[Federal Register: November 1, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 211)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 64150-64151]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



47 CFR Part 73

[DA 06-2027; MB Docket No. 06-77; RM-11324; RM-11334]

Radio Broadcasting Services; Belle Meade, TN; Burkesville, KY; 
Edinburgh, IN; Goodlettsville, Greensburg, and Henderson, TN; 
Hodgenville, KY; Hope, IN; Horse Cave, KY; Lebanon, Lebanon Junction, 
Lewisport, Louisville, Lyndon, KY; Manchester and Millersville, TN; New 
Haven, Springfield and St. Matthews, KY; Tell City and Versailles, IN

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: In response to a proposal filed jointly by Elizabethtown CBC, 
CBC of Marion County, Inc., Washington County CBC, Inc., Newberry 
Broadcasting, Inc. and Cumulus Licensing LLC and a counterproposal 
filed by CXR Holdings, LLC in this proceeding, this document granted 
multiple channel substitutions and

[[Page 64151]]

changes of community of license in Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. 
Specifically, this document substitutes Channel 294C3 for Channel 294A 
at Belle Meade, Tennessee, reallots Channel 294C3 to Millersville, 
Tennessee, and modifies the license of Station WNFN to specify 
operation on Channel 294C3 at Millersville. In order to accommodate 
Channel 294C3 at Millersville, it substitutes Channel 293A for Channel 
294A at Horse Cave, Kentucky, and modifies the license of Station WHHT 
to pecify operation on Channel 293A. It also substitutes Channel 297A 
for Channel 292A at Hodgenville, Kentucky, and modifies the license of 
Station WKMO to specify operation on Channel 297A, and substitutes 
Channel 257A for Channel 297A at Lebanon Junction, Kentucky, modifies 
the license of Station WTHX to specify operation on Channel 257A. In 
order to replace the loss of a sole local service at Belle Meade, it 
reallots Channel 246C2 from Goodlettsville, Tennessee, to Belle Meade 
and modifies the license of Station WRQQ to specify Belle Meade as the 
community of license. To avoid depriving Goodlettsville of its sole 
local service, it reallots Channel 221A from Hendersonville, Tennessee, 
to Goodlettsville, and modifies the license of Station WQQK to specify 
Goodlettsville as the community of license. To avoid the loss of the 
sole local service at Hendersonville, it substitutes Channel 259C0 for 
Channel 259C at Manchester, Tennessee, reallots Channel 259C0 to 
Hendersonville, and modifies the license of Station WWTN to specify 
operation on Channel 259C0 at Hendersonville. As requested in the CXR 
Holdings, LLC Counterproposal, it substitutes Channel 276C2 for Channel 
276A at St. Matthews, Kentucky, reallots Channel 276C2 to Lyndon, 
Kentucky, and modifies the license of Station WRKA to specify operation 
on Channel 276C2 at Lyndon. In order to accommodate the Channel 276C2 
allotment at Lyndon, it substitutes Channel 275A for Channel 276A at 
Versailles, Indiana, reallots Channel 275A to Hope, Indiana, and 
modification of the license of Station WXCH to specify operation on 
Channel 275A at Hope. To allot Channel 275A to Hope, it substitutes 
Channel 262A for Channel 275A at Edinburgh, Indiana, and modifies the 
license of Station WYGB to specify operation on Channel 262A. In order 
to accommodate the allotment of Channel 276C2 to Lyndon, it substitutes 
Channel 274A for Channel 275C3 at Tell City, Indiana, reallots Channel 
274A to Lewisport, Kentucky, and modifies the license of Station WLME 
to specify operation on Channel 274A at Lewisport. To replace the loss 
of the sole local service from St. Matthews, it reallots Channel 295B 
from Louisville, Kentucky, to St. Matthews and modifies the license of 
Station WVEZ to specify St. Matthews as the community of license. In 
order to allot Channel 276C2 at Lyndon, it substitutes Channel 289A for 
Channel 276A at Greensburg, Kentucky, and modifies the license of 
Station WGRK-FM to specify operation on Channel 289A. The reference 
coordinates for the Channel 294C3 allotment at Millersville, Tennessee, 
are 36-26-24 and 86-37-39. The reference coordinates for the Channel 
293A allotment at Horse Cave, Kentucky, are 37-13-57 and 85-52-06. The 
reference coordinates for the Channel 297A allotment at Hodgenville, 
Kentucky, are 37-40-34 and 85-40-57. The reference coordinates for the 
Channel 257A allotment at Lebanon Junction, Kentucky, are 37-44-37 and 
85-38-52. The reference coordinates for the Channel 246C2 allotment at 
Belle Meade, Tennessee, are 37-17-50 and 86-45-11. The reference 
coordinates for the Channel 221A allotment at Goodlettsville, 
Tennessee, are 37-17-50 and 86-45-11. The reference coordinates for the 
Channel 259C0 allotment at Hendersonville, Tennessee, are 35-49-03 and 
86-31-24. The reference coordinates for the Channel 276C2 allotment at 
Lyndon, Kentucky, are 38-23-57 and 85-36-56. The reference coordinates 
for the Channel 275A allotment at Hope, Indiana, are 39-19-29 and 85-
53-41. The reference coordinates for the Channel 262A allotment at 
Edinburgh, Indiana, are 39-15-37 and 86-06-21. The reference 
coordinates for the Channel 274A allotment at Lewisport, Kentucky, are 
37-47-44 and 86-50-58. The reference coordinates for the Channel 295B 
allotment at St. Matthews, Kentucky, are 38-22-19 and 85-49-33. The 
reference coordinates for the Channel 289A allotment at Greensburg, 
Kentucky, are 37-14-09 and 85-27-56. With this action, the proceeding 
is terminated.

DATES: Effective November 27, 2006.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Hayne, Media Bureau (202) 418-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a synopsis of the Report and Order 
in MB Docket No. 06-77, adopted October 11, 2006, and released October 
13, 2006. The full text of this decision is available for inspection 
and copying during normal business hours in the FCC Reference 
Information Center at Portals ll, CY-A257, 445 12th Street, SW., 
Washington, D.C. 20554. The complete text of this decision may also be 
purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, Best Copying and 
Printing, Inc. 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 
20554, telephone 1-800-378-3160 or http://www.BCPIWEB.com. The 

Commission will send a copy of this Report and Order in a report to 
Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to the 
Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).

List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73

    Radio, Radio broadcasting.

As stated in the preamble, the Federal Communications Commission amends 
47 CFR part 73 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 73 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 334, 336.

Sec.  73.202  [Amended]

2. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Allotments under Indiana, is 
amended by removing Channel 275A and by adding Channel 262A at 
Edinburgh, by adding Hope, Channel 275A, by removing Tell City, Channel 
275C3, and by removing Versailles, Channel 276A.

3. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Allotments under Kentucky, is 
amended by removing Channel 276A and by adding Channel 289A at 
Greensburg, by removing Channel 292A and by adding Channel 297A at 
Hodgenville, by removing Channel 294A and by adding Channel 293A at 
Horse Cave, by removing Channel 297A and by adding Channel 257A at 
Lebanon Junction, by adding Lewisport, Channel 274A, by removing 
Channel 295B at Louisville, by adding Lyndon, Channel 276C2, by 
removing Channel 276A and by adding Channel 295B at St. Matthews.

4. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Allotments under Tennessee, is 
amended by removing Channel 294A and by adding Channel 246C2 at Belle 
Meade, by removing Channel 246C2 and by adding Channel 221A at 
Goodlettsville, by removing Channel 221A and by adding Channel 259C0 at 
Hendersonville, and by removing Manchester, Channel 259C and by adding 
Millersville, Channel 294C3.

Federal Communications Commission.
John A. Karousos,
Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau.
[FR Doc. E6-18404 Filed 10-31-06; 8:45 am]