)-19 
RTG, which was used successfully on the Viking Mars Landers and the 
Pioneer spacecraft in the 1970's. For the SRG, NASA, in cooperation 
with DOE, would develop a new dynamic power conversion system based on 
the Stirling engine. The Stirling conversion system would convert the 
heat from the decay of plutonium into electrical power much more 
efficiently than the MMRTG and therefore use considerably less 
plutonium dioxide to generate comparable amounts of electrical power. 
Because the SRG would use less plutonium dioxide than the MMRTG, the 
SRG would generate less waste (excess) heat. Therefore, an SRG also may 
be beneficial for missions where excess heat would adversely impact 
spacecraft operation, but perhaps undesirable for missions where excess 
heat from the RPS is needed for warming spacecraft components.
    First used in space by the U.S. in 1961, RPSs have consistently 
demonstrated unique capabilities over other types of space power 
systems for certain applications requiring up to several hundred watts 
of electric power. Radioisotopes can also serve as a versatile energy 
source for heating and maintaining the temperature of sensitive 
electronics in space. A key advantage of using RPSs is their ability to 
operate continuously, both further away from and closer to the Sun than 
other existing space power technologies, such as batteries, solar 
arrays, and fuel cells. RPSs are long-lived, rugged, compact, highly 
reliable, and relatively insensitive to radiation and other 
environmental effects. The GPHS-RTG, used on the ongoing Cassini 
mission to Saturn and New Horizons mission to Pluto, is an RPS that is 
capable of operating in the vacuum of space; however, it has limited 
capabilities for operating on surface missions where an atmosphere is 
present. The GPHS-RTG, which was designed to operate unsealed in space 
vacuum, degrades in most atmospheres and does not provide the long-term 
operating capabilities desired for surface missions. With the 
appropriate design, such as the SNAP-19 RTG for the Viking missions, an 
RPS would have the capability to function in a wider range of surface 
conditions than the GPHS-RTG.
    The GPHS-RTG provides power in the upper 200's watts of electricity 
(We). NASA envisions the need for lower levels of electric 
power (approximately 100 We), and physically smaller power 
systems, enabling NASA to more efficiently fly smaller missions that 
require less power than that provided by the GPHS-RTG. The advanced RPS 
designs are considered modular units. Thus more than one of these 
devices could be fitted to a spacecraft for a mission requiring higher 
levels of electric power.
    The advanced RPSs would enable missions with substantial longevity, 
flexibility, and greater scientific exploration capability. Some 
possibilities are:
    (1) Comprehensive and detailed planetary investigations creating 
comparative data sets of the outer planets--Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, 
Neptune and Pluto and their moons. The knowledge gained from these data 
sets would be vital to understanding other recently discovered 
planetary systems and general principles of planetary formation.
    (2) Comprehensive exploration of the surfaces and interiors of 
comets, possibly including returning samples to Earth to better 
understand the building blocks of our solar system and ingredients 
contributing to the origin of life.
    (3) Expanded capabilities for surface and on-orbit exploration, and 
potential sample return missions to Mars and other planetary bodies to 
greatly improve our understanding of planetary processes, particularly 
those affecting the potential for life.
    NASA's long-term R&D efforts involving alternative radioisotope 
power systems and power converter technologies are on-going activities. 
These ongoing R&D activities focus on longer-term improvements to RPSs 
that are less technologically developed than the MMRTG and SRG. 
Included are technologies that increase specific power (electrical 
power output per unit mass); increase efficiencies for power conversion 
technologies; improve modularity; increase reliability, lifetime, and 
operability; and provide improved capability to operate in harsh 
environments. These advancements would provide for greater power system 
flexibility enabling use in more places in space and on certain solar 
system bodies. The R&D efforts directed at power conversion 
technologies have applicability to both radioisotope and non-
radioisotope power systems. The results of this R&D could be applied to 
improve the MMRTG or SRG design, to facilitate evolutionary RPS designs 
including designs with smaller electrical outputs using GPHSs or 
radioisotope heater units, and to improve non-radiological power 
systems. Final decisions to fabricate fueled RPSs (i.e., qualification 
units (used to demonstrate the readiness of a design for flight 
applications) and flight units)) stemming from this long-term R&D would 
be preceded by future NEPA documentation. The long-term R&D activities 
are addressed under both the Proposed Action and the No Action 
Alternative, as these efforts would continue independent of the 
alternative selected by NASA. In addition, NASA will continue to 
evaluate power systems developed independently by other organizations 
for their viability in space-based applications.
    It is anticipated that development and test activities involving 
the use of radioisotopes would be performed at existing DOE sites that 
routinely perform similar activities. DOE currently imports plutonium 
dioxide needed to support NASA activities from Russia. Radioisotope 
fuel processing and fabrication would likely occur at existing 
facilities at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos,

[[Page 56183]]

New Mexico, which are currently used for the fabrication of the fuel 
for the GPHS modules. The advanced RPS assembly and testing would 
likely be performed at Idaho National Laboratory, west of Idaho Falls, 
Idaho. Any required additional safety testing (using a non-radioactive 
fuel substitute to simulate the mechanical properties of the plutonium 
dioxide fuel) of an advanced RPS could be performed at one or more of 
several existing facilities; including DOE facilities such as LANL and 
Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, or U.S. 
Army facilities at Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) in Aberdeen, Maryland. 
Currently, DOE is considering plans to consolidate operations for the 
domestic production of plutonium at its INL facility; the NEPA process 
for this action is on-going (70 FR 38132). NASA holds no stake in the 
decision ultimately taken by DOE related to consolidation of its long-
term production of plutonium-238. NASA's Proposed Action or 
implementation of the No Action Alternative is independent of the DOE 
decision that will be made by DOE after its NEPA process is completed.
    Activities not requiring the use of radioisotopes and associated 
with the development, testing, and verification of the power conversion 
systems could be performed at several existing facilities including 
NASA facilities (such as the Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, 
Cleveland, Ohio and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 
California) and several commercial facilities (Pratt & Whitney 
Rocketdyne, Canoga Park, California; Teledyne Energy Systems, Hunt 
Valley, Maryland; and Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Denver, 
Colorado, and King of Prussia, Pennsylvania).
    The only alternative to the Proposed Action considered in detail, 
the No Action Alternative, is to discontinue MMRTG and SRG development 
efforts. NASA would continue to consider the use of available RPSs, 
such as the GPHS-RTG, for future solar system exploration missions. 
While well suited to use in space, the GPHS-RTG would have 
substantially limited application on missions to the surface of solar 
system bodies where an atmosphere is present. In addition, DOE's GPHS-
RTG production line is no longer operative, including the Silicon/
Germanium thermocouple manufacturing operations. It may be possible to 
construct a limited number of GPHS-RTGs (one or two) from existing 
parts inventories, but longer term reliance on this technology would 
require the reactivation of these production capabilities, including 
reestablishing vendors for GPHS-RTG components, which could involve a 
substantial financial investment.
    The principal near and mid-term activities associated with the 
Proposed Action and potential environmental impacts include: 
development of 100 We capable MMRTG and SRG units and demonstration of 
performance in flight qualified, fueled systems. Development of these 
systems requires component and integrated systems testing of unfueled 
units, acquisition of plutonium dioxide, fabrication of fuel, assembly 
of fueled test RPSs and safety and acceptance testing of that fueled 
RPS. Impacts from similar past activities associated with the GPHS-RTG 
used for the Galileo, Ulysses, Cassini, and New Horizons mission to 
Pluto are well understood and have been documented in past NEPA 
documents. Potential environmental impacts associated with development 
of the flight-qualified MMRTG and the SRG would be similar to those 
associated with the GPHS-RTG and are expected to be within the envelope 
of previously-prepared DOE NEPA documentation for the facilities that 
are involved in this effort.
    NASA's ongoing long-term R&D activities for alternative power 
systems and advanced power conversion technologies are small-scale, 
laboratory activities. No radioisotopes are involved and only small 
quantities of hazardous materials might be involved. The potential for 
impacts on worker health, public health, and the environment from these 
R&D activities is small.
    Actual use of an MMRTG or SRG on a specific spacecraft proposed for 
launch from any U.S. launch site (e.g., Kennedy Space Center /Cape 
Canaveral Air Force Station, Vandenberg Air Force Station) would be 
subject to mission-specific NEPA documentation. Potential integrated 
system development (i.e., full system development requiring the 
integration of the RPS converter with a radioisotope fuel source) and 
production of any new generation of space-qualified RPSs (beyond the 
MMRTG and SRG) that result from the related long-term R&D technologies 
(e.g., more efficient systems or systems producing smaller electrical 
power output), are beyond the scope of this FPEIS, and would be subject 
to separate NEPA documentation.
    The FPEIS may be examined at the following NASA locations by 
contacting the pertinent Freedom of Information Act Office:
    (a) NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035 (650-604-
    (b) NASA, Dryden Flight Research Center, P.O. Box 273, Edwards, CA 
93523 (661-276-2704).
    (c) NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, 
MD 20771 (301-286-4721).
    (d) NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058 (281-483-8612).
    (e) NASA, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 (321-867-9280).
    (f) NASA, Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681 (757-864-
    (g) NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812 (256-
    (h) NASA, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529 (228-688-2118).
    NASA formally released the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact 
Statement (DPEIS) for the Development of Advanced Radioisotope Power 
Systems for public review via publication of the EPA NOA in the Federal 
Register on January 6, 2006 (71 FR 928) and NASA's NOA in the Federal 
Register on January 5, 2006 (71 FR 625). The DPEIS was distributed in 
hardcopy and also made available electronically via the Worldwide Web 
at the address noted in the NASA NOA of the DPEIS. The DPEIS was made 
available to interested agencies, organizations, and individuals for 
review and comment. NASA received 52 written comment submissions, both 
in hard copy and electronic form, during the comment period ending on 
February 21, 2006. The comments are addressed in the FPEIS.
    Any person, organization, or governmental body or agency interested 
in receiving a hard copy of NASA's ROD after it is rendered should so 
indicate by mail or electronic mail to Mr. Lavery at the addresses 
provided above.

Olga M. Dominguez,
Assistant Administrator for Infrastructure and Administration.
 [FR Doc. E6-15764 Filed 9-25-06; 8:45 am]