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Wage and Hour Division (WHD)

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Wage and Hour Division - To promote and achieve compliance with labor standards to protect and enhance the welfare of the nation's workforce.

Press Releases

U.S. Department of Labor
Wage and Hour Division
Release Number: 24


Feb. 14, 2002


Deanne Amaden


(415) 975-4741


U.S. Labor Department Sues Two Saipan Garment Firms for Unpaid Wages

SAN FRANCISCO -- The U.S. Department of Labor has filed a federal lawsuit charging two Saipan garment-manufacturing companies with violating federal wage law and underpaying workers. The firms have resisted federal efforts to collect the back wages which were first calculated two years ago.

The complaints filed in U. S. District Court in Saipan on January 31, 2002, charge Mariana Fashions and Express Manufacturing, Inc., with violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act, including failure to pay overtime pay.

The two complaints seek that the court restrain the companies from violating the overtime pay and other provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, that they be ordered to pay overtime wages owed to 601 current and former employees, and that the companies be assessed damages equal to the amount of the overtime wages not paid when earned.

The back wages, and any additional liquidated damages, will compensate employees for work performed during the two years ending in April 1999. Since that time, both firms have delayed paying the back wages, and have been in negotiations with the Wage and Hour Division to have the computed amounts reduced.

"We are committed to protecting every worker within the scope of our jurisdiction from exploitation," said Wage and Hour Regional Administrator George Friday in San Francisco." Hopefully, the lawsuit will prompt the recovery of not only the back wages, but also some additional liquidated damages for these low wage workers, some of whom are owed wages earned five years ago."

The investigations of both companies were conducted by the Wage and Hour field office in Saipan headed by Donna Hart. In addition to its enforcement efforts, the agency provides information and education programs to inform employers of their rights and responsibilities in order to foster understanding and compliance. The Saipan field office may be reached at 670-233-0740.


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