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Environmental Management Program

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Department Environmental Manager Contact Information

Point of Contact for Questions:
Genevieve Walker
Environmental Manager
Energy, Safety, and Environment Division
U.S. Department of Commerce
Tel:  (202) 482-2345
Fax: (202) 482-1969

The Environmental Manager provides Departmental policy, oversight, and strategic planning in the areas of environmental management.  Services include coordinating the implementation of government-wide programs for the environmental compliance program and providing technical advice and assistance to Department of Commerce (DOC) leadership and operating units; developing procedures to implement DOC related policies and objectives; managing DOC programs for environmental compliance and improvement; coordinating departmental responsibilities for issues concerning environmental compliance; coordinating submission of special and recurring reports; and serving as the liaison to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE), and other Federal agencies and laboratories on environmental matters.



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