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The Federal Lands Highway Technology Program

The Federal Lands Highway Technology Program evaluates new highway technology that will improve the quality and efficiency of the Federal Lands Highway Program and its delivery systems within the highway community. The program provides solutions that are sensitive to agency needs, improve agency efficiency, and improve the quality of transportation projects. This is accomplished through engaging our partners and customers to play an active role in the program. The program enables technology transfer between Federal Land Management agencies, tribal governments, FHWA Resource Centers, RD&T, and the transportation industry. Goals of the program include: developing, evaluating, and implementing new highway technologies, field testing and demonstrating new technologies; providing engineering assistance; and sharing and documenting results with the transportation community.

Coordinated Federal Lands Highway Technology Implementation Program (CTIP).

The Coordinated Technology Implementation Program (CTIP) is a coordinated and cooperative technology development and sharing program among the Federal Lands Highway and agencies participating in the Federal Lands Highway Program (FLHP).

CTIP Projects

Technology projects related to transportation networks on Federal public.


For more information on the Technology Development program contact the Office of Federal Lands Highway at (202) 366-9478, or (202) 366-9494 or by email to


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