Funding Status


Appropriation: $66,454,399
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 55 (states and outlying areas)
Estimated Average Award: $1,097,416
Estimated Range of Awards: $29,460 - $7,213,753


Appropriation: $82,282,760
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Estimated Average Award: $1,358,867
Estimated Range of Awards: $41,418 - $9,377,969


Appropriation: $99,000,000
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Estimated Average Award: $1,597,544
Estimated Range of Awards: $45,886 - $11,860,068


Appropriation: $225,094,720
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 52
Estimated Average Award: $4,308,101
Estimated Range of Awards: $1,120,106 - $31,402,432


Appropriation: $246,909,587
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 52
Estimated Average Award: $4,308,101
Estimated Range of Awards: $1,120,106 - $31,402,432


Appropriation: $248,375,000
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 52
Average Award: $4,308,101
Range of Awards: $1,120,106 - $31,402,432


Appropriation: $250,000,000


Appropriation: $250,000,000


Appropriation: $150,000,000

Note: Funds are awarded to SEAs on the basis of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Title I, Part A, formula. SEAs award subgrants to local partnerships on a competitive basis. The appropriation amounts shown above include funds for the state grants, as well as for Even Start grants to the outlying areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) and for the set-asides for the Migrant Education Program-Even Start (see # 84.214A, under topical heading "Migrant Education") and Even Start Family Literacy Program Grants for Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations (seee # 84.258, also under topical heading "Reading"). The statute also authorizes a grant to a women's prison and, in years in which the appropriation increases over the previous year, the statute also authorizes $1 million for competitive grants to states for Even Start Statewide Family Literacy Initiatives (# 84.314B).

Last Modified: 09/12/2008