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Learning in Action - A Success Story

Burger and Fries, Please Hold the Smoke

Imagine not being able to eat at your favorite restaurant or go bowling with your friends—all because of the tobacco smoke (or secondhand smoke) in the air from people smoking cigarettes, pipes, or cigars.

This is what Mike* faced. He has asthma, and because of tobacco smoke, he couldn’t eat at restaurants or enjoy his favorite hobbies in public places. At each of these places, people smoked and that irritated Mike’s lungs so much, it made it difficult for him to breathe.

Mike then decided to learn more about the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

Using the Internet, he discovered the dangers caused by secondhand smoke. He also learned that of the 1,500 restaurants in his home town, fewer than 10 percent were smoke-free. This left Mike with few places to enjoy good food.

Mike decided to take action. He started a campaign in his community to make public places frequently visited by children and young adults smoke-free.

He named his project KIS—Keep It Smoke-free. He designed a logo, created a slogan, KIS for Kids, and made a presentation to his school principal and teacher with the hopes of gaining their support. After hearing Mike’s plan, they were more than willing to pitch in and help.

Working closely with his principal and teacher, Mike educated his fellow students on the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, and met with community leaders and even the local newspaper.

Due in part to Mike’s actions, his city joined the many cities across the country in passing a law banning smoking in all public places.

Now Mike is breathing easier when he goes to his favorite restaurants.

This is just one story of how someone tried to change the world around him. Now read on and think about how you can help, too!

* This is a fictional character…but you can make it real!

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