Title 34--Education


TEXT PDF75.1 Programs to which part 75 applies.
TEXT PDF75.2 Exceptions in program regulations to part 75.
TEXT PDF75.4 Department contracts.
TEXT PDF75.50 How to find out whether you are eligible.
TEXT PDF75.51 How to prove nonprofit status.
TEXT PDF75.60 Individuals ineligible to receive assistance.
TEXT PDF75.61 Certification of eligibility; effect of ineligibility.
TEXT PDF75.62 Requirements applicable to entities making certain awards.
TEXT PDF75.100 Publication of an application notice; content of the notice.
TEXT PDF75.101 Information in the application notice that helps an applicant apply.
TEXT PDF75.102 Deadline date for applications.
TEXT PDF75.103 Deadline date for preapplications.
TEXT PDF75.104 Applicants must meet procedural rules.
TEXT PDF75.105 Annual priorities.
TEXT PDF75.109 Changes to application; number of copies.
TEXT PDF75.112 Include a proposed project period and a timeline.
TEXT PDF75.117 Information needed for a multi-year project.
TEXT PDF75.118 Requirements for a continuation award.
TEXT PDF75.119 Information needed if private school students participate.
TEXT PDF75.125 Submit a separate application to each program.
TEXT PDF75.126 Application must list all programs to which it is submitted.
TEXT PDF75.127 Eligible parties may apply as a group.
TEXT PDF75.128 Who acts as applicant; the group agreement.
TEXT PDF75.129 Legal responsibilities of each member of the group.
TEXT PDF75.155 Review procedures if State may comment on applications: Purpose of 75.156-75.158.
TEXT PDF75.156 When an applicant under 75.155 must submit its application to the State; proof of submission.
TEXT PDF75.157 The State reviews each application.
TEXT PDF75.158 Deadlines for State comments.
TEXT PDF75.159 Effect of State comments or failure to comment.
TEXT PDF75.190 Consultation.
TEXT PDF75.191 Consultation costs.
TEXT PDF75.192 Dissemination.
TEXT PDF75.200 How applications for new grants and cooperative agreements are selected for funding; standards for use of cooperative agreements.
TEXT PDF75.201 How the selection criteria will be used.
TEXT PDF75.209 Selection criteria based on statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF75.210 General selection criteria.
TEXT PDF75.211 Selection criteria for unsolicited applications.
TEXT PDF75.215 How the Department selects a new project: purpose of 75.216-75.222.
TEXT PDF75.216 Applications not evaluated for funding.
TEXT PDF75.217 How the Secretary selects applications for new grants.
TEXT PDF75.218 Applications not evaluated or selected for funding.
TEXT PDF75.219 Exceptions to the procedures under 75.217.
TEXT PDF75.220 Procedures the Department uses under 75.219(a).
TEXT PDF75.221 Procedures the Department uses under 75.219(b).
TEXT PDF75.222 Procedures the Department uses under 75.219(c).
TEXT PDF75.230 How the Department makes a grant; purpose of 75.231-75.236.
TEXT PDF75.231 Additional information.
TEXT PDF75.232 The cost analysis; basis for grant amount.
TEXT PDF75.233 Setting the amount of the grant.
TEXT PDF75.234 The conditions of the grant.
TEXT PDF75.235 The notification of grant award.
TEXT PDF75.236 Effect of the grant.
TEXT PDF75.250 Project period can be up to 60 months.
TEXT PDF75.251 The budget period.
TEXT PDF75.253 Continuation of a multi-year project after the first budget period.
TEXT PDF75.260 Allotments and reallotments.
TEXT PDF75.261 Extension of a project period.
TEXT PDF75.262 Conversion of a grant or a cooperative agreement.
TEXT PDF75.263 Pre-award costs; waiver of approval.
TEXT PDF75.264 Transfers among budget categories.
TEXT PDF75.500 Federal statutes and regulations on nondiscrimination.
TEXT PDF75.511 Waiver of requirement for a full-time project director.
TEXT PDF75.515 Use of consultants.
TEXT PDF75.516 Compensation of consultants--employees of institutions of higher education.
TEXT PDF75.517 Changes in key staff members.
TEXT PDF75.519 Dual compensation of staff.
TEXT PDF75.524 Conflict of interest: Purpose of 75.525.
TEXT PDF75.525 Conflict of interest: Participation in a project.
TEXT PDF75.530 General cost principles.
TEXT PDF75.531 Limit on total cost of a project.
TEXT PDF75.532 Use of funds for religion prohibited.
TEXT PDF75.533 Acquisition of real property; construction.
TEXT PDF75.534 Training grants--automatic increases for additional dependents.
TEXT PDF75.560 General indirect cost rates; exceptions.
TEXT PDF75.561 Approval of indirect cost rates.
TEXT PDF75.562 Indirect cost rates for educational training projects.
TEXT PDF75.563 Restricted indirect cost rate--programs covered.
TEXT PDF75.564 Reimbursement of indirect costs.
TEXT PDF75.580 Coordination with other activities.
TEXT PDF75.590 Evaluation by the recipient.
TEXT PDF75.591 Federal evaluation--cooperation by a grantee.
TEXT PDF75.592 Federal evaluation--satisfying requirement for grantee evaluation.
TEXT PDF75.600 Use of a grant for construction: Purpose of 75.601-75.615.
TEXT PDF75.601 Applicant's assessment of environmental impact.
TEXT PDF75.602 Preservation of historic sites must be described in the application.
TEXT PDF75.603 Grantee's title to site.
TEXT PDF75.604 Availability of cost-sharing funds.
TEXT PDF75.605 Beginning the construction.
TEXT PDF75.606 Completing the construction.
TEXT PDF75.607 General considerations in designing facilities and carrying out construction.
TEXT PDF75.608 Areas in the facilities for cultural activities.
TEXT PDF75.609 Comply with safety and health standards.
TEXT PDF75.610 Access by the handicapped.
TEXT PDF75.611 Avoidance of flood hazards.
TEXT PDF75.612 Supervision and inspection by the grantee.
TEXT PDF75.613 Relocation assistance by the grantee.
TEXT PDF75.614 Grantee must have operational funds.
TEXT PDF75.615 Operation and maintenance by the grantee.
TEXT PDF75.616 Energy conservation.
TEXT PDF75.617 Compliance with the Coastal Barrier Resources Act.
TEXT PDF75.618 Charges for use of equipment or supplies.
TEXT PDF75.620 General conditions on publication.
TEXT PDF75.621 Copyright policy for grantees.
TEXT PDF75.622 Definition of ``project materials.''
TEXT PDF75.626 Show Federal support; give papers to vest title.
TEXT PDF75.650 Participation of students enrolled in private schools.
TEXT PDF75.681 Protection of human research subjects.
TEXT PDF75.682 Treatment of animals.
TEXT PDF75.683 Health or safety standards for facilities.
TEXT PDF75.700 Compliance with statutes, regulations, and applications.
TEXT PDF75.701 The grantee administers or supervises the project.
TEXT PDF75.702 Fiscal control and fund accounting procedures.
TEXT PDF75.703 Obligation of funds during the grant period.
TEXT PDF75.707 When obligations are made.
TEXT PDF75.708 Prohibition of subgrants.
TEXT PDF75.720 Financial and performance reports.
TEXT PDF75.730 Records related to grant funds.
TEXT PDF75.731 Records related to compliance.
TEXT PDF75.732 Records related to performance.
TEXT PDF75.740 Protection of and access to student records; student rights in research, experimental programs, and testing.
TEXT PDF75.900 Waiver of regulations prohibited.
TEXT PDF75.901 Suspension and termination.
TEXT PDF75.903 Effective date of termination.
TEXT PDF75.910 Cooperation with audits.

