[Federal Register: March 9, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 46)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 10928-10936]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

49 CFR Part 571

[Docket No. NHTSA-2003-17140]
RIN 2127-AI88

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Child Restraint Systems

AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 
Department of Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: In response to a petition from a child restraint manufacturer, 
the agency issued an interim final rule published on October 22, 2002, 
and amended on November 28, 2003, adopting a temporary provision 
permitting the manufacture of harnesses for use on a school bus that 
attach to a school bus seat back. Harnesses and other types of child 
restraints are otherwise generally prohibited by the standard from 
having any means designed for attaching the system to a vehicle seat 
back. The provision is set to terminate on September 1, 2004.
    This final rule eliminates the termination date for that provision, 
thus extending indefinitely the permission for manufacture of the 
harnesses. The harnesses must bear a warning label informing users that 
the harness must be used only on school bus seats, and that the entire 
seat directly behind the child wearing the seat-mounted harness must be 
either unoccupied or occupied by restrained passengers.

DATES: Effective Date: The amendments made in this rule are effective 
on September 1, 2004. Petitions: Petitions for reconsideration must be 
received by April 23, 2004.

ADDRESSES: Petitions for reconsideration, identified by DOT DMS docket 
number of this notice, should be submitted to: Administrator, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh St., SW., 
Washington, DC 20590.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The following persons at the National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC, 20590:
    For technical issues: Mr. Tewabe Asebe, Office of Rulemaking, NVS-
113, telephone (202) 366-2365, facsimile (202) 493-2739.
    For legal issues: Mr. Christopher Calamita, Office of Chief 
Counsel, NCC-112, telephone (202) 366-2992, facsimile (202) 366-3820.


Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Background
III. Public Comments
IV. Response to Comments
V. Final Rule
VI. Rulemaking Analysis and Notices

I. Introduction

    This document permanently adopts the interim amendments to Federal 
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 213, Child restraint systems 
(49 CFR 571.213), which excluded properly labeled harnesses 
manufactured for use on school bus seats from the prohibition in that 
standard against child restraints that are designed to attach to a 
vehicle seat back. A harness restraint system consists primarily of 
flexible material, such as straps, webbing or similar material, and 
that does not include a rigid seating structure for the child.
    (FMVSS No. 213 uses the term ``harness'' in specifying requirements 
for this type of child restraint system. We consider the terms ``vest'' 
and ``harness'' to be interchangeable. However, in this preamble we use 
the term ``harness'' to maintain consistency with the regulatory 
language. However, we re-emphasize our belief that the terms are 

II. Background

    On October 22, 2002, NHTSA published an interim final rule to 
permit the temporary manufacture of harnesses designed to attach to 
school bus seats. (67 FR 64818; Interim Rule). The Interim Rule was 
adopted to facilitate the transportation of preschool and special needs 
children and to relieve the restriction imposed by FMVSS No. 213 for 
the new school year.
    The Interim Rule responded to a petition for rulemaking from 
Constance S. Murray (Petitioner), president of E-Z-On Products, Inc. 
(E-Z-On), requesting that NHTSA amend the prohibition against seat-
mounted harnesses in S5.3.1 of FMVSS No. 213 in order to allow their 
manufacture and sale for use in school buses. S5.3.1 provides:

    (e)xcept for components designed to attach to a child restraint 
anchorage system, each add-on child restraint system shall not have 
any means designed for attaching the system to a vehicle seat 
cushion or vehicle seat back and any component (except belts) that 
is designed to be inserted between the vehicle seat cushion and 
vehicle seat back.

    The petition was submitted in response to an agency interpretation 
letter in which we determined that a product with straps that ``wrap 
the seat back and are independent of the seat belt'' was subject to 
FMVSS No. 213 and

[[Page 10929]]

that such a product did not meet the standard's prohibition against 
child restraints that attach to the vehicle seat back.\1\ Petitioner 
submitted documentation of the current usage of seat-mounted harnesses 
in school buses along with accounts of crashes in which a seat-mounted 
harness was used and that there were no injuries reported or described. 
Subsequent to NHTSA's receipt of the petition, a number of pupil 
transporters wrote identical ``petitions'' to NHTSA in support of the 
E-Z-On petition.

    \1\ See agency interpretation letter to Kathy Durkin (Hold Me 
Tight Products), August 31, 2001. In that letter NHTSA discussed 
S5.3.1. The letter explained that child restraints are prohibited 
from attaching to the vehicle seat back because they will load the 
seat back in a crash. The seat back might not be able to withstand 
the additional load applied to it by an attached, occupied child 
restraint. NHTSA concluded the letter by stating that child 
restraints that are designed to attach to a vehicle seat back do not 
meet S5.3.1.

    The Interim Rule amended FMVSS No. 213 to exclude harnesses 
manufactured and sold for use on school bus seats from the prohibition 
in S5.3.1, thereby permitting the manufacture and sale of seat-mounted 
harnesses for pupil and Head Start transportation. NHTSA stated that it 
believed that permitting the manufacture and sale of seat-mounted 
harnesses for use on school buses would enhance the safe transportation 
of preschool and special needs children, provided that certain 
conditions were met to ensure that the seat back would not be 
overloaded in a collision and subject to failure. To prevent such 
failure, the entire seat directly rearward of a child restrained in a 
seat-mounted harness must remain vacant or occupied by restrained 
passengers. Under the Interim Rule, the agency required that harnesses 
manufactured on or after February 1, 2003, must bear a permanent 
warning label, set forth in Figure 12 of the standard, in order to be 
excluded. The label must be placed on the part of the restraint that 
attaches the harness to the vehicle seat back, and must be visible when 
the harness is installed. It must contain a pictogram and the following 
statement: ``WARNING! This restraint must only be used on school bus 
seats. Entire seat directly behind must be unoccupied or have 
restrained occupants.''
    The label must state that the restraint is manufactured for use 
only on ``school bus seats'' rather than on ``school buses.'' The 
reference in the Interim Rule to ``school bus seats'' accommodates the 
possible use of seat-mounted harnesses on alternate vehicles, as 
defined by the Department of Health and Human Services final rule 
published on January 18, 2001, which are not school buses, but which 
have school bus seats (66 FR 5296). A school bus seat is a seat in a 
vehicle that meets FMVSS No. 222, School bus seating and crash 
protection (49 CFR Sec.  571.222).
    The Interim Rule also added a definition of ``harness'' to the 
standard. The definition of a harness is ``a combination pelvic and 
upper torso child restraint system that consists primarily of flexible 
material, such as straps, webbing or similar material, and that does 
not include a rigid seating structure for the child.'' As noted 
previously, we consider the term ``harness,'' to be interchangeable 
with the term ``vest,'' which is commonly used to describe seat-mounted 
    The Interim Rule made several other amendments to FMVSS No. 213 
relating to the exclusion. It amended S5.3.2 and an accompanying table 
specifying the means of attachment by which a harness must be capable 
of meeting the requirements of FMVSS No. 213. The table in S5.3.2 was 
modified to provide that harnesses designed for use on school bus seats 
must be capable of meeting the requirements when attached to the seat 
back by a seat mount. The Interim Rule also amended the table to 
S5.1.3.1(a) of the standard, which specifies the head and knee 
excursion requirements that add-on forward-facing child restraints must 
    In addition, the dynamic test procedures of the standard were 
amended to specify procedures for testing seat-mounted harnesses. Up to 
that time, the procedures had reflected attachment of add-on child 
restraints by a lap belt, lap belt and tether, lap and shoulder belt, 
and child restraint anchorage system. Seat-mounted harnesses are not 
attached by those means. Accordingly, S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(A) and 
S6.1.2(d)(1)(ii) were revised to include specifications appropriate for 
the manner in which seat-mounted harnesses are attached.
    NHTSA determined that it was in the public interest to make the 
changes effective immediately on an interim basis until December 1, 
2003. We also requested comments on the Interim Rule and on whether to 
amend the standard permanently. The termination date was subsequently 
extended until September 1, 2004. (68 FR 66741; November 28, 2003.)

III. Public Comments

    The agency received 100 comments on the Interim Rule, including 
comments from state departments of education, school transportation 
associations, public and independent school districts, school bus 
transportation facilities, school bus operators, Head Start programs, 
individuals employed in the pupil transportation industry, physical 
therapists, child restraint manufacturers, the University of Michigan 
Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI), the American Academy of 
Pediatrics, and a certified child passenger safety technician. A large 
majority of the 100 commenters supported adopting a permanent exclusion 
for harnesses manufactured and sold for use on school bus seats from 
the prohibition against such a design.
    While there was general support for the interim rule becoming 
permanent, some commenters raised concerns regarding the warning label 
text and placement. They were particularly concerned with the 
requirement for the label to contain the following statement: ``Entire 
seat directly behind must be unoccupied or have restrained occupants.'' 
Comments were also received on the use of the harnesses on non-lap-belt 
ready school bus seats and on the specific test conditions of the 
    Ten comments were received in opposition to extending the exception 
adopted in the Interim Rule. Several of these comments raised issues 
not related to the design or use of the harness, such as excessive 
vehicle speed and school bus driver fatigue, and as such were beyond 
the scope of the rulemaking. The relevant opposing comments cited 
concerns about the effects of harness use on evacuation, use 
difficulties (e.g., children pulling on excess webbing and 
unwillingness of students to remain restrained), and the potential for 
false charges of sexual abuse arising from school bus operators 
securing the harness crotch straps.

A. Warning Label--Seating Configuration

    Several commenters objected to or had concerns about the labeling 
requirement as adopted in the Interim Rule. James Fey, North Florida 
Child Development, Inc., Montgomery County Schools Department of 
Transportation, Earl Henry, and Robin Melton stated that because the 
warning directs that the seat behind the harness-restrained child 
remain vacant or contain a restrained individual, more buses would be 
required to transport the same number of children. Montgomery County 
Schools Department of Transportation also commented that, in the past, 
there had not been any issue with

[[Page 10930]]

unrestrained children sitting directly behind harness-restrained 
    Robin Melton asked that the agency consider a ``size of child'' 
stipulation for this warning, possibly amending the warning language to 
state that unrestrained students between the grades of kindergarten 
through second grade could be seated directly behind a safety harness-
restrained child. Several commenters asked for clarification of the 
term ``restrained passenger.''
    UMTRI commented that the warning requirement is based on the 
results of severe frontal impact test conditions that are unlikely to 
occur in the foreseeable future for school bus transportation. UMTRI 
argued that the warning not to place any unrestrained children behind 
safety harness-restrained children is inappropriate and unreasonable.

B. Warning Label--Required Language

    UMTRI commented that the warning label should be changed from, 
``Warning! This restraint must only be used on school bus seats. * * 
*'' to, ``Warning! This restraint must only be used on school buses 
when installed by attaching to the seatback. * * *'' UMTRI stated that 
the current language assumes that harnesses cannot be installed in a 
more conventional manner (one not requiring a seat-mount for 
attachment) that complies with the current FMVSS No. 213.

C. Other Warning Label Issues

    Some commenters stated that the warning label should be placed on 
the ``cam wrap'' and not the harness. Peter J. Grandolfo, Chicago 
Public Schools, suggested that a warning label should also be placed in 
a conspicuous spot on the bus interior to advise personnel on the safe 
use of harnesses.
    E-Z-On suggested that CRS manufacturers provide a similar warning 
concerning unrestrained occupants on rear-facing child systems that 
would be installed on school bus seats. E-Z-On stated that rear-facing 
seats required similar warning labels because ``in a dynamic situation, 
infant seats are designed to move towards the seat back, while the back 
of a school bus seat is designed to flex forward.'' E-Z-On also 
suggested that currently used seat-mounts should have a warning label.

D. Lap-Belt-Ready School Buses

    One commenter requested that the final rule distinguish between 
school bus seats and lap-belt-ready school bus seats. The commenter 
stated that because of additional forces placed on the school bus seat 
by a harness that attaches to a seat back, such a harness could only be 
used safely on a lap-belt-ready school bus seat.

E. Test Conditions

    Q'Straint commented that the resultant acceleration limits at the 
location of the upper thorax be reviewed due to the difficulties in all 
harnesses meeting the requirement of S5.1(b) of FMVSS No. 213. 
Q'Straint also suggested utilizing a regular FMVSS No. 222 approved 
school bus seat for testing harnesses instead of the FMVSS No. 213 
bench seat, stating that this would be more representative of real 
world usage.
    E-Z-On commented that tightening the tension of the seat-mount 
strap to not less than 53.5 N and not more than 67 N, as required by 
the Interim Rule, could affect the dynamic performance resulting in 
failure. E-Z-On suggested that the range be expanded from 67 N to 132 
N. Because installation instructions for the seat-mounted harness 
require the seat-mount strap be tightened as much as possible, E-Z-On 
argued that the 67 N minimum would be more representative of actual 

F. Emergency Evacuation and Use Difficulties

    Three commenters raised concern with the potential impact of 
harness use on school bus evacuation time. Commenters raised the 
possibility that more time may be required to remove a child from a 
safety harness than from other types of child restraints. One commenter 
stated, ``[W]e have timed a [sic] evacuation drill and it approximately 
takes the driver and aide 12 minutes to get all children unfasten [sic] 
and off [sic] bus to safety. We believe that is too long.''
    One of these commenters expressed concern about the potential for 
excess webbing to hang off the portion of the restraint that attaches 
to the seat back. She stated that other children could possibly pull on 
the excess webbing and injure the child secured in the harness. A 
different commenter expressed concern that children would choose not to 
stay in the restraints.

F. Use of Crotch Straps

    One individual commented that the use of crotch straps on the 
harnesses might result in mistaken claims of sexual abuse against those 
individuals fastening children in the harnesses. This commenter was 
particularly concerned with children unable to fasten themselves and 
who required adult assistance. However, a separate individual stated 
that in practical use, this problem had not been encountered.

IV. Response to Comments

    A majority of the commenters supported making no changes to the 
provisions adopted in the Interim Rule. Even among commenters who 
raised issues with specific portions of the rule, there was a general 
consensus that child restraint systems that attach to the seat back and 
are manufactured and sold for the exclusive use on school bus seats 
should be permitted.

A. Warning Label--Seating Configuration

    The portion of the warning label stating that the seat directly 
behind the harness-restrained child should either remain unoccupied or 
be occupied only by restrained passengers attracted the most comments. 
Representatives from child transportation organizations, schools, and 
individuals were concerned that this warning would necessitate an 
increase in the number of school buses because of the loss of seating 
positions. UMTRI commented that this language was based on severe 
frontal impacts that are not representative of real world crashes.
    The agency is adopting the warning language as it exists in the 
Interim Rule. This labeling requirement was based on data that showed 
an increase in the head injury criteria (HIC) values of a harness 
restrained HII-3-year-old test dummy (HII-3YO) seated in front of an 
unrestrained 50th percentile male test dummy. In testing, when 
unrestrained 50th percentile male test dummies were seated directly 
behind restrained HII-3YOs, the HIC values for three of the four HII-
3YOs were above the limit set forth in S5.1.2 of FMVSS No. 213. The 
high HIC values were a result of overloading of the seat back during a 
frontal crash by unrestrained passengers seated behind it. This danger 
is magnified when a mix of special needs and pre-K to 12th grade 
students with varied weight distributions are transported on a single 
bus. As reflected in comments by Earl Henry and Mark E. Wagstaff, some 
Headstart programs coordinate transportation with the local school 
districts. This creates a potential for children of disparate sizes 
(pre-K and high school students) to be seated on the same bus. Also, as 
pointed out in comments from Terri Wontrobski, adult bus monitors might 
sit behind harness-restrained children. Seating a large, full grown 
unrestrained 12th grader directly behind a seat-mounted-harness-
restrained pre-K student could result in forces on the seat back in a 
crash that would generate a HIC value above the allowable limit for the 

[[Page 10931]]

student, potentially resulting in injuries to that pre-K student.
    From some of the comments received, it appears that there is a 
misunderstanding as to the meaning of the warning. The warning does not 
direct that the seat directly behind the harness-restrained child 
remain empty. The warning states that this seat should remain 
unoccupied or occupied only by restrained passengers. As we have 
previously explained in the preamble to the Interim Rule and in a 
subsequent interpretation letter,\2\ the term ``restrained'' refers to 
the use of any type of user appropriate vehicle restraint or child 
restraint system. This includes lap belts, lap and shoulder belts, 
booster seats, child seats, and harnesses.

    \2\ See agency interpretation letter to Ms. Lori Crouzillat (E-
Z-ON Products, Inc.), March 13, 2003.

    Robin P. Melton asked the agency to establish a ``child size'' 
threshold for the warning. In general, we agree that an unrestrained 6-
year-old seated directly behind a harness-restrained 3-year old child 
may not cause the severe injury measurements that might occur if an 
adult equal in size to the 50th percentile male sat behind the 3-year-
old. However, the agency does not have the data or resources to 
determine a threshold weight limit below which it would be safe to 
place an unrestrained student directly and immediately behind a 
harness-restrained student. Even if the agency were able to determine 
such a threshold, it could confuse the warning and make it less 
effective. Further, a weight threshold could prove impractical to 
follow because such a warning would necessitate vehicle operators and 
caregivers determining the weight of each child being seated in the 
school bus seats.
    UMTRI commented that the test procedures used to justify the 
warning language were not representative of crashes experienced by 
school buses. As stated in the preamble to the Interim Rule, the test 
conditions represented a 30 mile-per-hour (mph) small school bus crash 
with a vehicle of comparable mass traveling at the same speed. These 
crash conditions take into account the fact that harness-restrained 
children will be transported on small school buses and multifunction 
school activity buses.\3\ So long as school children are transported in 
smaller vehicles with school bus seats, there is a likelihood for crash 
conditions similar to those used in our testing. The warning language 
reflects the agency's commitment to protect all students transported in 
all school buses, including those transported in small school buses.

    \3\ A multifunction school activity bus is defined as a school 
bus whose purposes do not include transporting students to and from 
home or school bus stops. 49 CFR 571.3(b). (68 FR 44892; July 31, 

    NHTSA anticipates that any loss of seating space resulting from 
following the warning language will be negligible. We agree with 
comments submitted by Robert W. Markwardt, in which he states that seat 
loss can be minimized by optimizing seating patterns. By optimizing 
seating patterns, harnesses can be used while nearly maintaining the 
current occupant levels on school buses.

B. Warning Label--Required Language

    The warning label limits the use of harnesses to school bus seats. 
UMTRI recommended that the warning language be amended to state, in 
part, ``Warning! This restraint must only be used on school buses when 
installed by attaching to the seatback. * * * This change, UMTRI 
argues, would reflect that some safety harnesses might be able to be 
installed in a more conventional manner, and thus be used on vehicle 
seats other than school bus seats.
    The current label language is intended to discourage the use of 
seat-mounted harnesses on non-school bus seats. FMVSS No. 222, School 
bus passenger seating and crash protection, imposes seat back strength 
requirements on school bus seats that seats for other types of vehicles 
are not required to meet. In a crash, a non-school bus seat back might 
not be able to withstand the additional load applied to it by an 
attached, occupied child restraint.
    If a manufacturer designs a harness that either attaches to the 
seat back or to the seat belt assembly, the warning label would only be 
required on the portion of the harness that attaches to the seat back. 
For a restraint that could be installed in a more conventional manner 
as well as with the seat wrap, the label's prominence would be reduced 
when the restraint was installed by the more conventional means. 
Further, the current warning language helps ensure that use of 
harnesses is limited to their intended use on school bus seats.

C. Other Warning Label Issues

    The warning labels are required to be placed on the part of the 
restraint that attaches the harness to the vehicle seat back and must 
be visible when installed. Comments were received requesting that the 
text of the warning require the label to be placed on the ``seat-
mount.'' The ``seat-mount'' is the part of the restraint that attaches 
the restraint to the seat back. However, not all manufacturers may use 
the term ``seat-mount'' (e.g., the E-Z-On cam wrap). The rule language 
is written in general terms so as to be understood by all 
    Peter J. Grandolfo requested that the final rule require a warning 
label to be placed in the interior of school buses in order to educate 
transportation personnel. We agree with Mr. Grandolfo that it is 
important for all school bus operators to know about the safe uses of 
these harnesses. However, a label on every bus would serve no purpose 
in most situations, since the harnesses are not usually used in school 
buses. Accordingly, the agency is not mandating the label. If a State 
or individual district wanted to require such a label in its school 
buses, it may do so.
    E-Z-On suggested that rear facing child seats used in school buses 
and all harness restraints currently in use be provided with similar 
warning labels. First, unlike a rear facing child seat, a harness 
restraint that attaches to the seat back of a school bus transfers the 
entire load of the occupant to the seat back. A rear facing child 
restraint attaches to the bus by means of a lap belt or LATCH and does 
not transfer a load to the seat back. The harness restraint thus 
presents a unique situation that NHTSA believes needs to be addressed 
by this label. Second, NHTSA does not have legal authority to mandate 
labels for seat mounts already in service. However, the agency believes 
that the label information is important for all seat mounted restraints 
and strongly encourages manufacturers to send labels voluntarily to 
owners of seat mounts that were manufactured prior to the label 

D. Lap-Belt-Ready School Buses

    This final rule makes no distinction between harness restraint use 
on lap-belt-ready school bus seats and school bus seats that are not 
lap-belt-ready. Bill Hanson from the Billings Montana Head Start 
program raised concern that school bus seats that are not lap-belt-
ready may not be able to withstand the additional loading from the seat 
    The agency is not aware of any problem with the real world usage of 
harnesses on non-seat-belt-ready seats. However, the agency is aware of 
seat failures during laboratory testing of harnesses with non-seat-
belt-ready seats. Therefore, we continue to recommend the use of seat-
belt-ready seats when transporting a child in any child restraint on a 
school bus. (See Guideline for the Safe Transportation of Pre-school 
Age Children in School Buses.) We note that some States already require 
that all child restraint

[[Page 10932]]

systems used in school buses must be used on seats that meet the 
requirements of FMVSS No. 210.

E. Test Conditions

    S5.1.2(b) of FMVSS No. 213 requires that seat mounted harnesses:

    Limit the resultant acceleration at the location of the 
accelerometer mounted in the test dummy upper thorax as specified in 
part 572 to not more than 60 g's, except for intervals whose 
cumulative duration is not more than 3 milliseconds.

    While Q'Straint stated that there might be a problem in meeting 
this requirement, it did not provide any data to support its claim. Our 
testing of school bus harnesses has not shown a problem meeting this 
requirement and we have no knowledge of such a problem from other 
sources. As such, this document does not amend this provision of the 
    Q'Straint further suggested that that the testing procedure utilize 
an FMVSS No. 222 approved school bus seat. While use of a school bus 
seat may be more representative of real world usage, we are maintaining 
the use of an FMVSS No. 213 bench seat. Incorporating an FMVSS No. 222 
school bus seat into the test procedure would require further testing 
to be performed and would need to be addressed through a separate 
rulemaking. At this time, we have no indication that the performance of 
the school bus harness would be different on an FMVSS No. 213 bench 
seat versus an FMVSS No. 222 school bus seat.
    E-Z-On recommended changing the tightening tension requirements for 
testing the seat-mounted harnesses in order to replicate the tighter 
tensions recommended in the installation instructions. We are currently 
not aware of any data showing that the current tightening tension range 
negatively affects the performance of the restraint. Further, E-Z-On 
did not provide any data to support their request for a higher upper 
bound tightening range (67 N to 132 N). Therefore, we are not making 
revisions to the procedures as set forth in the Interim Rule.
    Q'Straint requested a change to the table to S5.1.3.1(a) indicating 
the installation method by which a restraint must meet the applicable 
requirements. The commenter suggested that for a harness labeled per 
S5.3.1(b)(1) through S5.3.1(b)(3) and Figure 12, the figure should 
indicate seat back mount and child restraint anchorage system. FMVSS 
No. 213 does not require harnesses to be capable of attaching to a 
child restraint anchorage system (see S5.9(a)). Since the table 
specifies only the mandated methods of attachment, the change has not 
been made.

F. Emergency Evacuation and Use Difficulties

    The agency is aware that use of seat-mounted harnesses may increase 
evacuation time for school buses. Rhonda E. Smith commented that in an 
evacuation drill in which students were restrained in harnesses, the 
evacuation time was 12 minutes. However, Ms. Smith did not provide 
details of the drill, such as the number of children in the bus, number 
of adult monitors or aides, bus size, number of children restrained by 
harnesses, etc. We are unable to determine if this drill was 
representative of real world scenarios. Further, there has been no 
indication that evacuation time has been a problem for those buses 
using the seat-mounted harnesses. If emergency evacuation were to 
become a problem, it would be better addressed on a case-by-case basis 
by the school districts and school bus transportation industry. Plus, 
if evacuation time were to be determined a problem, harness usage could 
be supplemented with alternative devices for transporting special needs 
students and pre-K students that are recommended by the agency's 
``Guideline for the Safe Transportation of Pre-school Age Children in 
School Buses.''
    Ms. Smith and Amy Nelson also raised concerns about the potential 
for difficulties arising from the use of the harnesses. Ms. Smith 
argued that other children might pull on the excess webbing on the seat 
wrap and Ms. Nelson stated that children might choose not to remain 
restrained in the harnesses. The agency notes that commenters who have 
had experience in using the harness, including Wayne Clutter of the 
West Virginia Department of Education and Dee Jay Jennings of the 
Killeen Independent School District, did not cite such difficulties. 
Further, if such difficulties were to arise, other transportation 
options are available, such as forward facing child seats.

F. Use of Crotch Straps

    Crotch straps prevent children from sliding forward in their seats, 
helping to prevent injuries in crash situations. Ms. Smith voiced 
concern that the process of caregivers restraining children with crotch 
straps may result in erroneous sexual abuse claims because of 
incidental contact with the child. In response to Ms. Smith's comment, 
Michelle Lupo commented that her staff has taught the children to get 
the crotch strap through their legs by themselves minimizing the need 
for staff to fasten the crotch straps and alleviating these types of 
    The December 2002 issue of Transporting Students with Disabilities 
(Volume 13) stated that crotch straps do not appear to be an issue with 
parents and school bus transportation service providers and recognized 
the benefits from using the crotch straps. The issue cited a court case 
in which a Federal district judge for the Eastern District of 
Pennsylvania ruled that a lawsuit could proceed against a school 
district and special care facility, in which a special needs student 
was strangled after apparently being improperly restrained in a four 
point harness (without a crotch strap). See, Susavage v. Bucks County 
Schools Intermediate Unit No. 22, 2002 U.S. Dist. Lexis 1274 (E.D. Pa. 
January 22, 2002).\4\

    \4\ It has been reported that the lawsuit was settled in favor 
of the student's parents for $3.6 million dollars. See Elliot 
Grossman, Parties settle school bus strangulation case; disabled 
Quaker girl's death led districts to change policies, Allentown 
Morning Call, August 19, 2003.

    Based on the benefits of the crotch strap and its reported 
acceptance by parents, we are maintaining the crotch strap requirement 
in S5.4.3.4(b).

V. Final Rule

    This final rule excludes harnesses manufactured and sold for use on 
school bus seats from the prohibition in FMVSS No. 213 against child 
restraints that mount to a vehicle seat back. The regulation as set 
forth in the October 2002 Interim Rule, which temporarily sanctioned 
the manufacture and sale of seat-mounted harnesses for pupil and Head 
Start transportation, is adopted indefinitely. The devices must bear a 
permanent warning label to be excluded. See Figure 12, infra. The label 
must be placed on the part of the restraint that attaches the harness 
to the vehicle seat back, and must be visible when the harness is 
installed. It must contain a pictogram and the following statements: 
``WARNING! This restraint must only be used on school bus seats. Entire 
seat directly behind must be unoccupied or have restrained occupants.'' 
The reference in today's rule to ``school bus seats'' accommodates the 
possible use of seat-mounted harnesses on multifunction school activity 
buses as defined in Sec.  571.3(b) and alternate vehicles as defined by 
the Department of Health and Human Services. A school bus seat is a 
seat in a vehicle that meets FMVSS No. 222, ``School Bus Seating and 
Crash Protection'' (49 CFR 571.222).
    To implement the exclusion, a definition of ``harness'' is added to 
the standard. The definition of a harness is

[[Page 10933]]

``a combination pelvic and upper torso child restraint system that 
consists primarily of flexible material, such as straps, webbing or 
similar material, and that does not include a rigid seating structure 
for the child.'' In developing the definition, we considered the 
definition of a Type 3 seat belt assembly that FMVSS No. 209 once 
had.\5\ The definition was as follows: ``a combination pelvic and upper 
torso restraint for persons weighing not more than 50 pounds or 23 
kilograms and capable of sitting upright by themselves, that is 
children in the approximate range of 8 months to 6 years.'' As noted 
previously, we consider the term ``harness,'' to be interchangeable 
with the term ``vest,'' which is commonly used to describe seat-mounted 

    \5\ The definition was removed in 1981, when the requirements 
for child harnesses were moved to Standard No. 213.

    This rule also makes several other amendments to FMVSS No. 213 
relating to the exclusion. The table to S5.1.3.1(a), which specifies 
the head and knee excursion requirements, is amended to include 
requirements for harnesses for use on school bus seats. The table to 
S5.3.2 is amended to indicate that harnesses labeled per S5.3.1(b)(1) 
through S5.3.1(b)(3) and Figure 12 must meet the relevant requirements 
of the standard when attached with a seat mount back.
    In addition, the dynamic test procedures of the standard are 
amended to specify procedures for testing seat-mounted harnesses. The 
procedures had reflected attachment of add-on child restraints by a lap 
belt, lap belt and tether, lap and shoulder belt, and child restraint 
anchorage system. Seat-mounted harnesses are not attached by those 
means. Accordingly, S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(A) and S6.1.2(d)(1)(ii) are revised 
to include specifications appropriate for the manner in which seat-
mounted harnesses are attached.
    This rule also amends FMVSS No. 213 by adding a requirement 
(S5.6.1.11) that the printed instructions accompanying these harnesses 
must include the warning statement: ``WARNING! This restraint must only 
be used on school bus seats. Entire seat directly behind must be 
unoccupied or have restrained occupants.'' The purpose of this 
requirement is to increase the likelihood that the seat back will not 
be overloaded during a frontal crash by the forward movement of 
unrestrained passengers who were sitting in the seat immediately behind 
the child restrained in a harness. As explained above, the term 
``restrained'' refers to the use of any type of user appropriate 
vehicle restraint or child restraint system. This includes lap belts, 
lap and shoulder belts, booster seats, child seats, and harnesses.

VI. Rulemaking Analysis and Notices

A. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures

    NHTSA has considered the impact of this rule under Executive Order 
12866 and the Department of Transportation's regulatory policies and 
procedures. This rulemaking document was not reviewed under E.O. 12866, 
``Regulatory Planning and Review.'' This action has been determined to 
be ``nonsignificant'' under the Department of Transportation's 
regulatory policies and procedures. The agency concludes that the 
impacts of the amendments are so minimal that preparation of a full 
regulatory evaluation is not required. The rule will not impose any new 
requirements or costs on manufacturers, but instead will permit 
manufacturers to produce a type of harness if the harness bears a label 
regarding how the restraint should be used.

B. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    NHTSA has considered the impacts of this rulemaking action under 
the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). I certify that 
the amendment will not have a significant economic impact on a 
substantial number of small entities. The rule will not impose any new 
requirements or costs on manufacturers, but instead will permit 
manufacturers to produce a type of harness, a seated-mounted harness, 
if the harness bears a label regarding how the restraint should be 
used. We anticipate that the seat-mounted harnesses will be sold to 
school districts and to other pupil transportation providers. NHTSA has 
learned of the existence of two manufacturers, both of which are small 
businesses. The agency believes that this rule will not have a 
significant impact on these businesses. Adding a warning label to a 
harness strap will cost approximately eight cents per harness. Since 
the cost of the label is minimal, purchasers will not be substantially 
affected by the rule.

C. Paperwork Reduction Act

    Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, a person is not required 
to respond to a collection of information by a Federal agency unless 
the collection displays a valid OMB control number. This document does 
not establish any new information collection requirements.

D. National Environmental Policy Act

    NHTSA has analyzed this amendment for the purposes of the National 
Environmental Policy Act and determined that it will not have any 
significant impact on the quality of the human environment.

E. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)

    Executive Order 13132 requires NHTSA to develop an accountable 
process to ensure ``meaningful and timely input by State and local 
officials in the development of regulatory policies that have 
federalism implications.'' ``Policies that have federalism 
implications'' is defined in the Executive Order to include regulations 
that have ``substantial direct effects on the States, on the 
relationship between the national government and the States, or on the 
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
government.'' Under Executive Order 13132, the agency may not issue a 
regulation with Federalism implications, that imposes substantial 
direct costs, and that is not required by statute, unless the Federal 
government provides the funds necessary to pay the direct compliance 
costs incurred by State and local governments, or the agency consults 
with State and local officials early in the process of developing the 
proposed regulation. NHTSA may also not issue a regulation with 
Federalism implications and that preempts State law unless the agency 
consults with State and local officials early in the process of 
developing the proposed regulation.
    The agency has analyzed this rulemaking action in accordance with 
the principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 13132 and has 
determined that it does not have sufficient federalism implications to 
warrant consultation with State and local officials or the preparation 
of a federalism summary impact statement. The rule will have no 
substantial effects on the States, or on the current Federal-State 
relationship, or on the current distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various local officials.

F. Executive Order 12778 (Civil Justice Reform)

    This rule does not have any retroactive effect. Under section 49 
U.S.C. 30103, whenever a Federal motor vehicle safety standard is in 
effect, a state may not adopt or maintain a safety standard applicable 
to the same aspect of performance which is not identical to the Federal 
standard, except to the extent that the state requirement

[[Page 10934]]

imposes a higher level of performance and applies only to vehicles 
procured for the State's use. Section 49 U.S.C. 30161 sets forth a 
procedure for judicial review of final rules establishing, amending or 
revoking Federal motor vehicle safety standards. That section does not 
require submission of a petition for reconsideration or other 
administrative proceedings before parties may file suit in court.

G. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act

    Section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement 
Act of 1995 (NTTAA), Public Law 104-113, section 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272) 
directs us to use voluntary consensus standards in regulatory 
activities unless doing so would be inconsistent with applicable law or 
otherwise impractical. Voluntary consensus standards are technical 
standards (e.g., materials specifications, test methods, sampling 
procedures, and business practices) that are developed or adopted by 
voluntary consensus standards bodies, such as the Society of Automotive 
Engineers (SAE). The NTTAA directs us to provide Congress, through OMB, 
explanations when we decide not to use available and applicable 
voluntary consensus standards.
    The agency searched for, but did not find any voluntary consensus 
standards relevant to this final rule.

H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) 
requires Federal agencies to prepare a written assessment of the costs, 
benefits, and other effects of proposed or final rules that include a 
Federal mandate likely to result in the expenditure by State, local, or 
tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of more 
than $ 100 million in any one year (adjusted for inflation with base 
year of 1995). Before promulgating a rule for which a written statement 
is needed, section 205 of the UMRA generally requires NHTSA to identify 
and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives and adopt 
the least costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative 
that achieves the objectives of the rule. The provisions of section 205 
do not apply when they are inconsistent with applicable law. Moreover, 
section 205 allows NHTSA to adopt an alternative other than the least 
costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative if the 
agency publishes with the final rule an explanation why that 
alternative was not adopted.
    This final rule will not impose any unfunded mandates under the 
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. This rule will not result in 
costs of $100 million or more to either State, local, or tribal 
governments, in the aggregate, or to the private sector. Thus, this 
rule is not subject to the requirements of sections 202 and 205 of the 

I. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)

    The Department of Transportation assigns a regulation identifier 
number (RIN) to each regulatory action listed in the Unified Agenda of 
Federal Regulations. The Regulatory Information Service Center 
publishes the Unified Agenda in April and October of each year. You may 
use the RIN contained in the heading at the beginning of this document 
to find this action in the Unified Agenda.

J. Privacy Act

    Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all comments 
received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual 
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf 
of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT's 
complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on 
April 11, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 70; Pages 19477-78) or you may visit 

List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 571

    Motor vehicle safety, Reporting and recordkeeping requirement, 


In consideration of the foregoing, NHTSA amends 40 CFR part 571 as set 
forth below.
1. The authority citation for Part 571 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322, 30111, 30115, 30117 and 30166; 
delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50.

2. Section 571.213 is amended by:
(a) Amending S4 by adding, in alphabetical order, a definition of 
(b) Revising the ``Table to S5.1.3.1(a)--Add-On Forward-Facing Child 
Restraints'', and revising S5.3.1 and S5.3.2 (including the table in 
(c) Adding S5.6.1.11;
(d) Revising S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(A) and S6.1.2(d)(1)(ii); and
(e) Adding Figure 12 at the end of Sec.  571.213.
    The revised and added sections read as follows:

Sec.  571.213  Standard No. 213; Child restraint systems.

* * * * *
    S4. Definitions.
* * * * *
    Harness means a combination pelvic and upper torso child restraint 
system that consists primarily of flexible material, such as straps, 
webbing or similar material, and that does not include a rigid seating 
structure for the child.
* * * * *
    S5.1.3.1 * * *

                          Table to S5.1.3.1(a)--Add-On Forward-Facing Child Restraints
                                                                                       Explanatory note: In the
                                                                                        test specified in 2nd
                                                                                     column, the child restraint
 When this type of child restraint        is tested in       these excursion limits    is attached to the test
                                        accordance with--             apply          seat assembly in the manner
                                                                                     described below, subject to
                                                                                          certain conditions
Harnesses, backless booster seats    S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(A)....  Head 813 mm;..........  Attached with lap belt; in
 and restraints designed for use by                          Knee 915 mm...........   addition, if a tether is
 physically handicapped children.                                                     provided, it is attached.
Harnesses labeled per S5.3.1(b)(i)   S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(A)....  Head 813 mm;..........  Attached with seat back
 through S5.3.1(b)(iii) and Figure                           Knee 915 mm...........   mount.
Belt-positioning seats.............  S6.1.2(a)(1)(ii)......  Head 813 mm;..........  Attached with lap and
                                                             Knee 915 mm...........   shoulder belt; no tether
                                                                                      is attached.
All other child restraints,          S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(B)....  Head 813 mm;..........  Attached with lap belt; no
 manufactured before September 1,                            Knee 915 mm...........   tether is attached.
All other child restraints,          S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(B)....  Head 813 mm;..........  Attached with lap belt; no
 manufactured on or after September                          Knee 915 mm...........   tether is attached.
 1, 1999.

[[Page 10935]]

                                     S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(D)                              Attached to lower
                                      (beginning September                            anchorages of child
                                      1, 2002).                                       restraint anchorage
                                                                                      system; no tether is
                                     S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(A)....  Head 720 mm;..........  Attached with lap belt; in
                                                             Knee 915 mm...........   addition, if a tether is
                                                                                      provided, it is attached.
                                     S6.1.2(a)(1)(i)(C)                              Attached to lower
                                      (beginning September                            anchorages of child
                                      1, 2002).                                       restraint anchorage
                                                                                      system; in addition, if a
                                                                                      tether is provided, it is

* * * * *
    S5.3.1 Add-on child restraints shall meet either (a) or (b), as 
    (a) Except for components designed to attach to a child restraint 
anchorage system, each add-on child restraint system must not have any 
means designed for attaching the system to a vehicle seat cushion or 
vehicle seat back and any component (except belts) that is designed to 
be inserted between the vehicle seat cushion and vehicle seat back.
    (b) Harnesses manufactured for use on school bus seats must meet 
S5.3.1(a) of this standard, unless a label that conforms in content to 
Figure 12 and to the requirements of S5.3.1(b)(1) through S5.3.1(b)(3) 
of this standard is permanently affixed to the part of the harness that 
attaches the system to a vehicle seat back. Harnesses that are not 
labeled as required by this paragraph must meet S5.3.1(a).
    (1) The label must be plainly visible when installed and easily 
    (2) The message area must be white with black text. The message 
area must be no less than 20 square centimeters.
    (3) The pictogram shall be gray and black with a red circle and 
slash on a white background. The pictogram shall be no less than 20 mm 
in diameter.
    S5.3.2 Each add-on child restraint system shall be capable of 
meeting the requirements of this standard when installed solely by each 
of the means indicated in the following table for the particular type 
of child restraint system:

                                                                    Table for S5.3.2
                                                                                            Means of installation
                                                                                                       Child restraint
       Type of add-on child restraint system         Type 1 seat belt       Type 1 seat belt          anchorage system       Type II seat belt    Seat
                                                         assembly        assembly plus a tether    (effective September 1,       assembly         back
                                                                          anchorage, if needed              2002)                                 mount
Harnesses labeled per S5.3.1(b)(1) through          ..................  ........................  ........................  ..................        X
 S5.3.1(b)(3) and Figure 12.......................
Other harnesses...................................  ..................                        X
Car beds..........................................                  X
Rear-facing restraints............................                  X   ........................                        X
Belt-positioning seats............................  ..................  ........................  ........................  ..................        X
All other child restraints........................                  X                         X                         X

* * * * *
    S5.6.1.11 For harnesses that are manufactured for use on school bus 
seats, the instructions must include the following statements:
    ``WARNING! This restraint must only be used on school bus seats. 
Entire seat directly behind must be unoccupied or have restrained 
occupants.'' The labeling requirement refers to a restrained occupant 
as: an occupant restrained by any user appropriate vehicle restraint or 
child restraint system (e.g. lap belt, lap and shoulder belt, booster, 
child seat, harness . . .).
* * * * *
    S6.1.2 Dynamic test procedure.
    (a) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (i) * * *
    (A) Install the child restraint system at the center seating 
position of the standard seat assembly, in accordance with the 
manufacturer's instructions provided with the system pursuant to 
S5.6.1, except that the standard lap belt is used and, if provided, a 
tether strap may be used. For harnesses that bear the label shown in 
Figure 12 and that meet S5.3.1(b)(1) through S5.3.1(b)(3), attach the 
harness in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions provided 
with the system pursuant to S5.6.1, i.e., the seat back mount is used.
* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (ii) All Type I belt systems used to attach an add-on child 
restraint system to the standard seat assembly, and any provided 
additional anchorage belt (tether), are tightened to a tension of not 
less than 53.5 N and not more than 67 N, as measured by a load cell 
used on the webbing portion of the belt. All belt systems used to 
attach a harness that bears the label shown in Figure 12 and that meets 
S5.3.1(b)(i) through S5.3.1(b)(iii) are also tightened to a tension of 
not less than 53.5 N and not more than 67 N, by measurement means 
specified in this paragraph.
* * * * *

[[Page 10936]]


    Issued on: March 3, 2004.
Jeffrey W. Runge,
[FR Doc. 04-5168 Filed 3-8-04; 8:45 am]